Maga’s fasting journey

OMG this is soooo true!


I learned that lesson with fasting 101 :rofl:


A bit annoyed now. The kids threw a tantrum and got McDonald’s and we got pizza for a party. I dont want to eat any of it. But am still a bit pissed. Mickey Ds was not that tempting but the veggie pizzas looked beautiful with broccoli on top… and yes I like brocolli and know that’s weird.

I dont really know why I am irritated but I know that it’s time. However today I am scared of BM situation so will break it tomorrow.


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You’ve given up your comfort mechanisms (eating and vaping), so the agitation is 100% understandable. I am amazed you have gone so long, very inspiring. It’s also encouraging that you are craving broccoli! You have probably reset your natural appetite, which is great! Your body is signaling it wants actual nutrients and not garbage.
Hope today gets better for you, Maga!


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Exactly… how did I not make the connection… giving up vape and food… that’s it…

Anyway… in the midst of the outing… half the ppl think I am cleansing and the other half know it’s a water fast… Everyone is amazed at my weight loss! The food smells amazing and everything is tempting… but I dont want to eat it… I feel very very deprived… I feel odd… think I want to continue fasting at times… food seems overwhelming… Think I am just losing it and experiencing 20 emotions at the same time that are conflicting each other… usually I pride myself on being sorted … not sure what’s going on… maybe just uncomfortable sitting here surrounded by food and questions…anyway rant over… thanks for listening…


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How much weight loss have you had? I didn’t even think about how noticeable that must be to your family/friends.
Whatever you are experiencing right now is temporary and I commend you for just “feeling” whatever you are feeling. Many of us (like me) prefer to “check out” by indulging in food, tv, internet… anything to avoid ‘feelings’… but thats where it’s at, isn’t it? So much of our struggles with comfort/stress/boredom-eating are related to avoiding pain (in my opinion). Thats where the discovery is. You have gone so far.

Ok… philosophy gibberish over. Good work, Maga. Enjoy the journey :slight_smile:

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@Kyle feeling what your feeling in the moment can be hard for me… especially when I cannot mask it with vaping and maybe eating too… I don’t like feelings that are negative and stressful and feel like they are unnecessary. I know you have a different opinion. But it is what is it. Meed to learn a way to process these feelings without the vape… and its just too overwhelming to think about… I am really thinking about indulging now as I got into an argument… But I will stay strong… posting does help a lot


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Day 22

Day 22 was all about mixed emotions. Actually a lot of emotions. I clearly am still very addicted to vaping and the fast may have gotten me through the physical withdrawal, But the bottom line is that situations make me fragile and I just need to indulge at times.

  • Went to a social outing. Food enticed me but I did not want to eat. Good smelling food some created temptation and then I was frusterated.
  • People had soooooo many questions on my weight loss… over 12 kgs now I believe… I meed to check. Some people I told I was water fasting and others I just said cleanse on juices… It was good and tiring and irritating talking about it depending on who I spoke to.
  • Very dry mouth… some burps… and a slight itch on the tummy are the symptoms… I am very concerned about the itch.
  • Not sure if I will break the fast tomorrow. Cant deal with all the stress and then eating too. Let’s see. I am just not in any mood now. I never felt this way. Not feeling bad… well a bit… but more overwhelmed with everything and not being able to vape. I am sure will not get any sleep tonight. Will go on Netflix.

I do apologize for posting about vaping here. I know this forum is not for that. But it has kind of become one of my main fasting goals. Sorry if it offended anyone.


My family got me an avacado coconut popsicle for the refeed! Its completely natural and so I will have on day 3 or 4 of the refeed. Hope it’s good!


There’s recipes for avocado icecream online.

I’ve been considering whipping up a batch - adding other flavors of course.


Hey Maga!

Hows it going? Is today the big refeed day? Hope all is well!

Hey @Kyle as just about to post… Today is the end… or the beginning of a healthy lifestyle that does not incorporate vaping… does not go crazy with the sight of food… and fasts once or twice a week. I have had broth but nothing else an hour back. I am too full now…

Day 23

  • An hour prior to completing day 23 I broke the fast with some chicken bone broth. I am counting it as Day 23 complete. It felt amazing, warm and I did spice it up a bit and added salt… However after around 20 mins I was superfull… like after a buffet or a thanks giving meal… My tummy ached a bit and then I had the biggest burp and felt awesome. I have some green juices that I have made - celery cucumber spinach (since kale was not available) lime and ginger… love this stuff with apples but not doing anything sweet for a week. I imagine it would taste bad without the apple. Let’s see.
  • I feel that the broth has calmed the itchiness but that maybe my imagination.
  • Got a few avacados for my first meal. plan to have it with lime and salt.
  • A bit bummed since I dont have an appetite… but I am sure it will return in around 2 hours or so.
  • Feeling great after the broth though. Should have incorporated it earlier.



Congrats on making it for 23 days! Amazing. Glad your itchiness is subsiding. Keep us posted on how your refeed goes, thats super helpful for the commenters here. Appreciate you sharing your journey with us!!

Enjoy your refeeding weekend, Maga. :slight_smile:


Refeed Day 2

  • Just had some green juices today and broth. Taking it easy. The broth did not go down so well.
  • very very concerned about the itchiness and rash. It grew like crazy today and then subsided. and then the same cycle repeated. Giving myself a week… and going to a doctor or will try bile salts which are pretty expensive here.
  • Tomorrow is a soup day with overboiled veggies… cant wait!


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Sorry to hear the rash is still an issue. I thought it would be keto rash… but it seems like it would have disappeared by now. Perhaps it’s candida? Have you ever experienced this before?

Just curious… Has your appetite returned?

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No appetite has not returned.

I have never experienced a rash like this before so I was assuming its keto. But I had a self diagonized candida issue in the past and it disappeared when I stopped all my soda and processed juice intake.

Shouldn’t the water fast kill all candida or starve it?


I would think so… but I also would have thought a keto rash would have subsided by now. Is it improving after eating or getting worse? I know it must be awful for you.

It’s hard to tell now. I tend to be overdramatic with this. The itchiness has definitely spread across the body but there is not much of a red rash until I scratch. And every few hours I get the tendency to scratch…

Will keep you posted. Have not properly started eating. But if it does not get better in 7 days I am going to a doc… I have seen people on youtube swear by bile salts. May try that too in a week.



@maga I got all excited when you mentioned bile salts! But I can’t find any vegetarian ones :sob: (duh, probably!) I really hope this rash/itchyness goes away

Refeed Day 3

  • First day with actual solid food… well solidish… I planned to make a clear veggie soup with broccoli bak choy spring onions garlic and mushrooms. Then I saw my wife was making pizza sauce for the kids and she had onions garlic tomatoes carrots all to a soft boil. And I just hijacked that and made it my soup! Had 2 bowls. Was awesome.
  • I cheated with a handful of roasted salted nuts and feel bad for that. I mean if I screw up this early on the refeed how will I go on avoiding and reintroducing foods over the month. Still very upset. I was in the mode of screw it now…

    just eat whatever… you messed up anyway… but then I drank some water followed up by warm water and was okay.
  • Still awaiting the BM… keeping @Miramar words in mind - never trust a fart.
  • Rash is still the same and annoying
  • For some reason I cannot stand the smell or sit of the bone broth at all. I literally had to force it down today. Not sure if I can do it tomorrow. I really went all out to get the best one and now my body does not want it… oh well…
  • I know people say listen to your body and I do feel full… but I am fully ready to binge on literally a 100 things around the house. I have to work on these impulses.
