January 1st NO BULLSHIT Accountability Group

I’m starting to feel that taking a (sensible) break is not a bad thing. It’s pretty easy to get burned out, both mentally and physically, and you’ll proabably have great success coming at it fresh in the New Year.
Just mind that Christmas cake :joy:


How did you know?

My neighbor made me a pumpkin cheesecake for Xmas :rofl:

It’s in the freezer.


I’m In, no excuses!

Aiming to fast for 7 days.

New Year’s Resolution

  1. Plant-based lifestyle
  2. Exercise daily
  3. Travel

I’m in no excuses
I want to quit the sugar binges
Lose weight
Get my fitness back on track


I am in no excuses!

I’d like to do 30 at least 21 I’ll wrap my head around that in the next couple of days

Resolutions number one

stop being controlled by doom scrolling and the worst things going on around me

Resolution number two.
Be more organized and regular with my journalling and goalsetting… I have tons of things that need to be looked at and written down and I have all the new books for the new year ready to go

Resolution number three

Find a way to give back and share mind management tools and maybe even this experience of the 2021 fasting with other people by doing a vlog /blog and sharing the ups and downs .


@Candace_Greenidge @Carrie_Chesnutt

Took some screenshots on how to Bookmark & How to Save to Home Screen for direct access to this thread:

Instructions here: How to Bookmark & Save to Home Screen


Whoever is in must reply and answer the questions in the post as well as bookmark the page, save to home screen & post your new daily journal in this thread and tag me @yasemin when it’s done :white_check_mark:


I’m in, no excuses!
I want to fast for 5 days minimum 3 days. Starting out slow. The longest I’ve ever fasted was 2 days. Im recovering from a 2nd degree burn on my ankle so I dont want this immobility to be an excuse to gain more weight.
New Year’s resolutions for 2021:

  1. Lose 30lbs to finally be under 200lbs for the first time in my adult life.
  2. Finish my bachelor’s degree by November 2021
  3. Do a 3- 5 day water fast once a month

Start your daily journal also and post the link here :kissing_heart: important step to hold yourself accountable and track your journey too!

Daily Journal section !! Jaz’s journal :grin:

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I’m in, no excuses. I’m fasting for 7 days and would like to try for 14 days starting January 1st-
3 big resolutions are:
Work and maintain self discipline
Increase my spiritual health
Spend less time idle


im in, was already planning this, and trying to tell people already to stop forcing me to eat… im in costa rica now… it is a sin not to eat when you show up at friends houses. :confused: but they know now that starting jan first that i dont care… i will be a sinner and refuse there food… and from previous fast i have learned lots of excuses to tell others as to why im not eating. :slight_smile: 40 days finally. i have a friend here that will be fasting part or all of this with me. :slight_smile:


Hey! You’re in Costa Rica! Lucky!! Happy we’re taking the no bullshit approach once abd for all Kimy !!!

1 Like

I’m in no excuses! I want to fast for 21 days starting in Jan. My new years resolutions are to loose all of the extra weight I have put on, get back into my size 12 clothes, become more confident and re find my will power.


I’m in. No excuses!

I’m going to fast for as much of January as possible. In otherwise I’ll eat if necessary but then get back into fasting. Any food I do consume will be meat only. The ideal will be to do the entirety of January as one fast though.

My resolutions for 2021:

  1. Drop 50lbs.
  2. Cut Pepsi Max out of my life and drink more water. Significantly cheaper and much better for my health.
  3. Get my mental health under control and find some steady employment.

The page has been bookmarked on my phone for a long time. I’ll get the journal setup later on and post the link.


I’m in, no excuses!! I want to fast for 21 days. For 2021 I want to be/feel healthy and confident, I want to get used to constantly being active every day without it tiring me out too quickly, and I want to hone intermittent fasting and a low carb plant based lifestyle to continue succeeding in being healthy and feeling great about myself.

  1. I’m in, no excuses!

  2. I want to fast continuously throughout 2021. I will be making this a part of my lifestyle. The longest I will like to fast at one time is 30 days.

3 things I want to achieve in 2021

a) Get pregnant and carry baby full term with no health complications.

b) Lose weight

c) Start own business so I do not have to work for anyone anymore


Hi! I’m in!!! So glad you started this thread Yas! @Yasemin
My goal for 2021: 20% body fat, No processed junk/whole plant based foods, work on getting my career established for the new year, and bank account replenished for future baby :blush: (not prego yet, working on it)

3-5days extended fast once a month would be good too

Allie’s Daily Journal 12/23/20

Follow me guys! Let’s be cheerleaders for one another. :blush:

For the rest of December and January 2021, though, I want to eat clean. No processed junk! Crush my cravings for the bad sweets, salty snacks, and fast food out there that’s killing our body.

Sooo ready!!

  1. I’m in!! No excuses.
  2. At least 14 days. Will probably start with OMAD or juice fast then transition to water fast.
  3. NY Resolutions
  • finish a 14 day water fast
  • lose 50lbs
  • successfully finish school & get a job

I’m in, no excuses!
My life has been too delayed for so long already, I want to be the best version of myself

Mini Goal: 3 days Keto OMAD to prepare myself to 7 days water fasting

2021 Resolutions

  1. I haven’t had my period for more than 7 months already, I want to cure my PCOS and salvage my life
  2. They always just call me cute cause they can’t say I’m pretty. I want to be 45kgs with my 5ft height.
  3. Have an average of 10,000 steps everyday!

I’m in no excuses
9 Days Water only with nothing added
January 2,2021
My longest water only fast was 21 Days in January 2020