Weird question

I ended a water fast after 8 days and the following day began having pretty severe pain in the salivary glands right below my ears, both sides, behind my jaw. Sometimes people will get a tingling in the area there when they eat something really sweet or sour and that’s the feeling the glands working in response to it but this is a lot worse. Has anyone else experienced this after a longer fast?

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Not me.

How did you break your fast?

Wow this sounds horrible? Do you think it could be myofacial pain from not chewing? I have terrible TMJ and this sounds similar to pain I’ve experienced. I hope you find relief soon! Good luck! Keep us posted!

I had some miso soup and then a small amount of purple yam and fish.

Thanks! I have TMJ as well but this isn’t so much in the joint and muscle as it is in the glands under my ears. It only really hurts when I taste food. It’s finally lessened after a week. It’s almost like my salivary glands are hyper active and instead of the typical tingle one can get with certain foods this feels like burning. It’s getting better though. I’ve never had this happen before.