MizQTPye's Daily Fasting Journal + B4/After Pics

Welcome to my daily journal…thank you in advance for sharing this experience with me!!!

Right now I’m about 15 hours into my fast.


Simply put…I need to increase my “will power” so I can improve my overall health. I easily give in to anything I want, which, unfortunately, is usually food. Quarantine has forced some will power in me…for example, before quarantine, I was completely addicted to a popular coffee chain. I would hop in my car and go there every day, sometimes multiple times on the same day to get lattes. But luckily since being in quarantine, I could not indulge and haven’t been to the coffee chain in quite some time. For this reason, I feel this is a great time to do an extended fast as I have broken this huge addiction and therefore it will be less likely to hinder me this time around.


My long term goal is to change my relationship with food…again, where before I would eat whatever, whenever, I want to be able to pass on unhealthy choices such as sugary coffee. I am already vegan, but I still eat unhealthily. Therefore, my blood sugar is borderline high, my blood pressure is borderline high, my cholesterol is very high and of course, my BMI is very high ( weight is 212 right now, making me obese for my height of 5’4 ). Another long term goal is to cease all medications I take…I’m too young in my opinion to be on life long medications. I want to get to the point where I use food to heal myself instead of pharmaceuticals.


My short term goals are to reverse the above referenced negative health trends.
Lower my risk for diabetes
Lower my blood pressure to a normal range
Lower my bad cholesterol to a normal range
Lower my BMI to a healthier range (I say healthier range because I don’t see myself getting to the recommended healthy weight of 107-135 lbs., instead, I’ll aim to get out of the obese category and into the overweight category 145-169 lbs. (I prefer to be around 175 lbs.).


One major struggle I face is my depression and anxiety, which I have connected to the food choices I make. I know without a doubt that if I ate better and got better nutrients in my body, my mind’s health would be much better. I would be less likely to have a negative outlook on things that only depress me and make me anxious. I’m hoping medications do not hinder me on my fast, as these medications can often make people gain weight. I am however going to think positive and proceed like all will be well after this fast.


I would love to do a thirty-day water fast, but my game plan is to take it slow and make it to 3 days, then 7 days, then 14 days, then 21 days, then finally 30 days. I’ll then transition back into a healthier vegan lifestyle.


Right now I’m excited. I want this so much for myself…I deserve it… I’ve been through quite a lot in my short time on this earth and I really don’t want to shorten my life by my unhealthy lifestyle.


I will feel SO accomplished, I’ll feel like a new person who will be able to easily say no to unhealthy food choices, and who can use food to heal and nurture myself.


Sis…you got this! You are a strong beautiful woman with all the will power you could ever dream! You can say no to that unhealthy food, saying no will likely save your life!


Welcome to our fasting community!

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For dealing with unhealthy relationship to food, I recommend you read @Anna Daily Journal on her successful 30-day water fast. For becoming “medication free”, I can help you. I started Aug 9th last year. 4 months and 5 days later I was officially declared “medication free” by my doctor’s office:

  1. Reversed T2 diabetes. HA1c at 5.7
  2. Cured hypertension. Dropped BP from 191/103 to 121/81
  3. Cured my high cholesterol
  4. Temporarily cured my gout (that’s another story)

Currently 79 pound lighter than when I started.

Good luck!

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Thank you for welcoming me @Compdude! It’s been great so far and I’m completely in awe of all you’ve accomplished. It’s giving me so much hope seeing all that you’ve been able to cure with just fasting. Congratulations on everything. I will definitely check out @Anna Daily Journal since she’s been such a big help for so many people in my situation.

Today has been pretty good for me. I was able to pull a post-it off my wall which made me feel great! I look forward to doing it every day. I realize the key for me to stay focused is to stay physically away from the kitchen and to stay busy. Since I’m still quarantining, I have moved my workspace to the second floor away from the kitchen. Also, working 10 hour days is great, I can focus on something for that long, then take a walk and then be ready for bed soon thereafter. I was able to work 10 hours, take a 30-minute walk, and cleaned the house. My second day should be coming to a close shortly.

However, I may have company over shortly, so I will have to cook some food for them. I am proud that I bought them some meat to eat (which I don’t eat so as not to be tempted myself).

I may not have all the will power that I’m seeking yet, but I’m super happy with the common sense I’ve displayed over the last couple of days navigating this new norm for the next month.


Good Evening to myself and to whom ever else reads my journal! Day three for me (68 hours down, and only a whopping 651 to go lol). I am very sluggish today and not as mentally alert today as I’ve been the past two days. I was able to get through the day without breaking my fast though…actually I didn’t even think about breaking my fast,I really just wanted to lay down. Strangely, or maybe not, I was cold all day too, but not hungry thank goodness because I surely didn’t need that added stress. I was even able to cook some coconut curry chickpeas, with quinoa and corn for my boyfriend without even tasting it to make sure it was seasoned right. I feel that was a great win for me because it sure did smell good, but my will power has been steadily increasing which I’m grateful for. I wasn’t able to exercise today, but looking forward to when I get over this hump and can get back to walking or some type of movement because I lack that throughout the day with my sedentary job.

