
You don’t need to do it! I’ve lost 82 pounds since I’ve started back in Aug 9th of last year. Yet, I don’t have much loose skin as would be expected.

Aug 9, 2019

April 10, 2020

Aug 9, 2019

April 10, 2020

Trust the process and keep driving that body fat % DOWN.


Hmmmm we will see. The plastic surgeon said there is no other option.

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Day 23 well on the home stretch…feeling nostalgic about warm foods.

Headed out west for my bday and must stay on point with vegan keto and exercising after all this hard work. Especially since Alex is such a fitness buff.

People are always talking about food around me especially at work!

Miami beach is openong up slowly next week with all these crazy restrictions…I can’t believe this is the new norm…masks, gloves and social distancingon the plane and everywhere else …

Sometimes I’m surprised I feel bloated when there’s nothing in my stomach and still grumbles.

I’m looking forward to weight training to tone up when Equibox gym eventually opens up!

Wondering if I ever would do another 30 day fast…its definitely mind over matter and the first week was a roller coaster. Will it be addictive like getting tattoos lol

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Wow amazing thanks for sharing! Congrats on your accomplishment!
Thanks for being such an inspiration😍

I understand me too…
Surgery is scary I feel like we can do it naturally.

Just think of how far you’ve come and all your determination

Well of course the plastic surgeon is going to say that. That’s a loss of revenue right there! Lol.

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Of course cause thats how they make money right? And once again, few doctors get any education on fasting & its benefits unless by their own choice.

I too have thought about tummy tucking post fasting. I will have the money in the bank to do it and a strong voice in my head is if I get to my target weight I will have EARNED it, damn it.

On the other hand, loss of my employment, possibly permanently given ageism & other barriers to getting work again that I can do, have put a stark perspective on what I NEED vs what I WANT. Here’s my fun pros & cons list regarding this:


-I will have the money in hand to do a tummy tuck
-For the first time in 25 years, I could have a tight stomach
-I will feel good looking in the mirror.


-15 to 20K for surgery. If not for myself, I can do a lot of good for my kids with that money.
-It’s a lot of money for personal vanity. I have no partner, I will have no partner to share my success or appearance with.
-I could take a vacation, buy another year of “life” and its expenses with that money. One year closer to getting my govt pension.
-Could pay off a good chunk of my monthly truck payment.

If I was working & saw another 6 years of good work ahead of me, I would view surgery as something I could easily consider but it doesn’t feel as important to me as it did 6 weeks ago😄

You don’t need to do it. One of the reasons I chose prolonged fasting is the process includes cannibalizing excess skin cells. I’m living proof of that with pics from when I started Aug 9th last year and at the end of my last 21-day fast from April 10th where I was 98 pounds lighter.

Save your money!


Every time I’ve lost weight or fasted the skin has gotten worse. I have a lot of doubt that it will tighten up. There are pros n cons for surgery. I would love to be comfy in my own body. I have never ever felt that.

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It’s not about tightening up. It’s the loose skin cells being consumed during a prolonged fast.

I understand your concern. After my 40-day, I had a lot of loose skin after losing 44 pounds. But successive fasts started reducing the loose skin. Also, I’m 60 yo so I don’t have that natural skin bounce back the young‘uns have! LOL

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Ok Cool, I will let you know how I go, fingers crossed it looks ok.


Day 24 I feel like some creative energy is bubbling inside…not sure exactly what though…

Businesses are opening this week and have a lot of prep to do before shop opens…

After Corona I feel calmer and hopefully have more sense of peace when it comes to the shop and managing people…will definitely come from a space of more gratitude and the shop and the staff being a gift.

My goal is to sell it so I can move to Austin to be with Alex and start a new life…
We’re in a good place so we shall see if our time apart has done us good in maturing and being able to communicate more effectively and not trigger childhood wounds.

I didn’t tell him I was fasting even though he was one of the catalyst to get my health back…even harsh truth is some form of love and I’m learning to see his ways of showing love not always the softness but he wanted me to see the point.

Taking sugar out of my diet and having joint mobility back made me a believer of how much my body was inflamed. Just saw a show on a 70 year old woman who looks 30 because she took sugar out of her diet 30 years ago because she was prediabetic and she looks stunning.

Researching how evil sugar is…rhe average person has 26 tsp sugar everyday and one can of soda is 50lb of sugar a year!! The food industry is trying to kill us…they made it seem like fat was the enemy when sugar is and all the research on diseases and aging is astounding!

This is a lifestyle a gift for Alex and I and being keto vegan and IF!
Birthday cake will be sugar free!

Also the later I go to bed the hungrier I become…no bueno!


Keep me posted…rooting you on😍

awww man does that mean I have to fast again!

You have a pretty good reality checklist there…I guess ultimately its what will bring us peace of mind and happiness even if there’s vanity thrown in.
But you’re doin amazing Terry!

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I can get extremely angry now that I realize that not only did food companies conspire to do what they have done to us with processed food, but they knew they had to get the medical community to support them by changing the dietary requirements which of course meant give lobbyists bags of money to influence the medical community powers that be & govt to get onboard with it. I live one hour away from the Cargill plant horror story that supplies 40% of meat to Canada. All these meat plants are the equivalent of sweat shops and raking in money hand over fist. And they could have done something about it before they got caught. Stories of offering bonuses to come back even if sick…stories of people knowingly being sick, told to take a day off & come back tomorrow if they wanted to have a job. Then companies blame the COVID 19 in their plants on it coming from the homes. Every company in North America has told the exact same story on how it happened, not their elbow to elbow working conditions with temperatures encouraging the spread of the virus. Now I’m fired up! LOL.


Can you have apple cider vinegar during a water fast?

Yes, as long as you don’t have CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) like I do.

Yas has several videos about ACV.

Day 25
…feeling weirdly emotional don’t know what’s that about…still have my period! My hormones are wacky and I sound like I’m underwater still…should I have my ears checked?? Such a late start so much jet lag…slept at 3am and got going around 4pm…tried a bunch of clothes on which either fit perfect or too loose…got to get rid of that softness around the belly even though I’m losing fat, look great with clothes on buuuuut I want to look better naked…Its so easy for Alex to have a six pack ughhhh…will write more later after workout
I was riding on my bike like a zombie…riding so slow
It took me all day to feel right side up not till the evening.

I wonder why I felt like crying today trying to see where the root of it comes from…if I wasn’t going away for my bday I would have tried for a 40 day fast…

Interesting you get to a certain point and the more vain you become…we are such s visual society…would I care of if I was blind …