I'll just take a seat here for a while

I am all stressed to hell and back right now.


We’re here for you! Vent all you need to or completely rearrange your apartment. Anything we can do to help?

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:heart: @Kristy I’m still here. I’m OK.

Today I’m having my morning coffee, finishing off the cream in the fridge, and the fasting is back on.

I have to keep my ass out of facebook :joy:

I got an account on mewe.

I had content edited/removed over the past few months and I’m over the censorship and fact checking going on - and last night seeing difference of opinion between some extended family members was a bit tense.

I have a better grip on things this morning.

I made no progress yesterday but that is changing today.



Just when we believed 2021 was going to get better for our Country… January has smacked us upside the head!!

Crazy Town.

I have been REALLY limiting my time from the internet and DEF the news. Whatever is going to be… will be and I’ll keep watching mindless TV and finding projects for my downtime.

hows your overall plan and personal goals going, miramar?

Anyone heard from @Stacia She’s been MIA for TOO long…

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Working on it today - the plan.

I have 2 checks that need to go to the bank, so I’m about to take care of that first.

Did manage to fill up gas tank yesterday.

And yeah, while I want to be up to date and informed on what is going on I am turning everything off.

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Here’s the new plan. This should keep me busy for a bit.

I had 3 cups of coffee this morning, but just managed to finish my first official bottle and have 99 to go.


Finally! Got through from noon to end of day and just water.

What a mind flip. Instead of looking at what time it is I simply am looking at how many bottles I have to go.

Crashing shortly as I’m already feeling a lack of sugar headache.

Killing FB today definitely helped.

See yall tomorrow!


Good morning!

My foot is firmly in the door!

No cravings. No cocktails. No coffee.

Feeling very full in my belly. I’m definitely fattened back up.

It’s supposed to be in the 70’s this week. I hope so. I am feeling cold already. This is what I enjoyed about fasting last summer. It was nice and hot outside.

Longer term plans formulating in my head. Need to block out the holiday events on the calendar.


Well past the 24 hour mark.

A bit of a headache but otherwise all is well.

I did watch some news today - couldn’t help myself. But there is major turmoil brewing and I need to be aware of what’s going on.

Watching mindless TV now and plotting my plans for tomorrow.


Good Morning!

Quick check in before I drive out for some water and other errands.

I was looking into some cooking things last night - I boiled some smoked pork picnic bones for broth last night. I came across in some silly manner thinking about getting a sous vide and wound up ordering one this morning.

I think I like how I’ll be able to use my new vacuum sealer and play with some sous vide cooking.

Also came across some evil cheesecake recipes using sous vide and my canning jars.

I want to experiment in the future with making my own bitters as well. I’d love to figure out the red bull flavor.

Ok, be back with a water update later in the 100 challenge.


As a professional chef we use the sous vide for EVERYTHING- if you ever want any tips or tricks lemme know!


Good Morning!

Tried a new truffle slicer last night for making some paper thin ginger and garlic. A butter knife would have been sharper. I want to make some pickled ginger. Will need to wait a bit longer.

Anyway, amazon return happening today. And then a trip to the storage unit for some shuffling around.

Also been waiting for paperwork for some old inheritance funds. A small policy that was overlooked by my brother, then my siblings both passed so it’s up to me to get it. I have to do a re-submit of the paperwork.

Then a friend passed by last night who is having a melt down of getting some photos and a picture board together for one of her friends passing. So tonight I’ll be at her place helping her sort it all out.

On the flip side it’s still quite cool outside and I’d love nothing better than to curl up in bed and just stay warm and sleep all day.

I have enough busy work to keep me busy fasting for the next year. :joy:

Starting to feel some bloat relief today. My hormones have definitely been reeking havoc. I shaved my legs just over a week ago and the hair grew back like wild fire. And those wiley facial strays were popping up too - but those have calmed down. I think it’s a residual PMS thing as my cycle hasn’t happened in months now.


