Overcomer daily journal

Congratulations @Overcomer !
One week into fasting! Thats great! I’m so proud of you! Are you feeling well? Do you feel hungry or weak?

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M.e/Cfs and fibromyalgia is not curable, it’s debilitating and one must live with it as best as possible. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as feeling well, the fatigue is debilitating and chronic pain every single day.
I am all good and positive, I am use to it.

I agree fasting seems to get harder after completing a long fast, and I plan to refeed for a few days and start again and again.
I do lose some weight when fasting but my body always puts it back on, so I need to continue .

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Well done. I think when fasting you will have headaches as the body is detoxing especially if you had sugar on your refeed.

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It must be difficult… I really admire your positivity and efforts. Hats off to you! Really, you’re so strong!
:clap: :clap: I hope you achieve your target through fasting and your symptoms reduce. :pray: :pray:

Yes it must be the sugar. Feeling better now, after two cups of black coffee without sugar and pain relief gel.

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Thank you for your encouragement.

I’m glad you are feeling better, black coffee is not bad to have on a fast, it actually is supposed to be good for fat burn and metabolism. Well done to both of us :muscle:t5:

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Day 8,

Day 7 completed, taking it day by day, glad to be moving forward. I will check-in tomorrow. :pray:t5:

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Day 9,

I almost forgot it is now day 9, @Mandy hope you are enduring and going strong💪🏾.
. I will check in tomorrow :pray:t4:


Wow @Overcomer… You’re doing superb!! :clap: :partying_face: :partying_face:
You’re at day 9. Congratulations! I’m so proud of you!

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Thank you so much, you are doing great yourself, fasting back to back.:+1:t4:

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Day 10,

Yippee!!, went in my sauna blanket for an hour, steamed my face and relaxed. Shattered as normal but grateful to the Lord for his faithfulness.
I feel confident and determined to reach my objective. We can do it ladies :muscle:t5:


So proud of you @Overcomer
I’ll steam my face to. Best time to pamper ourselves and feel good!
I’ve decided to celebrate myself every single day.
Infact, I wrote that in my diary day before yeaterday.
I put flowers on my hair yesterday hehe :joy: :joy:
Today I will steam my face. Thank you for the idea!

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Thank you and you are welcome. We have to try our best to love and pamper ourselves. Check-in tomorrow💪🏾

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Day 11,

Day 10 mostly in bed, used sauna blanket again and taking it easy.
Check-in tomorrow :muscle:t5:


Day 12,
Getting there one day at a time. Need rest.
Check-in tomorrow🙏🏽


You’re doing awesome lovely!
Keep going ! :muscle: :muscle:

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Day 13,

It’s been a hard one. Lots of vomiting tonight, feels like I got everything out.
@Mandy hope you are doing well.
I will Check-in when I start day 14 :pray:t4:

Merry Christmas :christmas_tree: Everyone!!!
Have a blessed time.:pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4:

Oh. Go slow. Take a break if needed.
Are you taking enough electrolyte water, multi vitamins, calcium etc.?

I’m okay, feel light headed at times but electrolyte helps with that condition. Get really emotional over everything. Feel nausea on smelling anything different. The sense of smell is elevated that every normal smell feels too strong.

Merry Christmas !!! :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree:

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Thank you :+1:t4:

I broke my fast earlier due to all the vomitting from yesterday and the after-effects, I haven’t felt right so I took your wise advice @Mandy, hope you are feeling better. The good news is I have started again tonight.

Day 1 of 7.
I will check-in tomorrow.

Hope everyone is having a nice christmas

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