2nd Annual “March Madness” Fasting Challenge

I’m in, will set my stickies schedule tomorrow. :blush:


I’m definitely in! I need the motivation to get into the right mind set and stay positive about the journey!

@Yasemin, I’ve gained so much after the wedding last November. While I was still living with my parents, there was much more healthy food and my Mom also always reminded me to not eat too much or reminded me of my goals.
Now, being in a new house with someone else who does not have to eat healthy at all has caused me to let go of my good habits for too long. I’ve learned a hard lesson: that I can’t eat like my husband. But I should have known that.

I need to get back on track and have a few big tasks:

  1. Fast as much as possible to loose the weight
  2. Establish healthy eating habits again
  3. Set a good example so that me and my husband both eat more healthily (This is mainly to make cooking easier for myself)

We both have our birthdays in March and friend’s of ours are getting married as well. So I’ll be fasting for as much as I can around these dates.

I’m also going to take it day by day, because thinking about the whole month is scary as you say.
One day at a time!
No other options!
No more excuses!


Hey Gabby!
I’m curious before your first 31 day water fast and starting this new 31 day fast, are you prepping for the the exact same way? If so and/or how are you prepping for it? I’ve been dabbling in doing a ‘fat fast’, and I’ve been wondering, for me if that’s a perfect way to dive into a long extended fast. I’ve been thinking of smart ways to dive into a long fast with having the ‘least’ amount of symptoms. because naturally my brain wants to just eat everything in sight prior to a fast like I’m never going to have the food again. Lord have mercy! :laughing:

Thank you for setting this all up!! :heart:


I’m in!!!
Has any of you had experience with birth control pills while fasting?
I completed many long-term fasting before, but I was never taking pills during them so I don’t know if it affects the fast, or if it’ll make me nauseated or something.


Welcome! I love your reasons!! Sounds like you know yourself and you have a really healthy grasp on your situation. That’s a great start! And yes, one day at a time! You do what is best and most comfortable for your body. Thank you for joining! @Diandra


@MissCarlyMeow this is a GREAT question and it really does effect how many symptoms you have. First of all I want to tell you I COMPLETELY understand the panic eating notion. :joy: I have the exact same instincts before a fast: like “I need to eat everything because what if I accidentally die without ever having a cheeseburger again?!” :joy: So I am with you there! Lol but the absolute 100% best way to prepare for a long term fast with the least amount of symptoms is hands down doing strictly Keto for about 3-5 days and lowering the amount of food itself each day. Like you’re weaning yourself off. You’ll feel so much better and you will get to the best part of fasting quicker (where your skin looks baby soft, your super happy and all your energy comes back).

I know we are starting March 1st, but I’d go so far as to say, if you’re participating give yourself at least the three days of eating how I described and THEN jump in. Obviously, if you think you can deal with the symptoms and you really want to start on the 1st you can, but it might make life easier to ease in.

I hope that helps! Thank you so much for joining! :two_hearts: we got this!


I’m in and going to get my post it’s done tonight


Perfect!! It’s pretty normal after a wedding so now you’re getting back on track and setting yourself for a lifetime of good habits and success with your husband!

Plus you look stunning in your wedding pictures :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: so we have a beautiful lifelong memory!!! :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

Time to settle into lifestyle and adulting! :heart_eyes:

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Perfect !!! @MissCarlyMeow @Diandra @Nwarren514 and everyone else! Post your stickies in the thread once you’re set up for March :partying_face:

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I am starting to get seriously motivated and excited for tomorrow!!!:grinning:I can tell my body needs another fast. I broke my last fast, thinking I needed to feed my body in preparation, but my body was like, “I don’t want any of this stuff! I was in the middle of healing when shoved that crap in my face!” And it was beautiful and delicious keto goodness too.
I’m so glad that there are so many people fasting as well. Rock on with your fasting socks on!!


There we go!!! :heart_eyes::sparkling_heart: First step is realizing it, and getting your mind ready!

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I’m in! I will do my stickies tomorrow ready to start on March 1st :smiley:


Ha! I thought tomorrow was the first. I was enjoying what I thought was my last meal! Jumpin’ the gun over here!


Yasemin!!! Hi!!! Omg! I’m in! I did 5 days couple weeks ago. And didn’t follow through, so it was all for nothing. But it’s fine. Haha I’m gonna do this March! Hopefully 21 days!!


Let’s go!! Just make sure you put you check that beautiful face in here every day!

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Yesss missed you Lisa :heart_eyes: post here when stickies are ready!


It’s okay! Better to think it’s the first than to overeat all weekend in anticipation for Monday! No sugar still going well?

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Yep! Day 9 or 10? And I’m sticking to my keto re-feed. And I’m not even bingeing!:smiley:


Hope I’m doing this right…but I am in! Good luck everyone :+1::crossed_fingers:


Perfecttttttttt :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

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