Stacias Journal

Day 8!! WOW So impressive! :tada: :tada: :tada:

Also happy to hear your stomach has settled and you are able to power through another day! I’m not going anywhere. I love the support of the group and want to keep going with everyone!!

Fasting with the kids is probably different from fasting solo. But you have 8 days under your belt, so it should be a lot easier than if you were going from day 1.

Today is the last day of my three day. I refeed in a couple hours from now. It’s day two of no caffeine and I am SHOCKED how good I am doing… honestly I was pretty tired yesterday without it but today seems to be sailing along. I’m going to continue keeping the caffeine out of my diet for my next fast. Maybe it will make a difference? We’ll see…

Hope you are having a good weekend! Talk to you tomorrow!! :hugs: :hugs:

You are almost to the DOUBLE DIGIT days!!! :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:


Great job making it through your 3 day goal and two of them without caffeine ! Woo hoo ! I’m doing pretty good today … laying on the couch surfing utube and this forum :slight_smile: My son is trying to get me to go to the mall with him … I’m just so lazy … stomach feels so much better today … it’s just so quiet, night and day from this past few days, what a nice relief… enjoy your re-feed … tell me what you are going to eat if you can so I can live through you :slight_smile: (Just teasing)… :heart:


Breaking was not exciting. I had a steak sandwich, bowl of fruit and a yogurt. Tasty… but kind of boring.

I actually felt better in my fasted state!

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That sounds really good though … gosh, no matter what I think to do today just seems so boring … I can’t believe how much I turned to food for excitement and entertainment… besides the love and laughter my sons bring me and surfing the net I just have nothing else that inspires me :worried:… this is so hard for that reason. I can so see why I’m overweight … I plain old get off on eating a ton of food in one sitting for the pleasure and distraction from this deep seated boredom … :cry:… physically I feel just ok … the only major non stop feeling today is this empty hole I feel, like my stomach is just caving in … I feel comforted to be stuffed … like a hug so this just feels raw and exposed. Geez, this is not easy but I’m NOT going to quit until I’m truly hungry !! That’s my plan. I hope to learn some tools to deal with anxiety, boredom, etc. in real time. It’s differnt reading about how to do it. Its hard in the moment … hanging in there !! Thinking of you all, good luck wishes to everyone of you! :heart:


I bet anxiety, boredom eating might be covered on Youtube videos? Maybe a good place to start? Also… have you thought about old hobbies you enjoyed (pre-kids) that you might enjoy again? Bike riding… hiking, painting, music… I’ve started thinking about the things I loved when I was really young (biking, drawing makeup, writing) I think I’m going to start venturing into some of those old habits. Actually… now that I think about it, I have about six massive bins full of old photos and memorabilia, now would be a good time to get into those and organize. I thought about making some albums or photos books and getting them digitized.

Just a thought…

Oh and I’m on day 3 no caffeine. Still no issues. I actually think I will be fine with no caffeine which I NEVER would have thought a week ago.

Congrats on making it SO far!! Really inspiring, Stacia!! :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:

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Hello everyone, Day 9!! I can’t believe it honestly … I’ve only made it 2 or 3 days max this past few years.

Kyle, thank you for the suggestions!! Funny I have about 6 or 7 bins too if pictures and kids art work, etc, which I spent a week a month ago going through … I have 2 or 3 left to tackle, I thought about it yesterday during my boredom but just didn’t have enough energy. :slightly_smiling_face:… I did pull out a soccer ball (I played for years and years but been too overweight to play) and ask my sons if they’d go kick it with me soon (so that’s one thing!! :slight_smile:)… I’ll need to think about other childhood things too … great idea. Congrats on no caffeine !! That’s majorly inspiring ! Honestly, I’ve tried to quit for years !! I’m still doing only one small cup every morning but that may be the next thing I tackle! Great job !!!

I actually slept last night !!! Ahhhhh!! Maybe 8 hours?? I did wake up 2 or 3 times but fell back asleep pretty quick. I woke up in a good mood…it’s anazing how important sleep is … I feel sorta peaceful and actually quite good today emotionally so far (although it’s only 11am :slight_smile:)… no stomach issues at all, no headache, no moodiness !! I have to say today seems like my best day so far! What a roller coaster of physical almaints, emotional stuff … I’m pretty confident there will be more but I’m going to enjoy this moment fully while I can !! Wishing everyone good wishes today :heart::four_leaf_clover:


Yay on Getting a good nights rest! It does make everything better. I hope today is the best day so far and it only gets better. Keep us posted on how you’re doing. Happy Sunday!

