Winter Solstice Slim Down - Greet Santa in your Skinny Suit!

@Sky woohoo!

40 days you can definitely do!

Good Morning @Rachel @Kristy @Jewell @spull @raevero17 @Kyle @GregT @Beths75 @Ranjeeta_Sharma @Sky !

What a “challenging” start I’m off to.

Totally blew past my time of month and I think hormones are messing with my weight as it hasn’t budged. The end is near.:joy:

I had some black tea last night and just water yesterday.

Getting myself psyched up to finish organization today.

But hey! 49 Fasting days left.


Yesterday (Beginning of day 4 for me) was tough. I restricted myself from Instagram but decided to go on a Keto Pantry spending spree on Amazon thinking of all the recipes I want to try out. When I woke this a.m., I immediately regretted (A) all the browsing of keto products (B) spending a TON of cash of too many items I won’t be able to use up quickly © now they will be delivered to my house all week (WHILE I’m STILL FASTING) (D) not waiting until my fast was 100% DONE to do this.
This morning I realized the importance of harnessing my mind and how my impulsivity plays into all my bad habits regarding food and contributes to my weight gain.

Lightbulb for me.

Next challenge is quieting my head…

Happy fasting or Feeding friends!


@Kyle unless any of the items are perishable do not open any of the boxes. Put them in a closed room. Maybe reward yourself with something every time you get a box and don’t open it!


LOVE THIS IDEA! Thank you for the suggestion!


I’m guilty of buying while fasting too.

I stick what I can sealed and in the freezer.

It’s just safer for me that way too as we have bugs here in Florida.

One day I’d love to make myself a sealed humidity controlled pantry.


Good afternoon!

Embarking AGAIN on fasting and mentally I feel better today: :slight_smile:

@Kyle Yeah I ordered a ton of peanut butter on a offer (38%!!). Literally like, 3 kgs. I think thats 5-6 lbs. Should be ok though, not opening it… the protein cookie samples I got have magically disappeared though. OOPS! :stuck_out_tongue:


Hi turning-35-buddy! :grin: mine is in october.

Sending support and motivation :sunflower:


Nice layout bordering that beautiful picture :heart_eyes:

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The struggle is real @spull!!

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I’m making progress but today is going quicker than I wish.

Want to finish my kitchen organization in the next hour and then need to spend an hour at my storage unit and grab things at the store before it gets dark out.

Want to get the main room at least half way done this evening.

Luckily dinner is going into the crock tomorrow and I’ll have till about 3pm before I need to worry about prepping the sides.


Welcome to the family!!!

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Love this so much @Miramar we need more stars with initiative like you in our community!!!

Hope you are all feeling GREAT today!

Fall leaves :maple_leaf: are changing colours here and it’s beautiful! Lots of calls today, and did my leg workout this morning, fasting and doing a walk today! :fire:


Hi all! Hope you are having a great day. @Kyle, sounds like you’ve just unknowingly created yourself a fasting reward system! :wink: Hope you’re not too hard on yourself for the fasting purchases. I bet you got some good keto treats! How are you feeling today?

@spull, nice to meet you, birthday buddy! Happy to hear you’re feeling mentally better today. How long are you fasting currently?

I’m about 36 hours into this fast, and feeling the usual early-fasting symptoms-- fatigue and coldness, along with an occasional urge to eat-- not out of hunger, but habit. Otherwise feel pretty mentally alert, and grateful for a not-so-stressful workload today. I hope to lift this afternoon and do yoga this evening, which would feel great.

Hope everyone is having a great day!


Hey Jewell!

Cravings were intense a little while ago but I’ve chugged water and carried on. Focusing on each 24 as they come waiting for the magical day it gets easier. :slight_smile:
I think I did create a reward system! I never thought about that. Thanks for enlightening me. I need a reward system that involves pedicures and facials instead.

How long are you fasting for, Jewell? What’s the longest you have gone?

Got my first two packages, they are tucked away in their boxes in a closet. Feel great about that approach.Thanks Kristy.


@jewell I’m aiming for rest of september now, so 7 days. Will see what happens next but 2/10 is the 35-day sooo… I might want to be able to eat!

Feeling those symtoms too! Late evening is going good here though. No big urge to eat, staying occupied with crosswords and music. Seems to be important to “feed the mind”.

Have you worked out on earlier fasts? I hope it goes good! No dizziness and such.:slight_smile:

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Today saw some tough moments, but overall I’d say this was the easiest second day fasting I’ve ever had, at least relatively speaking. I’m grateful, but the battle royale starts when I wake up tomorrow with 60 hours under my belt. I’ve made it past 72 hours only 3 times. Feeling nervous but hopeful. Don’t want to set myself up for too big an emotional fall if I end up breaking earlier than I’d like. Will need encouragement to stay the course, so I’ll try to check in periodically throughout the day. I already appreciate this thread so much!


I’ll be checking in over the course of the day tomorrow!

I have to get my last room in order for guests tomorrow night.

Hi all, I wanna join too :heart_eyes:! My commitment from 9/23 to 12/21 is 5/1’s (5 day water fasts, one day refeed with no wheat or sugar on my refeed days) - Repeat. I started today (9/23 at 5pm)… my weight is 225 so I am sure hoping to see progress! Not sure how often I’ll weigh… I get tripped up on the number and can derail me but we’ll see. Thank you !


@Stacia take measurements! Our bodies are surprising creatures and even when the scale isn’t budging we might be losing inches