Fast Into FALL

Cheering you on! :partying_face:

I’d love to join your Fast Into Fall challenge.

My goal before Fall is to get to 165 lbs. I’m 174ish now. I’d also like to be able to fit into some of my summer clothes before summer is over.

I’m planning to fast 24-36 hours Fridays for sure, and also have a tentative goal of 24 hrs on Mondays and Wednesdays, but those may get moved around to longer or shorter fasts. I’m also focusing on keeping low carb. I probably won’t do OMAD very often; today I’ll have an eating window of 4 hrs and have 2 meals planned.

I need to think about writing down an actual plan for this. So another goal is to work on that this week.


Hi @Sky!

YES! Sounds like you have a very doable goal.

Welcome to the club!

Get some stickies on the wall going.

So, you can guestimate that you will lose an actual half lb of fat for each clean fasting day. That might be of help in determining how many 24 hour fasts you want to get in every week.

That’s why I’m on the 5 day a week plan atm. I’m pushing for 2-3 lbs a week. I see weight come back on my refeeds but I expect a few to come back on and it goes back away quickly the following week and the scale dips more.


Good luck on your journey @Sky! You can do it :muscle:

Hello fine into Fall Fasters.

We are the finest group of all.

Our pounds are practically melting off in the summer heat like a stick of butter left in the sun.

I’m back down to 193.5 today.

9 weeks to go! 63 days!

16 lbs for me to lose by then.

I have 11 Fasting days done and 39 more to go. Might be time to put some stickies on the wall.

I am druling to see 190 number on the scale this week.

Feeling good today. No headaches and feel the Fasting energy surge coming on.


Wow! You’re doing an amazing job of this. I have enjoyed reading your posts and find them both inspirational and entertaining. Thank you for the info about how much I can expect to lose. I’m going for 3 days fasting each week and estimating about 1.5 lbs. I may lose a little slower than that since I am not very active most of the time.

I noticed your mention of making broth with chicken feet. I did that a couple days ago. I always think the chicken feet look like little hands waving at me from the pot. It’s creepy, but it does give a nice gel to the finished product.



So creepy. I tried not to look too much. Lol

I was good once I filtered through the cheese cloth. All the little toenails :joy:- roflmao.

I cooked it in the crock in my neighbors house overnight so I didn’t have to smell food all night.

It was a dream scooping a cup of jelly and into the freezer. That part I liked.

I’ve been mixing with store bought to make my brothy soups.

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Welcome sky!! Come and join the life app group as well!

I’m starting my 48-72hrs tonight! Need to stay focused!!

I’m proud of you @Miramar!!! Law of attraction. You’re going to see that number soon!

@Van how’s the experiment going??

My plan is to fast at least 48-72hrs each week! I think this is a challenging but doable plan. Sustainable I should say.

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I’m starting 36-48 tonight.




Only Wednesday!


I’ll be back.


Oh wow! That’s progress!!! You will for sure meet your goal of 185 lbs!!!

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@Alliekal, it’s going great. I am finally seeing progress. Weight is going down!!! I am seeing myself going into Ketosis after 48 hrs with more than 100g of carbs per day. My curiosity is peaked right now with this experiment…

After doing some research and going back to look at the blue zone project, I am starting to realize that everything we have been told about Keto may not be the whole truth…

I will see how it goes.


Miramar…almost to the 180s! That’s phenomenal. It sounds like you’re going to need all new clothing sizes before long. I’m curious about your 5-2 plan. Do you feel drained at all or is 2 days enough recovery time before starting again? Now that you’ve done this a while, do you feel your body is adapted to it or do you still have that difficult day of adjustment (seems to be day 3, 4 or 5 depending on the person)?

Van, I’d like to hear more of what you mean about not knowing the truth about keto.

Alliekal, I think you and I have similar fasting plans for the next couple days.

