Adf keto, stats included in comments

Well, I’m very interested now. :grinning:. I’ve been obsessed with blood sugar for a season. Of course I was much older than you now. I’ve priced out those wearable constant glucose monitors. They aren’t incredibly accurate, but you can eat stuff and do stuff and watch which way your blood sugar goes.

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I’ve thought about that too!!! I’m very interested in those, however I haven’t looked into pricing yet, however I could see it being cheaper than buying strips alllll the time. I check like 6+ times per day.

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Ouch!! :pushpin:

You’re telling me


Decided to drink last night. Regretted that choice big time. I won’t be drinking again for a loooooong time. But hey it made my fast “easy” today. I’m so dehydrated it’s not okay…

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Funny :grin: :beers:

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Feeling much much better today, ironically I didn’t lose any weight even with all the stomach emptying. I did however drink two cups of bone broth to replenish my electrolytes yesterday.

Today is an eating day. Breakfast was coffee and steak. Lunch will be chicken with cucumber salad and dinner is going to be broccoli chicken Alfredo. No noodles of course. I may add a couple cherry tomatoes to it.

I have been eating this style of diet the entire time and remain in moderate ketosis according to my test strips. It makes me happy!

I am however treating myself to a Starbucks sugar free sweetener drink. I’ll be testing my ketosis afterwards to see if it knocked it down any.

As far as blood sugar goes I haven’t tested that today. And will probably wait until after my next fast (tomorrow) to test it again. Then at the end of the month I’ll be doing a bone broth fast. But I’ll limit the broth to three times total per day every other day. I just miss food a lot on extended fast and I think that’ll make it easier for me.

With the sugar free drinks and keto snacks I had yesterday I’m in small level ketosis, which is completely fine with me. Any ketosis makes me happy. Tested my sugar. 95. Not nearly as bad as I was expecting. I definitely need to start exercising again. I’ll be starting that back Monday I hope. It’s been a busy week. I’ll weigh again tomorrow. Haven’t weighed in a few days. Kinda like it that way. I’ll update my body scan before my week fast at the end of the month.

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Apparently it’s already the last week of January, so 7 day fast has begun. My rules are different from last time. On day 6 I can have broth but until then water only.

Starting stats are :

Also planning to start a new journal topic to this week fast this will be my overall update journal the new one will be specifically for week fasts

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Day one went well. Had a headache but pushed through. Definitely going to keep taking electrolytes to help balance the water I’m taking in. So far it’s going well. Went to bed with a blood glucose of 99. Looking for it to reach the 80’s today. Definitely ready for my weight to pour off like it did in December. This month I didn’t do it the same way as last month. I let myself have keto wraps and keto ice cream. And keto sweeteners. I also drank a few times and I think that messed me up because it messed up my eating windows. This month I’m cutting alcohol and keto sweeteners. The wraps I’ll have in moderation, maybe. I definitely want more vegetables and I love getting my carbs from veggies.

Anyways. There’s my game plan for the month I guess :joy:.


Okay I’m on day 3. So far so good. Woke up with cold like symptoms but they seemed to have passed. I was hoping to lose a little more weight yesterday but I’m still happy with what I’ve gotten so far. No complaints here. I’m a pound ahead of schedule. Overall goal for this fast is 7 pounds. I’m down 3 and have only completed 2 days. So not bad. Keto refeed means I won’t be gaining it back. And the goal this month is to keep the diet I had the first month. I need to have another 20 pound month.


That little statement is DYNAMITE!!

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Right? It worked for me last month :slight_smile: heck I even lost some during refeed lol

I’m discovering that, for me, the best way to consider it is… the alternative to Keto is fasting! Those are my two choices.

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Yes! That’s the same for me at this point. I can’t afford to have cheat days and freebee days. My time window is too short.


Day 4 begins now. Well technically it began around 8 last night. But I ALWAYS wait til the morning after to count it as a new day.

Yesterday went well after I drank a little pickle juice. For some reason this fast has been more difficult energy wise. I think I need to incorporate my keto electrolyte supplements into my day more often during my typical week.

February is a new start for me. I WILL get under 200 this month. Then my goal will feel so much closer. I WILL make this happen. I am so ready for baby number 2. If I make it by may the Chinese gender chart says it’ll be a girl. And it was right about my boy lol. I really want to see my husband with a little girl. He’s gonna turn into a big softie lol.

That was off topic lol, but that is the reason why it has to be May. That and my son turns 2 may 8th. He’s nearly potty trained so it’s time.

This time though I’m incorporating all the things I’ve learned during this weight loss session and will not be gaining it back. I refuse to restart a third time. Once is an accident, twice I’m just being a fool. The sad thing is had I started a year ago like I tried to do I would have been getting pregnant now.

That tooooootally veered off from fasting. Day 4’s motivation is strong! Baby number 2 is keeping me going. I also really haven’t cared about food like at all this whole time so that’s nice :slight_smile:

Drank a ton of water yesterday. Curious to see my stats today.

I’ll post those in a bit in the other journal I created.


Day 5 has begun. Got a headache again. I don’t understand why I keep getting headaches. And I’m a bit weak too. I don’t like that. But today will be a busy day so I’ll be distracted. Tomorrow serves as day 6 I start refeed with broth. And as well on day 7. Tuesday I’ll have actual meals.

Headache went away pretty quickly after I had some water. Think I got a little dehydrated in my sleep maybe?

Today has been slammed packed, I went to two different birthday parties and didn’t even think about eating of the foods. I feel pretty happy with myself :slight_smile:


Well day six is here one cup of broth started, only having the one today, tomorrow I’ll have 3. Tuesday will be back to normal meals for me.

So far today I feel great, not looking forward to the energy drain from drinking broth. Hopefully it won’t effect me too much. Tomorrow makes day 7 for me and I have to say I’m extremely happy with this fast so far.

I have loads of faith that I will reach my goal by May. I’m so ready!!! Surely if medicine can make people lose it this quick I can do it with keto and fasting right? My best friend has lost 50 with phentermine. Ive already lost 30+ since November 27th.

February will be the month I make it under 200. I have faith. 197 is my goal for the month for me to be on track. I know I can do it! I’m going to catch up with my bestie!!! Lol :rofl:

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Day seven has begun. Broth cup one is under way. So far feeling good. Not even super anxious to break tomorrow. This fast has had amazing results so far, can’t wait to post the final stats tomorrow.

I’ll check back in here later after “meal” two

Well I made it back to update finally after broth bowl number 3. I had a pickle today also with no blood glucose spike. So I’m still fasted technically. Actually my BG got a little low at 69. I’ve been cooking for my husband for like three hours now trying to give him food meals for tomorrow and for dinner tonight. I myself have 3 planned meals for tomorrow.

omelet 1.5 eggs, peppers, sausage, and cheese. With coffee with cream.
Wings with herbs, and a little soup
Steak and salad.

I’m not certain I’ll finish these meals, but they will taste yummy and well deserved. I’ll follow up tomorrow with a fast and resume my adf schedule.

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