Stacias Journal

You got this!

Not sure if I’ve mentioned that I’ve had one little cup of black coffee (nothing else the rest of the day, no tea either) in the mornings and that may have to go :cry:. The acid feeling may be from that but this burning acidic feeling never comes on til dinner time or later… grr… a piece of bread would help but no!!

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I’ve done coffee too and after reading about the fasting protocols I linked, I think I’m going to drop the coffee. I have serious acid reflux issues when I am fasting and when I’m not fasting. I’m wondering if a very long fast could actually heal my digestive issues. I say try without the coffee for a couple days and see how you feel?

It’s a mental issue with me and coffee … I have absolutely zero desire to get out of bed in the mornings without my coffee… I’ve tried to quit for YEARS… it’s the whole ritual of making it and the quiet time before everyone gets up where it’s just me and my coffee… it’d be brutal to try and drop it but this acidic feeling … ugh. I too get acid reflux with certain foods (mainly tomato based). I’ve been wondering this past few years if I have an ulcer on and off … I’ve felt this feeling before but it always helped to eat something … hmmm … I wish I liked tea :slightly_smiling_face:. I have over 25 boxes of tea and I just can’t seem to get into it … well we’ll see in the next few days … thank you Kyle for your response! This is my only fasting issue after 6 days since the cravings have subsided so I guess it could be worse? Maybe … lol.


This soooo helpful to know that the cravings have mostly subsided… I don’t know if would even want to try water fasting for over 3 days if I know for sure that I would having the food cravings every day all day during the whole time… How do we develop stamina over those feelings of brain hunger? I have been intentionally analyzing my feelings of physical and brian hunger and I realize I am rarely hungry!!! I just want food, my brain needs food. It whispers, then speaks aloud, then starts nagging then yelling. Give it food and it calms down… for a short while. It almost feels like carrying a newborn baby who just cries because it wants to be carried around so it feels better… UGH!!!

That was a perfect way to explain it ! A new born baby that cries and cries ! Perfectly said !! :slight_smile: The first 3 days were sooo hard as far as mental cravings, I mean brutal but I too had to acknowledge that I was not physically hungry … it was all a mental game !! I battled non stop but using this forum was the answer for me so far ! Reading everyone else’s posts have been saving me every step of the way … I’ve havnt been able to get past a day or two in a few years now but this feels a little different. By mid day 4 soooo weird but the mental thoughts of food truly start to minimize and by today (day 6) they are pretty much gone. The boredom does make me want to eat for entertainment but I’m learning that THAT is what I need to manage … how to deal with boredom, shame from obesity every time I look at myself (hoping to never have to deal with that one again soon!) and all the other emotions that come and go … my goal is to put food where it belongs … to eat when my body needs it, and the rest try and find another way. I’m so new at this … so new. I feel like a baby. Lol. Hang in there!! We got this !! :four_leaf_clover::slightly_smiling_face:

I’m the exact same with coffee. Even during my current fast where I can barely stomach it, I still have to have it. I’m just not ready to give it up yet, but I might consider it one day. I expect the kidney detox pains will be horrific, lol.

Starting today I’m giving up everything and just going water. No coffee, no supplements… just water. I’m going to see how different my fast is when I detox from everything in my system that I rely on. So far, it’s been about 24 hours since I last had caffeine and I can already feel the headache coming and I’m incredibly sluggish, in mind and body. I want healing to take place in my body and I don’t want anything to hinder that. I’ll let you know how it goes over the next few days… DETOX time!

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Day 7… Good morning all … I don’t want to be negative but ugh … since last night and this morning I’ve felt pretty miserable :cry:… I slept maybe 3 hours at the most, tossing and turning, felt a little queezy and had a slight headache (havnt had any headaches so far until now)… I just sat up most of the night on the edge of my bed just wishing I could fall asleep … when the alarm went off I felt a little dizzy … knowing this was probably stupid I just couldn’t “not” do my ritual of coffee (you’d think the thought of it would make me puke) … I drank that and took one multi vitamin and some electrolytes (for the first time)… I started to get a little worried that I was hurting myself somehow. For about an hour I felt better and then (here comes TMI!!)… I had to run to the bathroom like never before and that went on a few times (I’ve been going #2 a few times a day all 6 days before so where the hec is all this coming from when I havnt eaten in a week?!) Right now I just feel a tad queezy … all I taste is salt and ugh !! It’s making me nauseous… in my previous fasts I had the same problem with the salt taste … I barely had any but my mouth tastes like I drank a gallon of salt … slight headache still. Yesterday I had about an hour of that euphoric, on top of the world feeling and it was amazing … now I know what others have mentioned about that fasting high people get but it lasted about an hour and then that acid feeling happened and it’s sorta been down hill ever since. I am assuming this is detoxing and I’ll get through it but damn a sandwich with bread to soak up the queezy feeling sounds so nice (not even because I’m hungry but just to feel better). I had to tell myself that I don’t think anyone has ever died from 7 days of fasting. I’m going to power through one hour at a time and will check in later … I’m rooting for everyone !!! :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:


I’m sorry today started off rough. Hang in there if you can and power through because it’s temporary. The links I posted on my journal talk about fasting symptoms and BM’s if you want to read that research. Lots of good info that may put your mind at ease. Hugs Stacia!

