Anna’s Journal 🖤 Post 30 day water fast & refeed

Congratulations! 3 weeks is impressive! Final countdown has begun.

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Thank you for all the support and motivation! :pray:

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How are you doing?
Look forward to reading your next post.

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Wow 3 weeks is definitely amazing! I’m so inspired by you! You made me smile when you said you can’t stop stroking your own cheeks :blush: I’m so glad things are going well for you! Keep going! :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:

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Day 22

I couldn’t get any sleep during the night so I’ve been a bit lower in energy today and have had a slight headache. Besides that I’m feeling well!
The Keto rash is slowly disappearing! I do notice that my skin is getting more dry on my body than usual!

Other than the physical part, the fast has really made me more confident and motivated to deal with other aspects of my life. I had a long conversation with a close friend yesterday and opened up about this last year and how I’ve felt. I’ve had pretty destructive behaviours that I’ve been very ashamed of, and the fasting made it much easier to quit those habits as well. Almost like putting my whole life on pause to reflect. I’m ready for a new year and leave those things that only brought me sadness behind. There are so many more important things that life has to offer!


Very “inspirational” post. I hope others who are struggling with the same type of issues read this. Only 8 more days to goal! @Yasemin

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I’m really grateful for your support!

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I’m so glad that you were courageous and opened up to a friend. You are not alone. It feels like you are getting enlightened and gaining a new outlook on life. This is precious and I’m happy for you. :pray:

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Thank you so much for all your words! :pray::sparkles:

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Hey all. just signed up, and read through all of Anna’s updates. Way to go. Starting a 10 day water fast as of yesterday, this forum seems like a great idea. Fantastic really. The longest I’ve gone is 4 days, looking to double and then some for discipline reboot before the new year begins. Will check in later, again Anna, incredible work. Truly amazing to see as soon as I logged in. Thank you.


I wish you all the best Laura! This forum is great for support and journaling the way to your goal! :sparkles::facepunch:

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Day 23

I slept for 8 hours (!!) straight during the night/morning! :raised_hands:
I’m not feeling any hunger but I’m still thinking and looking at food a lot every day :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
I am getting a bit bored and tired of the darkness here, since the sun is setting around 1 pm, so it’s like living in constant darkness now, and I think it makes me more lazy/tired than I would have been otherwise, even through a fast.
But enough complaining about that, I’m doing well and feel healthy!

Hope everyone else is doing well too!


I couldn’t handle the short days you deal with. I grew up in sunny Southern California since I was 6 yo. I tried Seattle for 4 years and I lived on Manhattan in New York for 3 months serving a student internship with the US government. Thought of staying in New Zealand when I traveled there and Australia for 3 months. Also did 6 weeks in Western Canada. Always came home in the end.

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Luckily it’s just for the winter, when the summer comes, the sun never sets instead!
I love staying in new countries and places too, but I always go back sooner or later as well! There’s no place like home right

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Day 24

Haven’t been feeling my best today. I’m more cold than usual, and all I want to do is crawl under a blanket and rest. It’s almost the same feeling as cold sweating but without the sweating part (might sound weird?). It’s probably because of the stress and the hormonal changes while fasting. I’ve been trying to study but I couldn’t really focus that well, so I took many breaks, and in the end I just rewatched lectures while lying down, to feel a little bit productive!

I hope I’ll feel a bit better tomorrow! :christmas_tree:


Hang in there! 6 more days to go. You’ll only be the 4th person to make goal in the forum, joining me, Veronica and one other lady who dropped her HA1c from pre-diabetic to normal (I haven’t run across her journal yet in my research so I’ll update this post with her name when I do) as far as I can tell.

UPDATE: Maryam_Huda completed a 15-day fast and dropped her HA1c to 5.8 which allowed the doctor to drop her meds. I thought that was interesting because according to the Diabetic classifications 5.8 is still considered Pre-Diabetic. Mine is lower at 5.7. But I talked to a cousin who is taking her Masters in Nursing while working as a full-time nurse. She said it depends where you are. She lives and works in Nevada and they consider 5.7 “normal”.

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I’ll make it there! One day at a time! :muscle:

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Let me know if you have as drastic an energy drop as I did when I started my ReFeed. You’ll have the 2nd longest prolonged water fast after me on the forum so it would be interesting if you have the same experience that I did. Also keto breath not causing you to brush teeth and rinse out your mouth every 3 hours like I did during the last days of my fast?

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I’ll update about the refeed later on too! :slight_smile:
No actually I haven’t!
There’s quite a lot of symptoms I haven’t experienced, that others has talked about when I’ve followed others updates on blogs and YouTube for example.
I haven’t even experienced the white coating on the tongue that most people inform others about!
I would say my main “symptoms” has been the ammonia and acetone smell when I pee, trouble sleeping and muscle weakness! And some low energy every now and then, mostly for the later part of the fast!


Day 25

I’m feeling quite similar to yesterday, so I’ve mostly been laying down today, besides studying for a little while!
I’m starting to become very sensitive to smells and tastes, and it makes me feel a bit nauseous whenever I can smell someone cooking nearby, or even when I taste the minerals I add to my water once or twice a day! I can barely stand the taste of salt now!

But it’s 5 more days left so I’ll try and make the best out of it!
I’ve been thinking of one specific food for these last couple of days, boiled potatoes haha, I really miss it! Gonna take a few days into the refeed before I’ll try some though, since it’s a lot of starch in it! But right now I feel like I could live a happy life just eating boiled potatoes until I die!