Fast Into FALL

You are amazing @Miramar!!!

Had to restart again last night. Came over to bf’s house who knew full well that I was fasting and convinced me to eat. I caved… ugh. I have no self control around him.

Told him that I am staying away cause I don’t want anyone sabotaging my goals for the rest of the week.


Hope your pain and swelling has subsided.

My gf fasted a couple of years ago but went crazy on the salt water - caused her ankles to swell up. Had to tell her to lay off of it. And it eventually got better.

It’s weird. Just one ankle.

That’s all gone and the stomach muscle area is very mild again. I was out shopping for a couple hours this morning and didn’t even feel it.

So I picked up some green tea and have it cold brewing.

On the fence about having it this evening. Will wait and see how I feel. I definitely think I should be drinking it on refeed days so it’ll be there either way.


Checking in. Passed 24 hours, currently at 33 hours. How is it possible to gain 0.6 lbs on a fast!!!

I am feeling anxious about a lot of things this morning (mostly bf related stuff)…

Goal is to keep busy and keep going…


@Van if you are only drinking water don’t worry. Likely water retention catching up and it will flush back down with a little more. This is why it’s better to get into longer fasts. No unknown factors between planned eating periods.

I’m so excited for you! 33 hours! Go go go!

Keep that water near by. :blush:

I’m on day 4. Back down to 195.5 woot!

A day and a lb to go for my goal this week. And then we are just 5 weeks away!


Been taking salt here and there. Gonna reduce salt intake and see what happens. My body is definitely fighting me on this. I want to get into 150 lb zone!!!


@Miramar @Van keep it up guys!! I had to restart my 3 days as well :confused: but I’m working the next 3 days so I’m hoping this will keep me busy enough to stay away from food! Fingers crossed!!


You can do it @Alliekal. Cheering you on :muscle:

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@Alliekal no finger crossing only water drinking.

Fight the beast in your head. Your body will be fine and tell your stomach to settle down if it tries to fight you.

Take charge of it.

You will feel great after your challenge. Tell your body who is boss!


Good morning!

Today’s big news- I dropped 3 lbs over night!


I begin my weekend refeed at 3:30. Focus on low carb and no overeating.


Omg thank you guys!! I needed that good kick of confidence and boost this morning (When I’m about to crack) staying strong now that I’ve read yalls motivational comments!

And omg 3 lbs! That’s amazingggg! You won’t be too far from your goal now!

Thinking about how cute we’ll all look in our “goal” outfits!



You did it!!! Congratulations @Miramar!!! You are amazing!!! :partying_face:

I passed 48 hours last night. Currently 56 hours in. Checked my urine and currently in mild-moderate Ketosis. Plans are to break my fast today. Went down several pounds!!!

Will continue with OMAD for weekend. Going to start an experiment tomorrow after today’s refeed.

Keep going @Alliekal!!! Cheering you on!!! You can do it!!! :muscle:

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@Van nice!!! Great job fasting machine! Enjoy your refeed as well, much deserved!
And thanks!



Are you on a 21 day right now?

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I think I found a temporary sweet spot.

Last week was 4 days, and this week was 5.

I didn’t feel done at 4 days. Felt like I’d cheated myself.

So going for another 5 next week for sure.

I could keep going through the weekend but feel like I’ve hit top of my game today.

Also a big fan of if it’s not broken don’t fix it.

Need to go to the thrift store today and see if I can replace my neighbors coffee pot. I broke his by accident. He’s using mine and likes it better. It’s a 4 cup hotel size and perfect for 1. I got it cheap at this thrift store and hoping they have more.

Then have lots of mushrooms I got cheap to clean up and freeze. I believe I have enough food for the next 3 weeks to a month. Don’t need much when only eating on the weekend.
I like lollygagging in the grocery store so that’s frustrating :rofl:. But best I just stay out of there right now.


No loss, No gain after last nights refeed! I am over the top!

Broth for lunch later, and tonight is a new salmon spinach soup that will carry me though tomorrow.

Full of piss and vinegar today! :rofl:

Big sales at the dollar general - going shopping.

Might buy a new bra. The underwires get rusted out in Florida and snap. Never had this bra issue before.

My neighbor ate the rest of the watermelon last night, so getting another giant watermelon. He seems to eat it all week and then there’s just a bit left for me on the weekend. Last one didn’t have any rind for me to pickle so need to hopefully find one with a thick rind.

Allowing 1:30 to 7:30 for feeding time today. That excludes my morning coffee with cream - I don’t count that.

Hope everyones weekend is going well!


Wow you’re so inspirational :heart_eyes:
I think your fasting plan is a great one! I’m still not a pro like you. I can’t seem to get over the 2 day mark now. I know fasting is a muscle but dang. Going to try small increments now. 24hrs are easy but going to shoot for increments of 48hrs since it’s challenging to do the 3 days for me right now.

Love that you and Van still blogging on here though. Love hearing your day to day activities/plan/feelings/accomplishments.

Will update y’all on how my plan goes!
Have a great weekend everyone!


I am going to do an experiment right now. Today is Day 1 of my experiment. Will be checking my urine to see if this experiment will push me into Ketosis.

I will continue to check this thread to cheer you guys on!!!


Amazing stuff!!! :partying_face:

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And as of 4:30 I’m off! Or is that back on? I’m back to another 5 days fast. :blush:

Full but not uncomfortable.

Tomorrow morning I’ll weigh in for the weekend damage. Would LOVE to see 190 on the scale by Friday. Would love to see another inch down on the waist as well - so those are my desires this week.

We have 65 Days left until the end of summer. I have 41 more Fasting days needed to accomplish my commitment. Technically if I’m burning a half lb of fat a day I should make it to my 177 goal.

Just reset my fasting clock on the Life app.

Let’s go!