Electrolytes & Supplements: Water Fasting

Here is a list of electrolytes and supplements that are important to consider during an extended water fast as well as the corresponding Amazon USA and Amazon Canada links if you want to order them!

Most of these on the list are optional, however I would 100% advise you to purchase Himalayan salt from here or from your local grocery store in order to help with the sodium levels being depleted during the water fast and to help with possible dizziness and lightheadedness! Everything else is pretty optional, but keep reading so you know which supplements to take for which symptoms!

Sodium (Pink Himalayan Salt)

  • Prevent Muscle Cramps, Lightheadedness, Headaches, and replenishes depleted sodium levels.
  • Pink Himalayan Salt is better than regular table salt. It contains less sodium than table salt, however it contains more of the key electrolytes you need during your fast such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron).

*I like to take ¼ to ½ tsp and sprinkle it in a glass of water and drink it to help with headaches/low energy. (Make sure you don’t take TOO much salt or you will be in the washroom with an accidental SALT FLUSH)

USA Link: https://amzn.to/2XNaPHI

CANADA Link: https://amzn.to/2TpHnXA

Magnesium (Optional)

  • Take at night, will make you sleep well — Helps with sleep, stress, muscle spasms, leg cramps, headaches
  • I simply take 1 capsule a day (but some fasts I simply have water - up to your own discretion).

USA LINK: https://amzn.to/2Lkqn3V

CANADA LINK: https://amzn.to/2Xxk03x

Potassium (Optional)

  • Needed for blood flow and heart functioning
  • Especially if you will be exerting yourself or walking/exercising more, potassium can be an important electrolyte.

USA Link: https://amzn.to/2JuM7Ia

CANADA Link: https://amzn.to/2XsYY6e

Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar — With the Mother (Optional)

  • Helps with acid reflux/heartburn, appetite and the possible funny taste in your mouth!

USA Link: https://amzn.to/2XK7toN

Canada Link: https://amzn.to/2XwLHEP

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Women’s Multivitamin (Optional)

USA Link: https://amzn.to/31yWxMW

CANADA Link: https://amzn.to/2Z2Ditw

Men’s Multivitamin (Optional)

USA Link: https://amzn.to/2KvEFx1

Canada Link: https://amzn.to/2YZdBKC


Tongue Scraper (Optional)

  • This is not a supplement, but will make you feel better when you get that weird taste)*

USA Link: https://amzn.to/2YJfEqL

Canada Link: https://amzn.to/2KG8BW7


Does taking the multivitamin on an empty stomach make you feel sick?


It can. I figure it’s not necessary. As the excess fat & skin starts being broken down, all those stored nutrients are being released.


It definitely can! Some people take prenatal! I got nauseous once, but the other times I didn’t and the reason I didn’t is because I was taking it right before the apple cider vinegar, so most likely that was helping to break it down unintentionally!


Exactly! It’s optional for those who want it later on mainly!


Sorry if this doesn’t help a lot of people here, since this is a Swedish brand, but if there’s any Scandinavian people here (or if they ship to European countries?) I really recommend these mineral drops from Holistic. Pretty expensive but it contains 61 (!!) minerals, and you only need 1 tsp a day!


Thank you soo much for the information; starting my fasting journey today at 4pm…this is my first time and although I’ve been easing into it for about a week now I am a little bit scared…I’m doing this for healing so I’m aiming for 15-21 days.


Hi Beautiful! Nothing to be scared about, take it one day at a time, step by step! <3


I usually take Electrolyte Stamina in pill form in addition to some Himalayan salt. Helps keep the dizziness, fatigue, and heart palpitations at bay. Other vitamins typically make me feel sick because of an empty stomach so I tend to stay away from that… I’ve also read/listened to doctors that say our bodies have stored vitamins that are released when depleted through food and supplementation. But I imagine prolonged fasts lasting weeks may need some adjustments.

We’re all different so supplements vary for each individual depending on their needs I suppose.:slight_smile:


Yes exactly, enough in our body to go off just water!! It’s whatever you see fit!! :blush:


hello, how much wait will i lose if i fast for 17 Days?


You will lose a lot including water weight, really depends on your body, however AFTER you start eating and the water weight comes back, you can usually see a permanent loss of 0.5 lbs per day of fasting. This being said you can lose up to 1lb a day, but that includes the water weight. Instead of focusing on how fast you will lose, try to focus on how you feel, and going through the journey to build your relationship with food! :smiley:


How are you taking your ACV?


I don’t take it every day but when I do just 0.5 oz (half shot glass) diluted in water


I’ve started to like the taste of salt in black coffee.

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I’ve been using Emergen-C brand ElectroMix electrolytes for years (Bikram yoga and running recovery). It’s potassium and magnesium based, with no sodium and just a touch of maltodextrin flavoring (10 cals.), and isn’t priced ridiculously. You can get it on iherb.com.
I’m going to use it the first few days to prevent any headaches or extreme fatigue. I’ve been adding a dash of Him. salt to my water now and again during the day. I’m on day 2!


PS, and thanks for your post. I need to remember Bragg’s! Will break the monotony! :grin:

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