Til tomorrow! I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished so far…yay me!


Getting cold is one of the symptoms of a slowing metabolism. It’s a natural response when the body sees a shut off in food. Your metabolism will speed back up again once it fully transitions into ketosis.

However, feeling cold may not as the body has to route blood flow into adipose tissue for ketosis.


I didn’t get to journal last night so I’m doing a quick one before I have to work. I feel sooooo much better today. Yesterday, I was nauseous, cold and tired again. I also started my cycle, so I feel that has something to do with how I was feeling. I drank water and boiled fresh ginger and strained it for my nausea. I was struggling to get through my writing at work, but luckily was actually able to finish my draft. I don’t feel nauseous in my stomach today, just an empty feeling lol.

I’m not as cold today either. Don’t know if I will get colder again or not, but at least its manageable right now.

Right now I’m about 106 hours (day 5) and feel I can continue on strong. I love seeing the numbers go down on the scale and my body changing in the mirror. It’s giving me so much hope…I will update my weight tomorrow as I just wanted a milestone before I did.

I’m also going to start writing down my long term plans shortly to include a life style change as it relates to food…for example, what are my meals going to look like, do I need any kitchen equipment to ensure success (like a dehydrator and air fryer).

I am almost at my first seven days, so I have some decisions to make as to whether I will move right to the next seven days or if I’ll refeed and then get back at it. I’m leaning towards going straight through right now.

Another goal I’ve identified is my uterine fibroids. I know they are not per se curable, but I read they are shrinking now since I am not feeding them the bad stuff they like. This is another reason I want to continue straight through, and another reason I have to get a game plan with my long term eating as I don’t want them growing large again and causing possible complications.

If it’s sunny today, I hope to get outside for a walk and get some exercise and some vitamin D from the sun. I’ll check in later today and try to get back on track to my daily journaling.


Here’s a couple of fasting success stories that might be related to your case…

Thank you again @Compdude for all the great information…your post are always informative and on point.

I intended to update last night, but again feel asleep. I was a little tired and less energized. I think I need to start using the Himalayan salt, but then again know I’ve stopped drinking my coffee for the past two days and still on my cycle so that’s probably playing a part in my energy.

I’m currently 135 hours in and feeling pretty good (despite the lower energy). I say lower because it’s not so low that I can’t do anything, just a little lower than I’m used to. For example, I was able to complete 30 minutes of yoga this morning. Good thing I have a four day weekend and can take those days to rejuvenate and hopefully push past these cycle days and be more energized when I return to work.

I didn’t want to update my weight until I hit a milestone, but since I promised, I am currently 14.8 pounds down. Just .3 more pounds and I will be under 200 pounds (my milestone). I am crossing my fingers that will be tomorrow.

Overall I am doing well, but I kinda wish I would have a bowel movement, it would just make me feel better mentally lol.


Just a quick check-in as I’m pretty tired. I stained my raised garden bed today and it took a lot out of me given my energy is not where it used to be. I on currently 9 minutes from completing my 7th day. I am doing pretty good. Since it’s my 7th day, I decided to weigh myself and take my measurements which I’m pretty happy about as I finally reached my milestone.

Current weight - 198.3 pounds (16.7 pounds down)
Current BMI - 34.1 (down from 36.9)
Current natural waist - 34 inches (down from 38 inches)
All of the areas I measured totaled 269.5 inches, today I’m down 15 inches overall


Congrats on completing 1 week. Not many make it that far.

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Thank you @Compdude, I feel pretty accomplished for making it this far. I am not hungry although today some of the food I smelled in the house gave me pause.

I am doing good today, still a little sluggish, but I realized I was slacking on my supplementation, so I think that is the culprit this time around. I took the potassium and salt, and will take some magnesium later on before bed as it makes me fall asleep.

I am now researching more about fasting, and seeing if I should be concerned about the small bit of weight loss I saw last night vs. the last week. I think I am going to try to only weigh in weekly so I don’t drive myself nuts about the scale as I don’t want this fast to be about the weight solely, but more so about my psyche and relationship with food. I want to be able to eat veggies without being a big kid about it. I swear, I’m worst than some kids about eating some veggies (and fruits). I’m a big texture person and if I don’t like the texture, I won’t eat it. Like Avocado, I don’t like the texture, but I’ve alway wanted to just eat it so I can feel like an adult lol. Hopefully this fast will reset my taste buds and I’ll be able to open myself up to more options.

I’ll update as to whether the supplementation makes me feel better. Til tomorrow!


