Anna’s Journal 🖤 Post 30 day water fast & refeed

I was just awarded the “Regular” and one of the privileges is being able to edit the title of my journal to “Alipio’s 40-Day Water Fast & ReFeed Journal”. LOL! At first I thought what the hell is she talking about, I don’t see the edit :pencil2: icon. Then I thought maybe it’s a feature only on a desktop browser since I only use my iPhone and iPad. Glad getting the badge cleared that up!

I always appreciate advice, thank you!
Guess what, I DID actually take more magnesium than what I normally do as a supplement, for once, even before I saw your respond, and I was able to sleep for 4 hours tonight! Well needed! :pray:
I’ll try some meditation for sure, I think it’s a nice way to relax whether it makes me sleep or just be in the moment for a while!
Hope you’re doing well!

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Haha yayy, good job!
You might be a programming/software engineer, but this site is on another level :wink:

Day 17

I got more rest during the night and it helped a lot with my mood and energy today!
I took a walk down to the city centre to get some more minerals, and to send some packages!
But man, it’s a challenge to walk up the steep mountain again, when I’ve just been resting for most of the fast! Took several breaks along the way!
I handed in my exam before noon too, so I’ll have the weekend off now! :sparkles::clinking_glasses:

A pretty good day so far!

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I looked back in my Daily Journal to the same time in my journey. I start feeling the impact on my daily walks around Day 19. You’ll get back some of that energy as your body fully adjusts to running on ketones instead of stored glycogen. Congrats on finishing finals (I’m assuming based on your reaction). Have a “restful” weekend.

Well, I’ve also been out of the software engineering game for a few years now meaning I’m “obsolete”. Today I started an Excel spreadsheet of employee candidates for my future company/non-profit and the first one I wrote in was a computer hardware guy. I have a good friend who’s graduating from university with a degree in interface design and I have a past client who was the Director of I.T. For Smart & Final wholesalers and before that was the main guy who was responsible for the I.T. Infrastructure for the retail network for the Disney Stores. So yeah, I know my shortcomings. LOL

It’s interesting, I feel like I have tons of energy, like i could walk for 10 km on flat ground easily, but as soon as I need more muscle strenght i feel very weak, like walking up the hill or lifting something. But I know I lost a lot of strength even before the fast, since I went from doing 10 workouts a week for years to just laying down in bed for 9 months straight, so I’m not very surprised, it’s just frustrating.

Regardless of your shortcomings, I think you’d beat me in all aspects of it (except from changing the titles :wink: )

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The one thing you learn as you get older is what your shortcomings are and how important it is to have a team of other people who offset that while your strengths offset their weaknesses. That’s probably the most important thing I learned when I was in Seattle for 4 years working in the software industry up there. LOL. I’m sure there ARE other areas you are naturally talented at where I suck, btw.

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Day 18

It took a long time to fall asleep, but I finally did around 5am and slept for about 5 hours, on and off, but it felt like 10 hours! :pray::sleeping:
I’ve just been at home all day. It feels like my body just want to rest even though my mind is awake!

I’ve started to get a bit of a Keto rash around my collarbones and neck, it doesn’t itch or hurt by any means, but I hope it won’t get worse, because it doesn’t look very nice!


It takes me a longer time to get to sleep these days, too! Although I’ve never fasted as long as you have!

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Yeah it can be really frustrating at times!
Hope you’re doing well on your journey! :christmas_tree:

Day 19

I slept for 5 hours straight (!!) for the first time since before the fast! Yet, I still feel like my body and head just want to rest this entire day! I’m feeling okay otherwise, I’m just very tired! The constant darkness outside isn’t helping either!
I’ll hopefully have a bit more energy tomorrow, since I have some things scheduled!

I had a dream where I broke the fast too, like I’ve heard a lot of people experience while fasting. I was so disappointed in myself haha!
The Keto rashes has decreased some since yesterday too!


Glad the rashes have decreased and I’m happy that you’re finally getting some sleep. You are much farther than me but I too have a hard time with hills and even stairs. I become out of breath very fast (and also have a glimpse of what our elders must feel like sometimes). I had a dream that I was eating as well and it wasn’t even gourmet food. I woke up in a slight panic! All the best to you and I wish you a good night sleep and a good day tomorrow! :innocent:

Haha I know, it feels like I’m in my 70s sometimes :grimacing:
Thank you! I hope you’ll have a nice day and week ahead of you!


Day 20

I slept alright tonight, although my routines are completely shifted from when I wasn’t fasting. I’ve always been a morning person who goes to bed early, I can’t even remember a time where I’ve slept past 8 am (even if I came home at 5 am after a party).
And now I’m falling asleep between 5-7 am and wake up around 9-10 am… it’s weird for me!

I’ve been able to get through the day which was a bit psychically challenging, since I don’t feel very strong now, and I had to walk around a lot. Although I did take a taxi home instead of walking back, since it’s very cold and dark out, and I was walking alone. I don’t want to risk anything if I suddenly would feel really weak, and be by myself. Safety first.
I had the best taxi driver as well so that made my day much better! It’s crazy how some people just have that positive effect on you!

Time for a warm shower! :pray:


Yes its weird when your body completely dictates your routines. One of the reasons I limited my daily walks to 1 to 2 miles was for those safety reasons. Also almost always have my backpack with me with iPhone, wallet and emergency snacks like the Lindt 90% Cocoa bar.

Congrats on reaching the Final Countdown. I’m pulling for you!


Thank you! :pray: This forum is helping a lot through the journey!

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You’re being very clever about your safety, it’s so important. It’s very interesting what is happening to your new routine. I would have thought that you’d be getting iteratively earlier to bed and rising up earlier as well, as opposed to what you are experiencing.
I’m glad that you are getting some sleep! You are doing awesome, stay safe :ok_hand:


Thank you! You too! :hugs::christmas_tree:

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Day 21

Wow it has been three weeks now…
I’m feeling pretty good, had a slight pain in my stomach for a while, but nothing major.
I’ve had a relaxing day of studying at home so far. Been listening to a lot of podcasts and audio books as well, which I find very relaxing and educating!

Even though I find it hard to see all the changes in my body myself, one thing I do notice clearly is my skin. Can’t stop stroking my own cheeks haha :angel::angel: