Your tips for a 2 week water fast

Hello to everyone, i suffer from chronic acne since middle school, i have tried countless ways to battle with this and finally concluded that it was my gut all along. I developed what is called the Post Accutane Syndrome (PAS) after trying the drug only for 3 days when i was 16 years old.

I am now 23, male. 2 years ago i tried Keto and Carnivore diet for 2 weeks and i remember my face was acne free in that period for the first time in my life, so that was a good indication for my theories, i also experienced slight improvement in my sexual symptoms which caused by the PAS, anyways.

I also realized that my PAS is probably related to my gut as well, i suspect it caused a form of chronic inflammation or increased the gut permability even though my digestive health is symptom free most of the time.

I am thinking to try a 2 or 3 weeks of water fast to permanently cure my gut microbiota, killing two birds with one stone, hopefully recover from my illness and my chronic acne which was the main culprit of my life becoming a nightmare.

So, im thinking of using the essential electrolytes while im water fasting, and i will probably do a liver cleansing with vinegar and apples before starting to water fast too.

I have few questions:

  • Can water fasting for 2- 3 weeks permanently cure my gut microbiome- leaky gut? (I didn’t do the microbiome test for now, but planning to do it soon, other blood markers of my gut looks healthy.)

  • Can water fasting improve the acne scars on the face?

  • What kind of electrolytes and other things should i use while fasting and on what kind of dosages?

  • I am also planning to do probiotic enemas while fasting, any recommendations?

Also, are there any recovery stories from chronic diseases? I would like to hear some positive experienes with fasting.


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Hi Cooper!
How are you doing with the water fast?

  • I dont know much about gut microbiome. When I end my long fasts, I have probiotics for a couple of days before I can eat normal food to develop gut bacteria.

  • One week into the fast you will start seeing clear skin.

  • I have 10 grams electrolyte powder a day with ACV and Lemon. My electrolyte powder contains Sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium and Iron.
    If you can’t find it, you can have two tspoons of table salt with water a day and multi mineral supplement.

I was 97 kgs when i started fasting in Nov, 2021. Today I’m 80 kgs.
I had high Blood pressure and when I used to sleep at night , the side on which the weight of the body fell, used to become numb. I also had lower back pain. Now everything is normal. I run complete body tests every 2 or 3 months. My reports are perfect now. The only problem on my report was deficiency of Vitamin D.


Hi Cooper,

Check out Rob Stuart on YouTube he does a lot of fasting on gut healing for numerous conditions and give advice.

Hope it helps🙏🏽


But i think all of those things you take will probably break your fast? No?

You even took Lemon which has caloric properties and sugar in it. This is not a real water fast to be honest and would break the healing process. I am not doing the fast to lose weight.

I am thinking to drink only plain water with maybe salt in the first week to balance my sodium loss. So water and Sodium only.

Thanks for the tips though.

  1. The sugar present in lemon is negligible. It does not break fast or get one out of ketosis. 4 tea spoons a day doesn’t make any difference

  2. I use 0 calorie ACV and electrolyte powder is keto friendly without any sugar.

And other things I take help me with extended fasts without breaking the fast.

If you are fasting for short duration, you may not need them but in my case, I had to fast for longer duration to achieve the result.

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