Starting my 40 day fast

Day 17 completed :partying_face: :partying_face:
I’m super happy, grateful and a little bit disappointed. I was expecting my body to retaliate with some heavy detox symptoms but nothing - nada !
I was ready for the day. Pushed all my meetings till tomorrow, got some lemons, mint and thyme just to spice up my water. I even made a water cocktail ( sparkling water, some mint, ice, a dash of lemon and a little yellow umbrella) :sweat_smile:. Needless to say, it was delicious :joy:.
Besides that I feel great. I think I have to deal with the boredom by not doing anything. The old me turns to food as soon as boredom creeps in. I realised that my life is not also going to be interesting and there will be moments of boredom and accepting it is the key. So until my fast ends - boredom is not going to be filled with any activity unless there is an immediate need for me to do something.
Also 5 more days till September ends ! :partying_face:
I have a big event on the 15th and I can’t wait ! It’s gonna be great !
That’s all for today,
Amy :orange_heart:


I made it !!! Way easier than I thought :partying_face:

I don’t know who this is but I will def look into him. I will let you know what I make of it :orange_heart:

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Thank you Miramar !! Eye opener. I listened to his talk on insulin and I’m completely blown away. Insulin is the key. Thank you. I’m making my entire close circle of friends watch this. :orange_heart:


Day 18 completed !
A little bit of upper back pain today but nothing major. I think I slept the wrong way.
Here the temperature went from a solid 28degrees / 82F to 14 / 56 in less than 48hrs and I’m COLD.
I’m doubling my pyjamas and taking out the winter duvet to sleep, that’s how bad it is.
Also I just realised I haven’t had any still water in a week. Sparkling water is a game changer. I love it ! I feel like I’m having cocktails. :cocktail: :yum:
Tomorrow I have a lot of errands to run and going to the movies :movie_camera:. I love popcorn I wonder how I’m gonna react to the buttery smell of popcorn. I seem pretty unfazed to all sorts of smells and temptations so far so it should be ok.
Anyways, enough rambling.
See you tomorrow for a report on day 19.
Amy :orange_heart:

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Yep. He has a lot of videos. All great. He’s got some books too.

Controlling the number of insulin spikes over the course of the day is one key.

Today I was listening to him about exercise. Exercise is not for weight loss. It’s good for keeping the body moving, but simply changing diet and eating frequency is all you need.

And he was talking about some super healthy athletic dr that ran regular marathons, and would drink very sugary drinks. And the guy was in good shape but he got type 2 diabetes. So exercise doesn’t help with sugar overload.

Day 19 completed !
I def had a detox episode today. I spent my morning expelling mucous through my mouth and nose. :face_vomiting: :nauseated_face:. Worst day of my fast so far. My back pain got worst and I was just not feeling well.
But in the afternoon it was as if nothing had happened. I went to the mall and the movies with my BFF. Was great. I had my sparkling water cocktail ready (sparkling water, live and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar) ! She doesn’t know I’m fasting. It was a conscious decision not to tell her because she would’ve gotten into my head and I just didn’t want to have that battle. I told her I was on a cleanse :upside_down_face: !
Anyways, no hunger what so ever. Just craving some dumplings - weird cuz I’m not used to eaten them often.
Now that day 20 is in a few hours, I can’t wait for day 30. It will be such an achievement.
Going 10days at a time :muscle:
Tomorrow is my weigh in - I hope I get to 105kg / 231lbs (I’m a metrics kind of girl)
See you tomorrow,
Amy :orange_heart:


Your’e doing fantastic! Good job Amy!

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Amazing that you went for a movie and resisted all the junk food!! Way to go!!

Cleanse, fast, lol, same thing. :joy:

Thank you, half way through :partying_face: Feeling pretty good too.

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I know but people just tend to believe a cleanse is the healthy way and a fast is a big no no ! Well, I told her I’m doing a 40day cleanse with ONLY home cooked meals (veggies, fish and very little grains) to avoid all sorts of comments and unwanted opinions lol !
No one needs to know and judge. :upside_down_face:


Yes, weirdly I don’t think I would’ve been able to do that in the early days of the fast. I feel great. I hope it continues like that.

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Hey guys
Day 20 completed !
Weigh in updates
:drum: :drum: :drum:
SW: 118.6 kg / 261.4lbs
Weight at Day 10: 110.7kg / 244lbs
CW as of Day 20: 105.6kg / 232.8lbs
So a total weight loss of 13kg / 28.6lbs
Honestly, I’m super happy :partying_face:!!! I’m a metric kind of girl and seeing that 105 this morning made my day. :partying_face: :partying_face:
Next milestone will be seing two digits on that scale. 99kg on around day 35 will be perfect.
As you know, I’m taking this whole thing 10days at the time and tomorrow is officially my 3rd day 1 :muscle:.
Also I love my skin, I have no lose skin whatsoever and I told myself that this is the last time I’m ever going to be overweight after I reach my goal weight. This is it. I will be 30 in February and my 20’s would’ve been a decade of yoyo diets and fluctuating weight and so no more of that in my 30s. I REFUSE to go through the insecurity and depression again.
I like the person I’m becoming and the grown sexy woman that’s I’m becoming. And so I will do anything to preserve that.
Anyways enough about myself.
See you tomorrow.


Love your post!! You’re doing awesome and I’m rooting for you! :clinking_glasses::slightly_smiling_face::four_leaf_clover:


Thank you, I’m hanging in there :upside_down_face:

Day 21 completed !
I was going through my phone and noticed I’ve been clocking at least 8000steps a day for the past 15days. Paris is not a car friendly city, so I used to cycling everywhere, but I was concerned that my alertness during the fast and so decided to take the metro and basically walk everywhere. I didn’t realise how much exercise I was actually doing. - All that to say, I’m exercising and it’s great ! :smiley:
Apart from that, I’m noticing my morning breath is not as gross as it used to be especially around day 10. So that’s great :grin:
I’m officially done with more than half of my fast and my waist 32 Levis is finally fitting ! The goal is 28-29.
I’m also thinking about just going through the month October if I make it to day 40 and still feel this great.
Done for the day and hitting the sack early :sleeping:
Until tomorrow,
Amy :orange_heart:


Wow… 21 days is a major milestone!


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I love thst idea. Especially with the timer. I Recently heard about a man who could never finish his dissertation after 5 years and finally he started ti set a timer to work 20 minutes every day it was done within months