Day 9 here and coming to a close. I took in some pure/natural coconut water from a coconut to replenish my electrolytes and felt great today. It’s back to work for me tomorrow so I’m winding down for the night as I have to be up at 5:45am. I am happy that tomorrow is day 10, which is nearing closer and closer to the end of my fast. I’m happy about the progress I’ve made and for the overall process - especially in getting to know myself more. You just never know how much time you have on your hands when you’re not focused on food and how much money you can save by not buying food.

I’m loving the journalling on here and in my personal journal to get to the deep rooted internal issues which is directly correlated to my intake of food. I feel that I will surely make a breakthrough by the end of this fast.


It’s day 11 for me this morning, about 250 hours into my fast overall. I’m super proud of myself and all I’ve accomplished in this short time.

I’m still weighing every morning even though I said I would do so weekly. But at least it is only once a day. I’ve been steady losing about a pound (give or take some) each day. I know a lot of what I lost the first week was water weight so I hope now I’m getting into the true fat loss. One good thing is that I keep feeling the fibroids on my uterus and they seem to be steadily going down in size which is great! I hope by the end of this fast they will be long gone.

I still feel good having taken the coconut electrolytes. I think I’ll do that every few days or so to keep my energy up as I’m having to work extra hours at work this week.

I really miss Zumba at the gym, so I think today when I take my lunch from work, I’ll try to get in a short workout. I’ve been slacking the last couple days on my Yoga because I think I’m itching to move a little more…shake my groove thang if you will :grinning:. My job is super sedentary and it’s raining outside, so I have to find some kinda outlet. Zumba on YouTube it is!

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Congrats on your progress!

In regards to water weight vs fat loss, it takes 12 hours after your last bite of food before your insulin level starts going down. Its the reason that the minimum IF schedule is now a 13:11. It takes 32 to 40 hours for your liver to deplete its glycogen (stored carbohydrate) and then your muscles have glycogen stores that support 90 minutes of exercise.

Bottom line is after 3 days you should have depleted all of your glycogen stores and be in full ketosis. Since the body prefers burning glucose over fat, as a rule of thumb I count all weight lost the 1st 3 days as “water weight” and all weight thereafter as fat loss.

Hope this clarifies things.

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@Compdude - thank you and that makes a lot of sense, and make me happy to have lost so much fat!

One question though, since my body would have depleted all glycogen stores, can my body still support exercise in this state?

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Yes. The body will turn to its fat stores using an oxidative process called glucongenesis. However, because its hard to break down fat into energy I counsel people to reduce or freeze the reps on their exercises as there’s also a reduction in endurance. You will also experience energy fluctuations the more your body is inexperienced with prolonged fasting. Also make sure you have an aerobic component in all your daily workouts because fat burning requires a lot of oxygen and it helps your cardiovascular system adapt to your new body composition.

When you start having detox episodes you should either reduce or cancel the workout for that day because the body will require more energy in getting rid of the accumulated toxins that were stored in the fat that was burned off.

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Day 14 and officially half way there. I am doing good in my opinion.

Some positives:

  1. Energy leveling out, still a little on the low side though
  2. Couple days of Yoga
  3. 5.4 pounds down this past week
  4. down 6.5 inches overall this past week
  5. One small bowel movement
  6. I was able to fit in my goal outfit
  7. Getting lots of rest which is always good
  8. Still no real hunger
  9. Skin clearing up of acne
  10. Only 18 pounds to my goal weight

Some cons:

  1. I don’t have enough energy to do much more than Yoga as exercise (I really wanted to do Zumba)
  2. I wish I had more bowel movements
  3. I’m getting tired of water lol
  4. I keep dreaming of food which makes me want to eat
  5. One day I smelled of ammonia, not sure how bad that is, but I drank more water and it went away. I am keeping an eye out because I think this has something to do with the kidneys or liver or both.
  6. The further I go, I know I’m going to get push back from family and friends
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Get used to the lower energy level. Its harder on the body to break down fat for energy than glucose so it requires more energy. Also if the ammonia is an indication, your body is in detoxification.

One of the protective mechanisms are body has is to store heavy metals and toxins in our fat (i.e. pesticides from the food we eat). When we burn the fat those toxins are released through our breath and urine. However, it does take away some of our energy.

You are doing GREAT! Keep it up.

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Thanks @Compdude! I forgot to ask, how’d your test go?

Today’s day 16 for me and I am going strong. Still loosing weight slowly but surely. I am keeping myself super busy as it seems the closer I get to the finish line, the more I want food. Staying busy helps keep my mind and hands off food. I’m staying the course no matter what though because as I said in my other post, I am still wanting the sugary and carby foods which is what I’d like to avoid when I start eating again. I’m willing to put in the work to make the changes that I need to make!



I passed. I’m now a Certified Personal Trainer again.

I did it not because I plan to train 1-on-1 with clients again but to be have proof that I’m an expert on the OPT model which is a progressive integrated system to exercise. It’s a system that was developed by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I’ve taken that system and adapted it to create my own progressive integrated system for fasting.

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