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Hi all … still day 9, 3:30pm… feeling sorta weak and lazy … everything I’ve done today I just want to sit down after… I did the dishes and felt like I needed to sit down after (same with laundry and giving my son a ride somewhere)… My goal has been to fast until hunger comes back but I’m not going to lie … the running thought in my head is “ make it through day 10, have a meal (OMAD) and then do 10 more days, repeat”… :neutral_face:… I feel like I just want to have a meal for the taste and get some energy… someone give me some advise … :cry:


I’m going to have to leave the advice to people that have fasted longer than me! I get the “negotiating” because I do that myself. Maybe ask Mike who is (I think) around day 14? He mentioned he has done a 30 day before… he may have helpful advice. And Whatever you decide is OK. You have done an AMAZING job!! :hugs:

EDIT: I was way off… Michael is on Day 19… Check his journal…


Thank you Kyle for your response :slight_smile:… I’m going to think and pray on this the rest of the day, read other journals, videos, etc. As of right now my thought is to fast through the full 9 days, have a re-feed day the 10th day and then do another 9 days … for some reason I love the thought of this and the structure but it could just be because I’m getting weak. I am definitely going to finish today (day 9) and yes I’m proud to have made it this long ! I’m not going to eat today (spontaneously) as I may regret it so I’m going to commit to get through Day 9 completely … the fact that I’m not running to stuff my face because I’m thinking of food is a major accomplishment right there!! :pray::slight_smile: Thanks sweet pea for replying !! What is your plan for now, are you going fast again or just take some time ?? Curious are you a binge eater or just a snacker in general? :slight_smile::heart:

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I did OMAD today and will do OMAD tomorrow. I want to do a very lengthy fast but I want to do it when I’m really ready… so probably next Sunday. My issue is grazing. I can’t do much at one sitting but can graze on garbage for an entire day. I restrict my OMAD to about an hour tops.
You have done so well and I’ll tell you what you told me… if you break your fast, DON’T LEAVE THE GROUP!!! I look forward to your posts and would be sad if you go!

keep us posted!! :slight_smile: :heart:


Thank you Kyle! I won’t go, no way !! To me this has become way more than just fasting … it’s become a place I can journal, process, read other posts, feel connection. My ultimate goal is to lose weight (of course!) but learn how to manage my life without turning to food to cope. Whether that mean 3 day fasts with OMAD in between and once the weight is off OMAD or something like it moving forward. I know the weight is just a symptom so I’m staying for all the other stuff FOR SURE… I need you my friend … let’s figure this out together and get healthy (Mind, body and spirit!)…ps. I read another one of your posts about lucid dreaming … I’ve done it a handful of times (where I control the entire dream, where I go, who I see)… it’s fasicinating !!! :slight_smile::heart:


Good morning all, Day 10!! I can’t believe it. Feeling a little light headed today, if I walk up stairs or something my heart pounds like I ran around the block. I’m very strongly contemplating having a re-feed day today. I’m so proud of getting through 9 full days and making it to day 10 but the weakness is getting to me. I decided to weigh today and I’ve lost 14 pounds in 9 days … I know some of it is water but I’ll take it!! :slightly_smiling_face:. I may have lost another lb because about an hour after that I felt (TMI) an immediate need to run to the bathroom !! For 10 straight minutes it was just WOW! Where did all this come from?! I went a few #2 times a day from day 1-7 (skipped 8 and 9) and now day 10 was like I’d been eating non stop !! My stomach feels flatter than it has in forever and for that I don’t want to quit my fast. :slight_smile: My plan if I do is to have a re-feed day today and then do another 9 days. 9 days (re-feed day 10) and then repeat sounds good to me. I’m not 100% on that, I’ll update everyone later today. I don’t feel hungry at all, no nausea, no headache, just weak and sooo lazy. It’s tough when you have 2 sons, single mom and a full time demanding job. Hmmm … I’m enjoying reading everyone’s posts and feel inspired to keep on this journey of health no matter what it looks like. Hugs to all!!




Sounds like your body had a lot to eliminate, that’s good. It will be a reset for your gut and your appetite.

Keep us posted on how the ReFeed goes!

:heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :yellow_heart: :orange_heart:

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Thanks Kyle for your kind words ! I’m proud of me for this (day 10 water fast!) …this health journey has only just began though … I’m rooting for you on your 3 day fast you’ve began !! I’ll update later today …

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So proud of you Stacia! Your determination is inspiring! Hope this shows yourself you can do anything you put your mind to :blush:

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Day 10: Thank you! Your post made me tear up because I am proud of myself !! It does give you a confidence boost to do something you’ve tried and tried for a few years and just couldn’t pull it off, the reward is so much better doing something hard ya know? So I just ate a lunch (day 10) but this time (for once!!!) im not kicking myself because I made myself have 24 hours to make the decision which is un heard of with me! I usually think of food and without hesitation get it as fast as I can and wolf it down before I’ve even had the chance to say no, so this is huge !! I was feeling just so weak physically (no other symptoms). So today will be a re-feed day and tomorrow starts Day 1 again for another 9 days !! Now I know I can do it ! I actually have a plan instead of blowing it and beating myself up, this feels different?!! I’m excited about it all ! I just ate a veggie burger and a big green salad and it was super satisfying ! Thinking of you all and will be reading all everyone’s posts today ! Happy fasting ! :slight_smile::two_hearts:


I’m really learning to be mindful during this refeed day and see what I can learn from this… I went years without eating sugar but had picked it up again about a year ago. Since starting to eat it again my mind tells me a meal is not complete without something sweet which I ate after dinner. I realized I didn’t enjoy it at all? I never have enjoyed sugar (it’s always been about heavy foods, think Italian, Greek, etc). So you know what ?? My next 9 day water fast starts tomorrow and I plan to drop sweets all together on my refeed Days (every 10th day). I don’t need it, it’s not in line with my health goals and I don’t even like it?! I thought I’d mention this publicly to hold myself accountable :slight_smile: Thank you for listening !!

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How are you doing these fasts? How many fasting snd refeeding days?