Yasemin’s 30-Day Refeed Thread July 2020

I will be logging my REFEED, Journey & Progress meticulously on here from my June 30-Day Water Fast

Stay tuned!

FAQ from my 30-Day Fast

How much did you lose in 30 days?
I don’t know I didn’t weigh myself, and I decided to ditch the scale for a few months to change my focus towards other Non-Scale Victories. I’ll post some progress photos in August when I get to goal

Did you workout?
No I took a break and didn’t do any exercise during my 30-day fast! :grin:

When is your next extended fast?
I will do my next one on July 25th, 2020 (after my birthday on July 19th). I’ll be vlogging it on YouTube again!


30 Day Fast Complete :white_check_mark:

Day 1 Refeed Picture & Macros
Date: July 3rd, 2020

Lifestyle: OMAD + Low-Carb


  • Ended up only eating half the celery in the photo (but ate the full 1oz of cashews)
  • Ended up only eating half the bone broth
    ^ These notes were updated in the meal plan tracker Image!
  • No stomach issues - BM’s back (TMI) but important

*BM = Bowel Movements (TMI but important lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

Quick Tip:
Based on previous fasts, if you don’t refeed properly, you will have the food sit in your stomach like a rock & be bloated with no BM’s. Please make sure to follow refeed protocol and stay AWAY from carbs/sugar under any circumstance!


Day 2 Refeed Picture & Macros
Date: July 4th, 2020

Lifestyle: OMAD + Low-Carb


  • Was SO hungry at 4pm but held through and stuck to OMAD as promised and committed to myself
  • Had some tea as well with some milk (not shown in photo, but added to macro tracker)

Day 3 Refeed Picture & Macros
Date: July 5th, 2020

Lifestyle: OMAD + Low-Carb


  • We had a family event, so I decided to have 4 little lamb skewers and see how my body feels! Will update later!
  • Also had a full ear of corn and a Mantou bun (super carby) these shot up my total carbs today - will update on how I feel and if it sits well with my stomach. So far so good! At least it was written down & didn’t go overboard! :grin:
  • Finally made zoodles with zucchini + spiralizer (only ate ¼ of the zoodles) was pretty good!
  • Not bloated, feeling happy and in control, had some cravings this afternoon around 4pm again but decided to keep it to strict OMAD as promised to myself!

Day 4 Refeed Picture & Macros
Date: July 6th, 2020

Lifestyle: OMAD + Low-Carb


  • Ate some fruit today which I never do which pushed my carbs up (watermelon and apple) but very happy!!! :grin:
  • I forgot to add about 100g of chicken to my macros so that adds roughly 110 calories and 0 carbs!

Day 5 Refeed Picture & Macros
Date: July 7th, 2020

Lifestyle: OMAD + Low-Carb


  • Soooo the thing I’ve been craving all month is this little treat in the photo, decided to go ahead and allow myself!
  • Will be starting ADF (Alternate Day Fasting) along with my OMAD soon, and keeping carbs down once I finish the watermelon! :watermelon::drooling_face:

Day 6 Refeed Picture & Macros
Date: July 8th, 2020

Lifestyle: OMAD + Low-Carb


  • Was a bit naughty today and yesterday, will stop being naughty on Friday! :crazy_face::smiling_imp:

Day 7 Refeed Picture & Macros
Date: July 9th, 2020

Lifestyle: OMAD + Low-Carb



  • Today I was EXTREMELY naughty with the Halo Top “keto ice cream” - allowed myself to eat way too much and learnt my lesson :sweat_smile: 3rd day in a row and last day for “keto” ice cream in a while :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
  • Terrible stomach ache ALL night long (humans shouldn’t consume that much of anything, ESPECIALLY not that much erythritol which is the sugar alcohol in the keto ice cream which makes it more “keto” than regular ice cream).
  • The marketing on the ice cream got me, very naughty, convinces you to eat until you hit the bottom :joy: very bad idea - do not advise for anyone to do this!!!

Daily Exercise:

  • 20 min slow walk

Day 8 Refeed Picture & Macros
Date: July 10th, 2020



  • Had a cup of coffee for fun today, wanted to try it since I’m not a coffee drinker!
  • Stomach was quite upset last night due to self-Inflicted naughtiness!
  • Feeling AMAZING today, feel very cleansed and detoxed - seems like upset stomach was a blessing in disguise :joy:
  • Would still not advise for anyone to make this mistake!

Daily Exercise:

  • 1 hour of heavy duty YARD WORK - Carrying a lot of lumber back and forth in the backyard for renovations.

Day 9 Refeed & Macros
Date: July 11th, 2020

Lifestyle: OMAD/Low-Carb


  • Overate a bit today, allowed myself some indulgences. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Daily Exercise:

  • 20 min slow walk (1 mile) - 133 calories
  • 20 min shoulder workout

Day 10 Refeed Picture & Macros
Date: July 12th, 2020

Lifestyle: FASTING DAY - No Food


  • Stayed busy, had a coffee for fun, not hungry
  • Worked all day - super focused & productive

Daily Exercise:

  • 15 min Booty Workout (Low-Impact)

Day 11 Refeed Picture & Macros
Date: July 13th, 2020

Lifestyle: OMAD + Low-Carb


  • A bit carby today - couldn’t find any meat for my salad, so added the carby chicken bites :crazy_face:

Day 12 Refeed Picture & Macros
Date: July 14th, 2020

Lifestyle: FAST DAY


  • Yardwork & Trees

Day 13 Refeed Picture & Macros
Date: July 15th, 2020

Lifestyle: OMAD


  • Busy Day! Whipped up a quick salad (cashews at the bottom) had 2 bowls!

Day 14 Refeed Picture & Macros
Date: July 16th, 2020

Lifestyle: OMAD + Anniversary Celebration


  • Keto Waffles & Keto Syrup
  • My eyes were SO much hungrier than my stomach, I’m so stuffed… ended up erasing half the stuff on my list, and put some of the treats away :joy:
  • Ate the salad and celery & cashew first and had no room for a lot of the other stuff!!
  • I always service rice or noodles with my partners dish, but I don’t eat them (unless we are specifically going out for ramen or something which is once every blue moon!)
  • So stuffed :joy: very full, ate so much… but still way better and nicely tracked compared to if we would have eaten out!

Day 15 Refeed Picture & Macros
Date: July 17th, 2020

Lifestyle: OMAD + Low-Carb


Daily Exercise:

Day 16 Refeed Picture & Macros
Date: July 18th, 2020

Lifestyle: OMAD + Low-Carb


Daily Exercise:

Day 17 Refeed Picture & Macros
Date: July 19th, 2020

Lifestyle: OMAD + Low-Carb

Enjoying my Birthday :partying_face:


Daily Exercise: