MizQTPye's Daily Fasting Journal + B4/After Pics

Congratulations @Compdude. That’s a great accomplishment and your work sounds very interesting.

I’m at 17 days today. Feeling good and accomplished overall. I took a plunge and did a coffee enema today just to have the semblance of a bowel movement (TMI). It was a success for me. Not sure how often one should do that, however.

I’ve been planning my first meal in my head (after a couple of days of juices, broth, etc. to break the fast). I want to make some vegan chik’n noodle soup. I found eggless wide noodles at my local store and will use some chik’n-less strips. I love to cook so I’m super excited about this meal. I believe my food desires are finally changing because I’m super excited about this meal rather than something fattening or sugary, which I’m super proud of. Also, to ensure I don’t blow my extended fast, I’ve decided to commit to intermittent fasting. I think I will do a four-hour feeding window to start with to assure I keep myself disciplined.

Well, I’m still counting down - only 11 days to go!


Day 18…yay! Only 10 more days to go.

I was able to do a 15-minute walking exercise video with minimal problems. I felt energized and happy to be sweating the toxins out of my body. I am also starting to watch vegan keto videos to see how doable the lifestyle is. It seems pretty restrictive to me, but I’m still open to the idea.

Currently, I am still losing, about a pound a day still. I am hoping to lose 10 more pounds in my last ten days, then I will try to lose the remaining 10-15 on the intermittent schedule I have planned.


Good job.

You may want to check out this Vegetarian/Vegan refeed plan designed by a friend of mine @Anna which was endorsed by @Yasemin.

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Day 21 - Yay - So proud to have made it this far. Only 7 days to go and I’m feeling awesome. No pains, no hunger pains, no headaches, no acne, the list goes on. I have been looking up recipes on Pinterest and saving the ones I’m excited to try after I start eating again. I can feel my will power is strong because I’m not even tempted to see all the good foods lol.

I weighed in and measured today…down 6.1 pounds from last week and 5 more inches overall from my body. I can’t remember the last time my waist was so small. I can’t wait to share my before and after pictures.

I am now just trying to get my mind together for the next phase of my life - intermittent fasting. I’ve decided against Keto and will just focus on an alternate day fasting and staying within my TDEE/BMR calories. I’m already vegan, just gotta make sure to stay healthier with it. I’ve been watching a woman on YouTube who was successful with ADF and a regular diet. So I will just try that to keep it simple and doable.


Day 23 here. These last days sure are getting harder and harder. I keep getting a queasy feeling in my stomach which I can’t pin point. I usually have two tablespoons of veggie broth and it kinda goes away along with my water. My energy is fine, a little lower towards the end of the night. I am wondering if I’m finally getting hungry, which I haven’t felt since starting. I am not tempted by food, just enjoying the smells in the house and counting down the days until I can eat myself. I am five pounds from where I would like to be at the end of this fast, and officially have five days left. Let’s see if I can do it. If not, I am still planning my ADF so hopefully I can loose the rest that way.



@Mizqtpye, thank you for all of your updates! You’re almost at the summit and I’ve just started mine so it helps to read your daily journey. I’m feeling motivated to complete my 21 day journey.

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That queasy feeling is probably a mixture of acetone (a keytone) and toxin residue. You start experiencing that when your body starts metabolizing old fat.


A very well done @Mizqtpye, hats off to you! You have done great and continue to do great. Keep it up, you will hit your target. God bless you. :muscle:t5: :clap:t5:

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Thanks everyone for the encouragement…nice to see this morning. And I’m glad I am able to encourage someone to keep pushing too! Good luck on the remainder of your fast @jane_fast.


Woo hoo…Day 26. I’m officially 60 hours from being able to drink some fresh squeezed juice. Sounds so good and refreshing. I’m also happy it’s Friday Friday Friday and the weekend is here. I have my weekend planned out so I won’t think too much about the end of my fast. First is pamper day…I have to do my hair, nails and body hair removal (sorry if TMI). Then I have to work on my garden some more since the sun is out and shining brightly. Then I have to wash clothes.

I have a doctor’s appointment on Monday which I’m excited about because I’m over 30 pounds lighter than I was last month when I saw my doctor. She’s gonna be so surprised and I can’t wait to see the look on her face when I tell them I just fasted, instead of taking the Metformin they were trying to put me on.

I’m feeling much better than I have over the past few days. I don’t have much of the queasiness or have learned to ignore it. I am not hungry but love looking at all the recipes I want to try. I refuse to fall back into the habit of eating out all the time and eating sugary and carby foods all day everyday. I have also started to prepare by stickies for my ADF after my refeed. I am a little concerned about the weight gain, but know its inevitable and will eventually stabilize and continue to lose on my ADF. I want to go to the gym once I start eating again, but still afraid of COVID so I’ll just stick to walking and such around my neighborhood.

One thing I’ve been wondering about is the mental clarity everyone raves about. I don’t know if it ever reached me or not, but I’ve been doing well at work which takes a lot of mental clarity. I’m just glad I didn’t have a lapse in mental clarity over this time lol. Wonder what everyone else feels “mental clarity” wise.

Can’t wait to share my pics with you all! Til Sunday…Let’s GO!



Every body’s fasting experience is different. I’ve never experienced the mental euphoria or energy burst I hear so much about. But I attribute that to repairing my diabetes ravaged body.

Yes, you will gain your water weight back. That’s normal and healthy because you need your glycogen stores from starving at night and for energy for exercise.

Congratulations on your progress! :clap: :clap:

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Done done and done!

I am feeling great except I started my cycle with cramps that hurt quite bad. I actually stopped my fast on Sunday at 7:30 pm with fresh-pressed apple juice. Monday I had a little more apple juice, some grapes, about 10 peanuts, and half a small mandarine. On today I had grapes, apple juice, and vegan chick’n noodle soup. I realize I was supposed to eat my soup tomorrow, I guess I was too excited. I couldn’t eat that much of it though. I planned to eat my chicken noodle soup then fast 36 hours, and eat again on Friday. I guess I will fast for two days and get back on track for Friday. It’s Juneteenth for us so I plan to cook for a celebration. Then I’ll fast Saturday. I notice I want no coffee, which is great because if you recall, I was completely addicted, I need to maintain my progress with my candy addiction as well…the fruit is good for me sweets wise.

As promised, I am sharing my photos:


Recommend you take a longer refeed break before jumping back in. Rule of thumb is 1/2 length of the fast. Your body needs time to recover and on a prolonged fast the stress accumulates. Think of giving it a well-deserved vacation before sending it back to work.

Trust me, I tried to take a short-cut on the refeed after my 1st 21-day and the my body sabotaged me when I tried to start my workout phase too early!

Btw, CONGRATULATIONS on your achievement and welcome to the 30-Day Club! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Congratulations on your achievement @Mizqtpye wow! 35 pounds difference and it really shows. Take it easy now. :clap:t5: :clap:t5: :muscle:t5:

Thanks, @Compdude. Just a quick clarification questions, you’re suggesting I continue to refeed for a little while longer (like 15 days) before going into ADF, right?

Thank you so much @Overcomer, I’m so elated at the progress I made and couldn’t have done it without the whole group’s support (including your encouraging words throughout my journey)!

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Yes. In my treatment protocol, I’m calling it refeed/recovery/rebuild.

So I’m back and at it again! I am embarking on another fast to try to get closer to my goals as stated in my first post above. I did refeed and everything seemed to go great, I am vegan and have been forced to cook more since I’m not eating out, so I ate pretty clean for the most part. Overall during the last month, I gained about 16 of the 35 pounds I lost back. Therefore, I started a 7-day fasting journey with Yas’ group on July 16, 2020 (officially at 7:30 pm), so I’m currently on day two and feeling okay. I have to say, it feels like I’m back in May/June and continuing on, wasn’t that hard to get back into it. It’s like I missed fasting or something. :blush:

I have had a headache since yesterday starting at about 7:30 pm so I broke down and took Motrin cause it was feeling more like a migraine. I am also very cranky and moody which I deem related to the fast and me starting my cycle. Other than that, no real hunger or cravings. My stomach is growling, but I expect it to do so. I wanted to clean my house today but didn’t really have the energy, so I’ve just been laying in bed given my headache.

I have not decided how long I’ll go for this time beyond the 7 days, I’m taking it one week at a time. FYI, I started on the 16th at 196.7 and today I’m at 190.8.


All the best you can do it again, take it slow. I am also preparing to embark on a prolonged fast hopefully in a few days. I am just getting my mind ready. :muscle:t5:


Thank you @Overcomer! Today is day 4 and feeling much better! Cleaned up my house and tended the garden. I’ve been having coffee and water but admittedly not enough water. I’ve been engrossed in books and forget to drink it. I wonder if I’m hindering things and wonder how much I really need to drink!