January 1st NO BULLSHIT Accountability Group

im in, was already planning this, and trying to tell people already to stop forcing me to eat… im in costa rica now… it is a sin not to eat when you show up at friends houses. :confused: but they know now that starting jan first that i dont care… i will be a sinner and refuse there food… and from previous fast i have learned lots of excuses to tell others as to why im not eating. :slight_smile: 40 days finally. i have a friend here that will be fasting part or all of this with me. :slight_smile:


Hey! You’re in Costa Rica! Lucky!! Happy we’re taking the no bullshit approach once abd for all Kimy !!!

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I’m in no excuses! I want to fast for 21 days starting in Jan. My new years resolutions are to loose all of the extra weight I have put on, get back into my size 12 clothes, become more confident and re find my will power.


I’m in. No excuses!

I’m going to fast for as much of January as possible. In otherwise I’ll eat if necessary but then get back into fasting. Any food I do consume will be meat only. The ideal will be to do the entirety of January as one fast though.

My resolutions for 2021:

  1. Drop 50lbs.
  2. Cut Pepsi Max out of my life and drink more water. Significantly cheaper and much better for my health.
  3. Get my mental health under control and find some steady employment.

The page has been bookmarked on my phone for a long time. I’ll get the journal setup later on and post the link.


I’m in, no excuses!! I want to fast for 21 days. For 2021 I want to be/feel healthy and confident, I want to get used to constantly being active every day without it tiring me out too quickly, and I want to hone intermittent fasting and a low carb plant based lifestyle to continue succeeding in being healthy and feeling great about myself.

  1. I’m in, no excuses!

  2. I want to fast continuously throughout 2021. I will be making this a part of my lifestyle. The longest I will like to fast at one time is 30 days.

3 things I want to achieve in 2021

a) Get pregnant and carry baby full term with no health complications.

b) Lose weight

c) Start own business so I do not have to work for anyone anymore


Hi! I’m in!!! So glad you started this thread Yas! @Yasemin
My goal for 2021: 20% body fat, No processed junk/whole plant based foods, work on getting my career established for the new year, and bank account replenished for future baby :blush: (not prego yet, working on it)

3-5days extended fast once a month would be good too

Allie’s Daily Journal 12/23/20

Follow me guys! Let’s be cheerleaders for one another. :blush:

For the rest of December and January 2021, though, I want to eat clean. No processed junk! Crush my cravings for the bad sweets, salty snacks, and fast food out there that’s killing our body.

Sooo ready!!

  1. I’m in!! No excuses.
  2. At least 14 days. Will probably start with OMAD or juice fast then transition to water fast.
  3. NY Resolutions
  • finish a 14 day water fast
  • lose 50lbs
  • successfully finish school & get a job

I’m in, no excuses!
My life has been too delayed for so long already, I want to be the best version of myself

Mini Goal: 3 days Keto OMAD to prepare myself to 7 days water fasting

2021 Resolutions

  1. I haven’t had my period for more than 7 months already, I want to cure my PCOS and salvage my life
  2. They always just call me cute cause they can’t say I’m pretty. I want to be 45kgs with my 5ft height.
  3. Have an average of 10,000 steps everyday!

I’m in no excuses
9 Days Water only with nothing added
January 2,2021
My longest water only fast was 21 Days in January 2020


I’m in and absolutely no excuses!
My plans for the New Year 2021

  1. Keto for 3 days then a extended fast for as long as I’m able to go.
  2. I want to lose 50 pounds.
  3. On my eat days: find ways to be active. (Cleaning, walking, organizing, yoga, ect…)
  4. Journal daily to hold myself accountable.
  5. Save more money and pay of credit cards using debt snowball method.
  1. I want to do rolling 72 hour fasts until I hit my goal, then switch to OMAD or ADF for maintenance.
  2. New Year’s resolutions: Lose all the weight, learn to maintain and not yo-yo ever again, be a better wife and mother

Let’s do this! I’m starting today by switching over to keto/carnivore until the 1st, then I will start my first 72 hour fast.


I’m in for a fast from Dec 27 for 30 days. If I don’t wake up and smell the coffee now, I never will. Tired of having a zillion Day Ones (Sundays) under my belt but no benefits from sticking it out.

I can’t change Covid. I can’t change how hectic it feels having a toddler and no where to go with him to enjoy the time vs just endure it. I can’t change that all of my family is feeling cooped up. I can’t change that things aren’t going well for my husband’s company.

The only thing I can change is: Myself.


  1. Successfully complete my fast, call my sister daily to stay accountable.
  2. Wear jeans more and save leggings for evenings/weekends. Too much stretch waistbands in my wardrobe. :slight_smile:
  3. Let my husband see more of my body and enjoy it, and I can feel confident again.

My journal all ready to go for hitting the year hard. I’ll be doing prep between now and the first


I took pictures of my gut this morning. It makes me sad, but I read somewhere on here the before pictures are just us loving ourselves through the journey. I have never taken this step before, I think not taking it let me stay in denial-mode. Glad I have an official reference point.


I’m in, no excuses! :grin:
I want to fast for 14 days. :facepunch:t2: And then maintain with OMAD and ADF

Main new year’s resolutions are:

  1. Gym consistently and work on fitness :weight_lifting_woman:
  2. Develop healthier habits with less sugar and more discipline
  3. Improve budgeting

I’m in, no excuses :grin:
I want to fast for 30 days and then maintain with OMAD and if possible depending on my work schedule ADF.
My top three resolutions are:

  • Stop the binging and nocturnal eating
  • Successfully complete 2x 30days fast at starting January 1st and then again on June 1st
  • Using other avenues apart from food to deal with my anxiety / fears
    Let’s do this :muscle:

Link to my Daily Journal : 30day fast - January 1st NO BULLSHIT Accountability Group


I was in but I guess now I’m out:


I’m in no bullshit. Hi I am going to try doing a 30 day water fast. I discovered water fasting this year and I did a 14day water fast then 3 seven day water fasts and I lost a lot of weight but then I binged and now my weight it 10 kg more than the one I started with this year so my weight is 70 kg and I’m 5’2 sooooooo yeah that’s not good BUT I WILL DO THIS


I’m in, no excuses!

I want to fast till I start my new job on January 17th. I’m beginning my fast tomorrow to get in an extra three days and bump it up to a 20 day fast.

Resolutions for 2021:

  • lose weight through water fasting followed by healthy eating and mild calorie restriction to return to pre-quarantine weight
  • do at least half an hour of pilates a day after fast to build muscle, keep physically active and maintain weight loss
  • overcome sugar addiction by avoiding added sugars and refined carbs following fast


Happy New Year’s!