2nd Annual “March Madness” Fasting Challenge

Day 3 for me.

Going strong so far. The challenges only come in the evenings for me.


@Michael_Weaver can hardcore relate to the nighttime struggles.


I find that I have to remind myself to drink more water than usual because I normally drink with my meals


Day3, almost 66 hours in. Let’s keep encouraging each other. The support is excellent and does make a difference especially if you have never done an extended fast. 17day 10hours is my longest fast so far, that was last year, setting a new record this year by the grace of God/ he empowers :pray:t5:


60 hours into Day 3. I woke up very weak and dizzy. I added my pink Himalayan salt to my water. I still feel dizzy. What electrolytes do you use that I can buy at cvs/walgreen/target?


You can just use regular salt and pick up a cheap magnesium or potassium from the store but you don’t NEED it, you can pick them up if you have certain symptoms like muscle cramps etc.

Take a look at this cheat sheet: Electrolytes & Supplements: Water Fasting

You can replace the magnesium with any magnesium (I prefer magnesium glycinate since apparently easier for your body to absorb)


Beautiful plan Diandra :sparkling_heart::partying_face:

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64 hours in and I’m tired. I usually am on day 3. But, I am motivated and am lucky enough to be able to chill for the day and just be tired. An epsom salt bath may be in order. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: You all have been such an inspiration to me! I really get so much out of reading all of your experiences! Keep up the great work you all!:fist:


I’m starting day 1 tomorrow- I usually fail after a couple of days and this time I need this- I have to push myself- I really want this- I’m hoping it with help reduce inflammation- bloating- help with self control and reap the rewards of discipline-


You’re the best!


You are certainly right when you said that things will always come up. Whether the time timing is right or not. Between scheduled or non-scheduled events, hospital visits, birthdays etc. The thing is not waiting because there’s always something new happening whether it’s a planned moment or not. It may not come up at that moment, but life happens to come on a whim whether planned or not.

I realize that because I’m guilty of that almost and most of the time. I say, “well I have a certain thing planned that day, so might as well wait for tomorrow to start my fast or diet plan”. And the next thing I know is since I didn’t start on a Monday might as well start next Monday. I can’t start in the middle of the week, even if the next day just happens to be Tuesday. That’s usually my reasoning. And that’s why I’m 50 lbs overweight.

So happy I have a place to vent.


@KittyD 100% I am so guilty too. But we’re here trying to fix it! :two_hearts: At least we can say that much!


Anybody else have the deep deep grumbly empties today?? That empty pit stomach pain?? Makes me feel like my body is starting to eat itself. :joy::muscle:t3:


Nice Nice Nice :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Saw you join earlier! Let’s go!!

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Hey all! I just wanted to update on my symptoms. After drinking warm water and ACV, my symptoms went away! I almost gave up the morning but I am determined to reach my goal. I always give up on my goals (including water fasting), but this time I want to prove to myself that I am in control of my life and my actions. I have to take control and not give in so easily. As a timid person, I give up way too easily. This stops now. Once I complete this fast, that means I can do anything! That is my why: to prove I can do anything I set my mind to.


Amen!! Let’s do this :pray:t5:


Yes yes yes yes I love this “WHY” best mindset ever! You vs you! Prove to yourself that you can do anything you set your mind to
Boom!!! Dynamite :firecracker:


Day 3 and my biggest first sign has appeared: skinnier hands. :joy:


Done with day 3!! I’m still super motivated and, for the first time in my two years practicing various fasting regimens, I feel like this extended fast is possible! I guess that means I’m in the zone. It really helped that I did a couple shorter fasts, with keto refeeds in between, prior to this fast. No keto flu or any of that and instant hunger reduction. I’m looking forward to seeing all your posts throughout the month. keep rockin’ guys and gals!!:clap:


:fire::fire::fire: It is!!!