June Accountability Challenge 🥰

This is a FREE Challenge - and it works by having EACH one of you hold yourselves ACCOUNTABLE to posting here daily as part of your commitment! Self-serve accountability thread - everyone is welcome! You need to put the work in!

Step 1:
Post your fasting stickies picture below on this thread, and post below that you’re going to be checking in daily and then bookmark this thread!

Step 2:
Write “I’m in!” - you’re welcome to start now as well! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Step 3:
Write down 5 of your big WHY’S (why do you want to complete this fast)

Step 4:
Let us know a bit about you, when are you starting (June 1st or earlier?) and how long are you committing to fast for? :sparkling_heart:

Here’s an example of a very successful March Madness Fasting Challenge we hosted in March 2021! Everyone posted their Fasting stickies and checked in every day! :sparkling_heart:

March Madness 2021: 2nd Annual “March Madness” Fasting Challenge

For this June 2021 Fast - let me know if anyone wants to take the lead on this and check everyone in and take ownership of this challenge! Welcoming volunteers to check-in daily (makes you super accountable, just need to check in daily!) :heart_eyes: As most of you know I’m not currently fasting since baby is coming in just a few weeks :pregnant_woman:t3::eyes: but I’ll be cheering you guys on!!! :sparkling_heart: (Hopefully I will be back to join for 2022 fasts ASAP!)

Post “I’m in - with a pic of your fasting stickies below if you’re in!” :heart_eyes::sparkling_heart:

If you don’t know what fasting stickies are - check it out here and set it up!

Fasting Stickies

If you need MORE support - you’re welcome to join our official FFTH Fasting Challenges with Zoom Calls and Group Chat - Spots are limited since my energy is limited (that’s why I haven’t been posting on YouTube/Social Media/or promoting the challenges much lately since we’re keeping the groups very small!

If you want to join those, our temporary June Schedule is 3pm EST calls daily (except Tuesdays and Saturdays) and 24/7 group chats :sparkling_heart:

June 2021 FFTH Accountability Group here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/CP709EDTTGPFC/checkout/7OANLLSDHKNGLLQAR7CLHXY6

(For the time being, our temporary June schedule is 3pm EST Zoom calls daily except Tuesdays/Saturdays) + 24/7 Group Chat :sparkling_heart: Will be back to multiple calls a day and posting on YouTube again once baby is born!


Here is how to save this link to your Home Screen (looks like an APP) for easy access and daily check-ins!

Step 1:
Click this icon

Step 2:
Click “Save to Home Screen”

Step 3:
Tadaaa! Now it’s right on your Home Screen - no excuses! Let’s go :sparkling_heart:

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Does this work for Android too

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Yes absolutely, just click the share button and “Save to Home Screen” :sparkling_heart:

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Should be something like this for Android :sparkling_heart:

Here’s an example of one of our members who saved it to their Home Screen on Android :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::slight_smile:

Yes got it. Thanks a lot

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Post your fasting stickies etc. See steps 1-4 in the original post and let’s get started :sparkling_heart:

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Sure I will. I will get the stickies today and make a self made chart in my room.


Yay, I’m in. Also new to this app so not sure I’m commenting in the right spot.

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Yes it’s perfect :sparkling_heart: Exactly where you should comment! Just bookmark this thread and save to your Home Screen, and you can always hit “reply on the thread for your check-ins” :sparkling_heart:

Check steps 1-4 above so you can’t post your WHYS and Fasting stickies etc. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Happy Fasting!!

i’m in :blush:

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Perfect :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart: Starting today or June 1st?

today! feeling really motivated


Let’s do it! You can start it off by checking in here every day and others will follow !! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Im in! I have been fasting for a few days but I am committing to the whole month of June!


My 5 Why’s!

  1. My main “Why” is health. I have 4 kids that I love and want to be the best version of myself for them.
  2. I want to test my strengths and push myself.
  3. I want to clear my skin up.
  4. I want to look good.
  5. I want to fit my pre pregnancy clothes!

one day down! it’s always the easiest for me, but i’m proud anyways :grin: one step forward


day 2 in the bag! had a little trouble staying asleep at night for some reason, but i feel good :grin:


How is everyone today? I just came to a realization about life, I want to add another Why to my list lol. I know fasting seems hard, but its very good for us! Especially if we have extra weight stored in our body. I was thinking about how hard I have been on myself in the past, and this is a new chapter. So with this fast I want to incorporate more self care routines, skin care days, relax days, etc. I want to put more into loving me while doing myself the favor of getting healthier. These days leading up to June 1st, I am fasting and taking vitamins and salt water. Im pre fasting lol. My goal is to fast for the entire month of June and at the most, 40 days total.


Yes Minah!! That’s amazing!!!

Self-care is so fun you can make a habit tracker for self-care too!!

I did a nice one in February:

  • Face Masks 3x a week
  • Walking Daily
  • Skin Brushing 10 min/day before shower
  • Hair Mask 2x a month
  • Etc.

Feels so good to make them a priority !!! :sparkling_heart::heart_eyes: What kind of self-care are you thinking? :pray: Love your goals!

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