Yasemin's "6 Phases" of WATER FASTING

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Is it possible to it without any electrolytes too? Im thikning to take just sodium in the first week after reading some studies. Sodium keeps potassium stored anyways.

I did my first few extended water fasts without electrolytes but I prefer at least having some salt. I can’t really answer that question for you, since fasting is a very individual thing and everyone’s body reacts differently - just keep a close eye on yourself - there is really nothing wrong with incorporating some electrolytes as you see fit if you need them :sparkling_heart: Pay attention to your body and seek supervision

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I was wondering about the ‘self-love’ during waterfasts
 aren’t you supposed to rest though? :rofl:.
Will be heading to your channel for tips.
Have you had any gallbladder issues after an extended water-fast?
I had a nightmare from 1 month after refeeding till around 4 month later. :scream::face_with_head_bandage:.then it seemed to resolve.
Many thanks for your efforts.