Looking for a 3-day water fasting partner for next week

Day 2 wrapping up right now and moving into day 3 - however I have only had ONE 1,900 calorie very healthy refeed meal (homemade hefty Cobb salad & bone broth) since Tuesday, January 10th - so going really well!

It’s 11:30pm and I’m definitely feeling some hunger right now, my brain keeps wanting to go to the fridge and eat a little bun (little baby’s buns - I don’t even eat bread), or carrots with hummus, or a piece of cheese, all very minor insignificant stuff but the issue is - if I give in to this impulse, then my “neuroplasticity” is going to be affected because my brain will be wired to stack certain bad habits together and have my “neurons fire together in a specific sequence” - like the example of a tennis player who keeps practicing a wrong serve and the more he does it wrong, the more his body gets used to performing the bad serve which makes it harder to break… or a pianist who keeps playing the same sequence of wrong notes by mistake which then leads his fingers to start getting used to that sequence of wrong notes due to repetition.

Same as fasting, if I am having these thoughts, and I give in - it’s bad news bear! This is the mental fight that starts to get difficult while fasting - which not EVERYONE is strong enough to fight through this “animal brain!”

For example, if the pattern is: impulsive thought + giving in & eating - once we allow that combo to enter through and be actualized and penetrate through the fasting gateways and the “NO barrier” aka self-discipline) then it’s GAME OVER for self-discipline. It’s not about the little piece of cheese “ruining our progress”, the little piece itself won’t do much damage - it’s the fact that it will just ruin our focus and break that “NO muscle” & self-discipline that we have going. That’s why I always say to grit your teeth and make it through, and not to give in, once your animal brain knows you’re weak and you will cave it will always throw tantrums to try to get its way! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sparkling_heart::pray: Let’s push through, keep remembering our WHY, and kick some butt!

Logged it in my journal - figured it would be a fun copy paste to paste here too for anyone fighting themselves right now! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


OK, this “neurons that fire together wire together” concept is today’s homework assignment. Thanks.


Going down, down, down! 3 days in a row! Losing weight is normal. I can gain weight much faster than I can lose it. That’s why FASTING IS NORMAL!!

If I have a huge feeding day (which is a dumb thing, but it happens) and gain 6 lbs, it will take me 3 days of fasting to return to the previous weight.
Cmon, that’s proof right there that fasting is MORE common and you spend MORE time fasted than fed.
Fasting is normal!!

Now, put some relaxing music on, breath slowly, and read the above paragraph again. And, if you acknowledge it as truth, slow down breath even more, relax arms and legs… and read the paragraph again. 🫠


Boom - Day 3 :crazy_face: We made it! Was a lot of hunger waves last night!


Having morning coffee day 3. Hunger is pretty much gone. Had waves of not feeling great yesterday but didn’t feel terrible. Feeling better today. I think today will be smooth sailing now I just need to decide if I will add a 4th or 5th day. I’m down and 6 lbs but I know that’s mostly water. This month I’m down about 10 and maybe half of that is real.


Amazing! Day 3 here and great today too! :fire:

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I will have a small refeed, then hope to do 7 to 10 days of water/liquid fast.

Who wants to join?
Day :one: will start tonight after dinner.

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We are not done with this one until tomorrow in the pm.

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Yeah, of course, I started a day earlier.

You are welcome to join tomorrow or whenever you can. :+1:t5:

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Amazing!! I’ll be on Day 4 tomorrow, and CNY :red_gift_envelope: Chinese New Year Late Lunch at 3pm on Saturday (but also 3.5 lbs away from a huge milestone) :hot_face: So close

I keep going back and forth about Saturday if I should fast through the celebration or eat :joy: or just hit my -100lbs (hopefully by Monday) and refeed after that!

Will be fasting probably 4-5 more days after that too! :heart_eyes:


That’s great results @Yasemin, you are so close as you say, if you can manage it then try and fast through and refeed after. Whatever you decide I will be here lol. So proud of your achievement so far :tada::partying_face:.

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@Bea_Pret you are welcome to join us :pray:t4::pray:t4:

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Thanks so much for the invite!

I am currently on Day 4 of 14 of my water fast, and feeling okay. It’s just the back and leg pain that is killing me at the moment - but is taking my head away from food - so there is a silver lining. Lol. Just hoping it is better by tomorrow

I am actually a newbie - been on a 3 and 5 day fast but never longer - but keen to push myself to achieve 14 days, losing that extra kg’s and helping my herniated disc in my back. I haven’t really noticed any real weight loss - maybe 1.5kg that is probably just water weight - it’s a little discouraging but im trying to focus on the healing too.

Great to read all of the motivation and challenges on the forum - certainly helps to stay focused.

Now lets crack on to Day 5 - all I can think of right now is toast with butter! Might be dreaming about it tonight! Lol


You are welcome! Stay hydrated. You are doing great! @Yasemin can give you some when she sees this message. She set up this forum and also has a youtube channel so you might get a lot of your questions answered there. Also good to watch fasting videos to keep you going. If you fall just get back on, no big deal, some fasts are more challenging than orders.

Check it out when you get a chance. :pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4:

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Will definitely go watch the videos and read all I can! Thanks again! Glad I found this forum!


Honestly once you crack day 4 and 5 you can go as long as you can!!! I’ve done multiple 14, 21 and 30 day tests, and the key is to crack day 4 and 5 always!! Those are always the toughest and after that the willpower goes through the roof! You got this!

For leg cramps: try potassium & magnesium (you can do this in pill form, helps with leg cramps)

Alternatively: If you’ve had an injury in your leg before, it could very well be your body healing your injury through the fast! Autophagy repairs scar tissue and heals from within so many people with knee injuries for example will feel excruciating knee pain getting worse in the first 3-5 days, and after that DRAMATICALLY reduces the potentially chronic pain & inflammation they’ve been feeling for years!!!

Keep going - you’re going to crack day 4 and 5 and we’re here for it! :fire::fire::fire::fire:

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Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::fire::fire::pray:

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How did you find the forum out of curiosity!! Welcome to the family! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray:

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@Jaden_Gh @Vince_A @Talk2me How are we doing??

Day 3 about to finish up and jumping into Day 4 soon!

Have you all started/finished/broken/refed/started over?

Come check-in :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m not going to lie I messed up this morning with a coffee (with sugar and creamer), then I had another one, and then it just went downhill today honestly pretty mad at myself right now.