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Thank you Kyle ! I will definitely look at all those … I never got to them yesterday, my sons are back from their road trip so the busyness has began … :slight_smile: I will for sure read them and thank you for posting !! Good luck to both of us today !! :four_leaf_clover::slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m sorry today has been rough and I hope it becomes more comfortable for you soon!

The way I see detox symptoms - the worse they are - the more we need to go through them. So although it might feel like we should stop fasting because of the discomfort- I feel like we need to experience it even more - and to come out healthier on the other side. You can do it!

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Hey Stacia! Just checking in to see if today has gotten better for you? You mentioned the kids came home… do you think the emotional stress of going into “Mom Mode” is contributing to the worsening of symptoms. I know that was a factor for me.

Hope you are well and thinking about you! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Hi all ! Thank you all for the posts… !! :slight_smile: Still fasting Day 7! I swear I think if I can pull this off I will then know that I can do anything !! This has been quite the experience so far as last night and early today was brutal !! Also having my sons back home from a 3 week road trip has caused some anxiety and as much as I missed them, it was unbelievably amazing to have 100% me time (been literally years) … now it’s rides places, I had to go to the grocery store today (felt so bright in there and suffocating with that damn mask … lol) and the fact that I’m not eating, I just had zero desire to be there … I now have to think of having food in the house, the dishes, laundry, non stop talking in the house (which of course is awesome “sometimes”… lol) … and working all day (I work at home)… these are the things I’ve eaten over for so long but I’m grateful to be learning that we can find others ways to cope… grateful for this 3 weeks down time and my first 3 day fast I bailed on early and then a few days later starting this one and being on day 7! The articles Kyle sent about waiting until hunger comes back gives such a clear goal that I don’t have to control (like deciding 21 days, 40 days, etc). Somehow leaving it up to my body is making it easier some how?!! The battling “if I should stop today or Sunday or next Tuesday” has gotten quiet in my head. The rest of the day I felt a little better, waves of nausea and just kinda UHG like all I want to do is lay down, like I’m at 50%. I’ve noticed stretching my back as far as I can and deep breathing gives me reprieve from the queezy feeling so I just keep doing that. :slightly_smiling_face: I just told my sons that momma ain’t going to move from this couch for nothing the rest of the evening. My boys are older so it’s not a big deal to say that, they are just high energy and with the anxiety they suffer with (OCD) they often need a lot of attention. I can’t believe I’m fasting and sticking to it … you guys have no idea … I am the queen of a daily binge … all I can say is wow ! I so appreciate you guys, please don’t leave, we need eachother, whether we eat a meal and feel like we blew it, its not true, it’s just a blip in the goal !! I’m praying tonight goes ok … I’m working on 4 hours of sleep from last night, I sure hope I sleep more !! Let’s keep going !! We got this !! :slight_smile::four_leaf_clover:


SO PROUD OF YOU!! Yay!!! Hope you get that sleep you want. Good job!!

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Glad to hear you are pushing through this. I hope you get some rest!!! I’m on day 4 and I feel like it’s been weeks honestly lol but I love to read your posts!

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Proud of you. You have already overcome so many challenges . Looking forward to seeing more of your journey

Good morning all !! Day 8!! Thank you for the words of encouragement!! I went to bed at 10ish and had to get up at 7 to drive my son somewhere … I managed to sleep better but I’m pretty sure I woke up over 20 times just tossing and turning but definitely better than last night. I absolutely hate getting up to an alarm on the weekends as I do it all week, grrr … I may have just kept sleeping all day, who knows… lol. My stomach is so surprisingly quiet so far today ??? No pain, no queezy , what a relief for now!! I do have a slight headache and my face feels flushed … I feel a little spacey too. I’ve been having some food thoughts today and I realized all the nausea and dull ache is kinda a distraction from thinking of food and cravings… I know I’m not hungry in any way but I miss the “going under, numbing, pleasure” of a good binge on comfort foods. Now that my sons are home and I’m forced to not live in my little bubble of just me I noticed everything feels a little jarring, like no soft edges to the day … I felt moody yesterday, irritated. With binging on food, life feels softer and more easy due to being high on it. I’m not gonna lie, if I could eat to my hearts content every day with no consequences (stay thin!)… I’d live in my high food stupor the rest of my life … but I don’t want to be overweight, feel shame anymore !!! Day 8 here we go !!! I’m going to read you guys journals now and I will update tonight !! Hugs and my fellow fasters !!! :slightly_smiling_face::four_leaf_clover:


Big hugs and great job! Glad you are feeling better today and I expect to have sleep issues eventually too in a few days when I get past day 5-7…say hi maybe I’ll be awake hahah! Enjoy your Saturday! :sunny:

:slight_smile:. Thank you !! Good luck to you too today ! We can do this one day at a time ! :four_leaf_clover::two_hearts:

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