Still at the house. Had a friend call to make.

And then realized I am going to have a lot of pickles as I have some emergency pickle juice on hand and just felt bad tossing all the pickles.

Realized I could freeze them - or better yet dehydrate them!

And then use them to grind down and make pickle powder.

Tack on another things to do today list.

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Ugh, one end tied up today. The funds I thought I could retrieve are such a mess to get to it would cost me more money to get them AND they would have been divided up as well with my deceased siblings estate accounts.

There goes my plans. :joy:

Anyway, going to focus on the universe sending it in another form or from somewhere else.

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Got the pickle juice strained, Got the whole jar of pickles sliced and into the dehydrator.

I got the claussen - it’s a giant jar I’d picked up at Sams club for about 5 bucks. There’s a lot of shots of juice! No sugar.

Went to help a friend get some photos organized.


Finally got my ass out of bed.

It’s so cool out and I just felt like in a warm cocoon under the blanket.

I had the dreaded “I ate something and broke the fast” dream again last night.

I did feel better when I woke up and can feel the belly finally starting to go back down.

I’m getting excited to get slim again. Excited about how I feel in my body when it’s not lugging excess fat around.

I’ve almost convinced myself into doing some exercise just to firm and build up the muscles which will burn more calories.

Almost… :rofl:

Just about to finish bottle 22 on my 100 bottle challenge. Why is my water intake slowing down so much? I wish it was hot out. I think the cold weather is what’s messing me up.

I have a bad knee that’s been a bit achy in this weather as well.

I’m in shock and awe at how I’m not having any food craving issues. Like my body knows it’s got plenty of fat to burn. My body is wanting to feel slim.


Maybe with the fasting your body will get a chance to do some inner repair work in that knee… I’m sure you’ll be eager for more fitness focused things when your more confident in your body and strength. But remember all these house organising, helping friends ect… that’s all exercise too. From what I have read you have an active lifestyle. Loitering in bed is forgivable when it’s cold too :joy:

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The knee started acting up after the last month feasting frenzy. I know it’s somewhat weight related, but also the cold weather is not helping.

It’s something that happened 20 or so years ago with the knee. I only started some fasting last year so I don’t expect it to disappear overnight.

I am proud of myself getting through the week here. I never realized how much it takes to get through 100 bottles of water. I’m on #29 right now.

I’m hoping to see my goal weight in this first quarter of the year and by end of the year find a happy fasting schedule.

I’m committed to fasting for the rest of my life for maintenance.


What is the volume of water in these bottles? 500ml?

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Half liter. 16.9oz

Ok. Good news and bad news.

Reality sinking in.

I began this journey last year in June at 223lbs.

Last longish fast left me at 167 after the refeed. Before the refeed I saw 159 on the scale.

Today on the scale (I finally got on the scale) said 185. :sob:

Who only knows what I was on Monday. But Monday is long gone and I’m not going to worry about that.

Good news is I’m still down 38 lbs from last year, bad news was holidays allowed me to put 18+ back on after all the progress I had.

I was judging by clothes fitting - but I need to get my arse on the scale again and start tracking.

June 8th was my start date. I’d love to get to goal by June 8th of this year. 142lbs. It initially was going to be my birthday in February, but that’s not realistic at this point in time :joy:.

I have my birthday week next month. Taking the 12th through the 17th as there are a butt load of holidays in that week.

Middle of March is St Patty’s day - so a week off in March. We go on a corned beef frenzy here.

First week in April has Easter. Always do a ham.

First week in may (cinco de mayo - fun day) and last week in May has memorial day - all weekend event.
Slip in one other birthday on April 28th.

Those are the only holidays that I care about in this point in time.

And June 8th was my start date last year.

New year. New plans.

Time to buckle down.

43lbs to go by June 8th.

New fasting calendar getting marked up today.
Going to go back to daily weigh ins.

Roughly 20 weeks away.

That’s a couple of lbs a week.