
You are the best​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:thank you!!!

I tried not exercising but it was the only thing that made me feel better and cleared my mind…read Alipio post about sleep and nausea above …fascinating…I did LISTEN to my body…when I was tired I rested…it felt good to move around and get the lymph system going

Also its even hard to drink water in the beginning I was drinking glasses now I take sips…looking forward to refeed tomorrow entering day 30 today!!

I am a newbie too…first extended fast

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I hope you will continue to post. I’m interested in how the refeed and what you accomplish next.

Also excercising helps with the nausea!

Day 30…5 hours away from my first meal of miso soup with soft veggies…on the plane to Austin…
I made Alex keto vegan soft tacos, tortillas and a vegan omelette…none or which I taste tested. Lol I’m trying to put my game face cause again I didn’t get much sleep but I’m supposed to be an energizer bunny.

Nausea still persists. This morning I heard my heart beating in my ears rapidly.
Still echoing in my ears a little bit.

Looking forward to nature and spending time with Alex. We have 8 years of history together …I hope we can start afresh and not let our old wounds and triggers come back. Since covid I feel more peaceful and introspective…guess happens when you’re in your late 40’s and Alex is still in his early 30s


Day 1 Refeed
Made a homemade soup with ginger, miso, shallots, lemon and cilantro in Pea protein broth With tons of veggies like cauliflower rice, broccoli, mushrooms and collard greens…had a bowl and it was filling then went for a walk.

Of course Alex mentioned my keto breath…no way to hide that!!! No matter how much tongue scraping and brushing my teeth…

Enjoying vacation so far!!


How is the nausea? Are you starting to feel better?

Day 2 Refeed
No nausea today! Feeling better…had 16 oz lemon water first thing…did a short ab and dance routine to start my day.

Alex made me a magnesium drink I think I should take only half the serving cause I woke up a little groggy!

Headed to the awesome farmers market today.

Really paying attention to Alex and our dialogue so I can stay present. Amazing all the the details I had forgotten because I was too busy being an entepreneur.

Making macadamia nut cheese, lupin hummus and falafel today so far!


Day 4,5,6 Refeed
Been carried away haven’t been posting…eating mostly veggies and making things with lupin flour

Been exercising everyday…afraid to gain the weight back …wanting to work on toning…hard on vacation

Keeping keto and vegan at least

Probably will start another fast after vacation…my ears are getting better…hopefully it wasn’t caused by the fasting.