
Day 26 unbelievable nausea today almost called out sick today I just had get myself to the airport and act like a body on the plane Just to get through the day.

Was using an aromatherapy inhaler to help with the nausea and on top of that its super turbulent which did not help.

Heard the captain talk about hunting made me disgusted he can actually shoot a gun and kill an animal…wish I could shoot him lets see how he feels.

Such hard a time breathing with a mask…I was wonder of its the sparkling water and green tea making me feel nausea…I’m not even drinking much water even.

Found the apple cider vinegar made me hungrier…i thought it was suppose to curb appetite.


This keto breath is brutal…how do I mask it when I see Alex for the first time.

I hope the corona vaccine is not mandatory which they are talking about…I would rather fast


How long did you wait before each extended fast?

Everyone’s different but I’m drinking nothing but sparkling water on my fast & no problems in spite of my stomach. Sipping it is important I think.

I stopped the tea & coffee completely during my fast. I read there is something in tea that can cause nausea on an empty stomach.

I wouldn’t sweat the keto breath. As bad as it seems to you its not that way for others. Just prep as you would normally to see Alex😃

Been there. Sounds like you are having a detox episode. You just have to grin and bear it.

BTW, fasting strengthens the immune system but I’d still take the vaccine when it becomes available.

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Day 27 woke up super hungry…had to drink water asap to stave off the hunger. I should probably stop watching the keto vegan cooking channels but fascinates by all the things you can nlw make

Feeling weak today so I didnt do cardio…just did weighted workout and abs

Could not sleep…my sleep has been out of whack and my period too!
Now I’m sleepy on the flight already

I’m taking this online course and for some reason I don’t have the mental capacity to concentrate…sometimes I just want to sit like a vegetable or the information is not being absorbed

Heard the most terrible news today and went completely numb…I wanted to reach for a bag of anything to numb the hurt and pain to disconnect from my self and body.
I started crying on the plane but hid so no-one could see my tears.
I kept reminding myself to breathe and that I was strong and I can feel my emotions and I can survive it.
I would hurt myself more if I broke my fast this way and how much I would regret it and I would be in double the pain being so close to my 30 day goal. You never know what life is going to throw you…keep sending your positive thoughts and prayers
Why do I feel bloated when there’s nothing in my stomach and why do I still have my period ???!!! Wah😭


It’s the way life is in that it will always test you to see if you’re committed. Hang in there, I’m with you!

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Day 28 just like that 30 days is almost over now I’m getting anxious overtime and watching the hours which I should stop cause its making it slower

Reading the refers stories n worried about the weight coming back…

I was thinking if doing miso soup with steamed veggies first day…I read somewhere no raw salads or vegetables …I’m afraid to have avocados and nut butters like on the refers thread feels heavy…maybe a smoothie or yoghurt or nooatmeal porridge ?

Still feeling nausea…still have my period…fasting through my whole cycle off…

Got a cardio workout in with weights

So weird the skin around my belly is super itchy…not sure why

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I can’t help you on ReFeed because I have a cast iron stomach.

However, a friend of mine posted a ReFeed Guide for Vegetarians/Vegans that Yas endorses:

Hope this helps!

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Day 29 even drinking of sips of water is a challenge…my stomach gets so full so fast, even hard to stomach electrolytes…
My ears and voice are still echoing like underwater…my mom is super worried and wants me to go to the doctor. Maybe because I was flying a lot. Hopefully once I start refeeding it will go away. My period finally stopped…15 days that’s a first! But finally.

My mom baked my vegan keto birthday cake which I will be taking to Austin to celebrate!

Neither my mom or Alex know I’ve been doing a water fast! So I have to come off it consciously. At least I have all the dinners frozen my mom prepared for me :joy:

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Thanks so much!! Helpful and I joined the facebook refeed page! Are you on it?

Wish I had a cast iron steel stomach

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I know Terry its terrible how society has robbed us of our given right of health and hoodwinked by these money hungry companies. We have to do our job and share this knowledge. All those monetary kickbacks and drug incentives which are true in fact that they receive. So much deception and lies

Yes. I’ve started a FB post to document my stats for my upcoming 21-day fast starting tomorrow. Yas asked me to start my Daily Journal early so the FB folks could link to it., so here it is if you are interested. FB is the overview and the DJ will have the detailed daily entries:


I just read your journal start to finish. I started journaling yesterday. I am finishing up day 2 of 21. Thank you for your transparency and vulnerability. I can’t tell you how helpful this was to me.

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Hi Maryann awwww thanks for reading! Yes journaling helps and so many tools out there for success…I can’t believe 30 days is done would do 40 but bday vacay…pray for me I keep it under control…:joy:reach out if you need any support or questions

Just be conscious of your breath as in keep breathing and get up slowly! I passed out once in which I actually thought I died!

I’m shocked at how much nausea I feel…trying to figure out how to alleviate that on my next fast…sleep was terrible…I don’t think I’ve gotten one good night’s rest during this whole fast and then I get so sleepy during the day like I’m trying to pack and all I want to is go back to sleep.
Will write more later…

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I went through the same experience on my 40-day. Your body is going through major adjustments right now.

You mean sleep deprived or nausea? Did it go away during refeed or next fast? It is even hard to drink water


The sleep deprivation is due to these 2 reasons:

  1. A percentage of your metabolism is used to digest food and store excess carbohydrates into glycogen and fat. That energy is freed up during a fast

  2. The brain runs better on ketones than glucose.

Because of these 2 factors I run on about 4 to 5 hours of sleep during a fast. For me the best thing is I’m no longer drowsy when I wake up, I’m instantly alert.

The nausea is from acetone (a ketone) and a cause of ketone breath and residual toxins left from when toxins are processed and expelled through your breath and your urine. During my 40-day I puked 3 times liquid from my stomach. All 3 times I felt instantly better.

HOWEVER, during my last two 21-day fasts I found that having black coffee w/stevia in the morning and herbal tea in the afternoon eliminated the nausea and the Keto breath. I didn’t do coffee and the tea during the 40-day as I only drank water for a specific medical reason that no longer applied on succeeding fasts.

Hope this helps!


I just watched that same video about that woman yesterday. I know sugar is poison but am addicted to it. But on keto I no longer cared about sugar. When I break my fast I will have to be careful not to fall into bad habits again.

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I’m curious, but have you considered the option of NOT exercising so your body can use its energy resources to heal? I’m a newbie and all, but I decided, based on what I have researched, that exercising can wait. No judgement, just a thought about your nausea. :heart:

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