January 1st NO BULLSHIT Accountability Group

I’m in, no excuses!
7+ day fast
1.lose 60lbs
2. Keto diet for 6 mos. after initial water fast (intermittent water fast in between keto)
3. Have a healthy relationship with food


Day 1 :muscle:t3: how is everyone doing?


Hiya Cassandra! Nearing the end of day 2 and my willpower began to waver so I started watching water fasting videos on YouTube and decided to come on here for motivation :))

Hope day 1 is going well for you!


Going well I’m just missing the act of eating I think…I’m not really hungry but my mind is trying to trick me…holding on to my sanity lol it’s only day 1 but one day at a time I don’t want to overwhelm myself. I can do it!

Haha I miss the act of eating too but one day at a time! We got this!

I ate :woman_facepalming:t3: Starting over :flushed::grimacing:


It’s okay, we’ve all been there hundreds of times! It’s a new day so put this behind you and start again :))


Last ate at 6:30 last night. Day 1 is going really good not feeling any hunger at all. Feeling great I can come on here and just be honest and vulnerable :heart:


Woooo I’m guessing you live in the US and you’ve completed day 1 now?

One thing that keeps me going when I feel overwhelmed thinking about my weight loss journey is, ‘trust the process, know that this will work provided I take it one day at a time’. Thinking too far ahead can be a self sabotaging move. I hope this helps you too :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s midday here in England which means I’m halfway through day 4 :partying_face:


Yes in crazy California :joy: started day 2 feeling good . 3.4lbs of water gone

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Nearing the end of day 5 but really struggling with motivation today (plus hunger hasn’t gone just yet!). How is everyone doing?


Heading into day 4 in 2 hours going good…just started feeling hungry but it’s barely there. Yay! Great job! Hang in there @Tabby :heart:


This group is so quiet…

Does anyone know if I can drink raspberry hibiscus tea or no?

Tell me about it! I was so close to eating something last night…I even opened the fridge door but in the last second changed my mind :speak_no_evil:

You’re on day 4 now? Yaaay!

I’ve stumbled my way into day 6 miraculously :joy:


Yay!!! That’s huge!! I know I was putting away crackers last night and all the groceries actually and it crossed my mind to eat a cracker not because it looked good but in defiance or something I’m not really sure…no one was around like how would they know :laughing: it was a pretty quick thought but self control was accomplished :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3: No cracker was harmed lol


Haha this made me laugh! Very good self control! You know I was thinking, ‘if I eat now, what am I gonna say on the group?’ :joy:

I have started dreaming about food though - does that happen to you? I saw lots of trifle and profiteroles last night but I don’t recall getting to eat them…damn even in my dreams I’m denied food

I’m nearly done with day 6 - one week down after tomorrow!

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I finally got through all the videos! Woot!

I have 12 fasting days to bang out and decided today I’m doing this 100 bottle challenge which may take 10 days or more.

Off to bed I’m floating tonight. :joy:

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Two more days !! Whew I can’t believe I just fasted for two weeks :laughing::laughing: I’m hungry as hell but I did it ! Yay.


@tabby lol it makes me laugh too we have to somehow enjoy this right it’s fun they said it would be easy said no one but man is it worth it to see the results I’m feeling really clear headed right now earlier was like euphoric for me and I was laughing because everything was a little spinny :crazy_face::grimacing: but I’m doing great after taking supplements.
@miramar glad to see a familiar face :heart_eyes: you go girl!
@Christina_Taylor :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3: So exciting!!