I’m just having my typical morning. Breakfast is my favorite meal and usually my main meal so I always awake hungry. After about an hour, I forget about it and life goes on. I’m feeling super energetic today and going to start on a plan to “renovate” my bathroom (I live in an apartment and the renovations will be minimal and mostly removable). Up today, removing everything from the bath, a thorough cleaning, and hopefully I’ll get it taped off in preparation for painting tomorrow.

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I am sleeping through most of those fasting hours because of the time I juxtaposed. I get to eat on 3 days actually, but the time is short on Friday and gets cut off before Sunday dinner. I think this helps.

I feel good jumping back in. This last week was really good. The most draining thing this week was the fights I was having with my own head yesterday late afternoon to evening. Not hungry but out of habit alone I wanted to take a bite of something yesterday. Got over that and today is going well so far. Body is not drained - it’s all my head and mind games.

I was more low carb this last weekend than the previous 2 and that I think made a good difference. The worst thing I had sugar wise was watermelon - and trust me I eat a lot! I had a regular yogurt that had some sugar in it - that was the last thing I ate.

I allow myself to have as much broth soup as I want. I have my coffee with cream in the morning on Saturday and Sunday and I don’t count that in my feeding window which starts later. I try to have everything I allow myself to eat ready by window time as I eat slow and just nibble the whole time. It can take an hour to an hour and a half to get though a big bowl of soup. I’m probably going through a gallon of bone broth stock alone for the whole weekend and then I add veggies. I add fish into it by Saturday late and finish it on Sunday. Also get to drink my tea on the weekends. I started green tea this last weekend which is supposed to actually encourage autophagy.

It’s working so far!

So I might see 189 by Friday, but that won’t be able to stick until the following week as the refeed does toss me back up a few lbs.

I had a bm today and I know there is more to come by tomorrow. Last Friday I really felt completely emptied out before my evening meal. So 5 days I feel gives me enough of a thorough clean out for now, is long enough to get in some autophagy, and I can estimate dropping a real 2.5 lbs a week in actual fat.

This may change, but it’s working at this juncture so I’ll ride it out until it’s not and reformulate a new plan of attack. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Going for 190 this Friday. :grinning: It’ll be another 2 weeks to 185. Then 2 more to 180, and then onto that 177 goal and make it stick.

62 Days to get er done!

I’m expecting things might slow down in the 170’s as my daily calories needed go down and so I’ll be burning less.

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@Sky, all my research from multiple sites and resources has been stating that the only way to get into Ketosis is either Ketogenic diet (eat less than 50g of carbs per day) or water fasting.

However, with this experiment, I have been eating about 100g or more of carbs per day and have gotten myself into Ketosis. I am suspecting that there’s other ways of eating to get into Ketosis and autophagy without being on a Keto diet. I am not able to do Keto Diet as I have reacted badly to it several years ago.

I am treading in new territory right now. So this experiment is quite eye opening. After 1.5 month of struggling… I am finally seeing some progress with the weight loss. I also feel somewhat normal around food right now. Food obsession is almost gone now. I will see how it goes…

Currently doing intermittent fasting with a 3-hour eating window because I am a slow eater.

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Hi, I weigh 260 and want to have a flat tummy. I like being 130 ish but right now I’m thinking it would be super cool to try getting in shape about cross fit, even if I do not compete. I am fasting on water with medication twice a day, meds that I’ve outgrown in my opinion, and that keep me fat, but that I’m stuck to for now. I’m planning on doing some light walking and getting a lot of rest daily starting tomorrow as day one. I think that 100 is an impressive number so here I go to fast into November. I’ll check in every day.


Welcome @Forever🙂

Have you done any Fasting before or low carb/keto?

Do you need to take food with your meds?

100 is quite an impressive number, but I couldn’t take on that big a challenge personally.

Only you know you though.

Don’t be afraid to adjust that challenge to yourself (if this is your first fast) as you read up in the forum here. You may want to break up your 100 with a couple of refeed breaks.

Good luck and looking forward to your updates.


Hi thanks for the safety net☺️, I have master cleansed before for 47 days at the longest.


Good luck @Forever on your fasting journey!

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