Talk2me's entries

I have been very active on this site. I finished a recent goal, wrote about it here, and had nothing else to say. So I wrote nothing…
And I gained 5 pounds!!!

Friends, I need this accountability. Just knowing that fasting is beneficial is proven. Period. But it’s just so completely unpopular. It’s so bizarre to get a cheeseburger at McDonald’s without a bun, ketchup and onions. Fasting literally makes more sense than all these gyrations we make to stick ANY amount of food in our mouths. WE’RE NOT NUTS!
But knowing it is awesome is nothing without doing it!!
My Goal:
Woke up at 163.
I’ve never fasted to 155. I will fast to 155. No “breathers” no diversions.
There, I wrote it down!!!


December 16, 2022 So, again, looking above I weighed 163 two mornings ago.
Yesterday morning I weighed: 161.4
This morning when I weighed: 159.2

It’s pretty clear to me that, as an addict, when I decide to dabble with eating something-- even super healthy like home made keto buns from this guy:
NOTHING against him, but it becomes a portal back into overeating.
As it remains… one day off fasting remains the equivalent to 3 days of fasting. That’s really starting to sink in. As time goes on this two numbers should narrow, as I break fasts properly. But for now, AND FOREVER, Fasting is Normal!!


I wrote that I was going to hit 155. Period.
Today, the scale did not move. 159.2
Looks like I get to fast a little longer.
Makes total sense. DEEP inside me is this flawed mindset that says, “Hurry and reach your fasting goal so you can eat again.” :roll_eyes:
I do not WANT to eat again!!! Yes, I would be honored to try a friend’s new recipe. Yes, I would be honored to join in some festivities. But, NO! I don’t want to shop for a cheap meal—> stop by for some licorice----> ok, some chocolate, too —> look, that ice cream I like—> “OK, this is just officially a break the fast day”—>cookies—>nuts---->more ice cream!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Fasting is my PREFERRED lifestyle!!


I’m at 159.0
This is getting awkward. I’m facing a train wreck (not really) approaching in that I’ll be with family on Christmas day and one day after. He knows I’m in great shape and that I have the “eye of the tiger”, so he promised to prepare strick keto options.
So… I’ve got to eat them, or at least some of them. AND… IT’S CHRISTMAS FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE.
Still, I have a family member who knows she’s a food addict, has joined OA, and doesn’t alter her diet ONE CRUM no matter what! She’s awesome!!


Weight: 156.9
Blood pressure: 125/65
I went shopping for Christmas stuff…

My Christmas-partying friend is keto-curious. A man’s entrance into low blood sugar and lowering pressure seems to start with bacon :bacon:.
During the holiday we’ll make jalapeño poppers, and smoked chicken wings.
I will also make a low-carb pecan pie to compare and see if anyone else is open to caring about their health in in 2023. (Fasting to celebrate Christmas is the final step. I know no one who has reached it yet.)
Yes, I will gain weight. But my experience tells me it will not be anything NEAR the difficulty to get rid of that those walnut balls, chocolate covered short breads, and normal pecan pies with ice cream.
Oh God! It hurts to write it!!
And no matter WHAT happens… I will be right back to Fasting, to weighing, to celebrating that I’ve finally figured this whole crazy human health thing out!!! Fasting is Normal!!

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Friends, I made my weight loss goal for Christmas!

Look at that wild ride trend line. But sure enough I got below BELOW the goal dotted line!!
I’m going to celebrate here in a few hours by going to McDonald’s for their 2 for 1 double Cheeseburger deal, no buns, ketchup or onions, of course. First, I get to dig my way of the driveway :roll_eyes:


Congrats! Glad you made it :smiley:


My back has not quite recovered from shoveling the drive way. :tired_face:
No sympathy!! I WENT at it wayyyy too hard. Like I was trying to break a world record. Haven’t been to the gym since.
No big deal, because I’ve got Fasting! :grinning::+1:
TOTAL weight control plus much of the Autophagy and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor that awaits those who work-out is also ours for fasting. So, so happy to be on the right path in my life.

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I caught the meanest, nastiest strain of the flu bug in my life. During the ball-drop I was shaking, sweating and in the fetal position in a dark room.:cold_sweat:
Needless to say… I lost weight. :disappointed:
But sorry to seem so distant. I almost was afraid that readers of my posts might get it. It seems soooo contagious.
Oh well. Didn’t last too long. Yay!

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This is a TOTAL venting post. I am just sitting here… contemplating… “where can I go”… “right now”… “and get some satisfaction.”
I mean it. I’ve looked thru the mail restaurant coupons… I’ve imagined taking a trip to this taco place, or maybe that pizza place. There is stuff IN THE HOUSE. But I want to “celebrate” :champagne:. I want to be a teenager again. I want to throw caution to the wind… and I was just sitting… imagining…

And while I was in this state I pulled out my phone and started clicking around. And I am SO BORED wallowing in this Indulgence state…
… that it dawns on me… “You know who would like to hear about this? My people, my tribe here at Fast Forward.” That’s exactly how it went.
You guys saved me again!!!
We are alllll the same. We’re all in this age of processed food and cheap cookies. And we’ll all start over again, tomorrow morning.
See you then. :slightly_smiling_face:


Good will power!!! It’s so hard saying NO to yourself, especially as an adult! You have the freedom to get in your car and go get whatever. It’s a big deal and a hard task to say no.

I’ve recently started pulling up new recipes and buying groceries to help combat this


Yes! Combat! Complete with strategies and meal plans and… … fasting.



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Man, this fasting business is AWESOME!! Look at these numbers!! (These numbers are for reference points, not scientifically proven). I got JUST one number left to correct!! That Yellow number. My fat around my waist. This is the best shape I have been in my entire life. So happy to be here.


Congrats!! I’m glad this is going well for you :smiley:

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I’ve never actually known what is the correct size of clothes for me. Until now.

I’ve had 3 of these oh-so-public fasts since finding this incredible Heaven of a website!!

I’ve reach 3 personal bests, and I’m going to hit another one this week.

How is this all possible. Repeatable? Accountability, that’s how. See, we spend our entire lives chasing good feelings. Go to a Golden Corral sometime and you’ll see what I mean. Bright lights, colorful wrappers, and sugar, lots and lots of sugar.
But maybe when you struggle to be healthy, struggle to be pain-free, or you get a terrifying permanent ailment or disability… THEN the “good feeling” is IMPOSSIBLE to find. Constant visits to the hospital/Doctor so your health can be “managed.” SMH!! And… if you’re lucky you’ll finish up in a nursing home where your bandages are changed by a worker on his cellphone.
Folks, we’ve got to KEEP IT REAL. Some of us have a whole generation of unhealthy family members MOCKING US about Keto or meal portions. But when they are missing work because their gout is unbearable they become small, and disappear from public view.
And THAT’S the point: People don’t tend to want to publish when their health is failing. That’s when they start looking around… for you! Someone needs to help them!!
I promise you this, God Himself will be pleased with you the day your ailing family member looks up from their bed and finally FINALLY asks you for advice! Well done, you good and faithful servant.


Man the truth in that post! My mom always tells me how worried she is that I’m fasting. And my sister blatantly asks me “Are you starving yourself today?” To which I always reply “I’m fasting yes.” It annoys me to no end that they had nooooo issues with me being 267 pounds, but have all the issues in the world with me losing that weight. At my smallest they told me I looked sick. At my largest they said nothing. No. Not okay at all. The world has a warped sense of what health should be. I may have stumbled and had to start almost completely over but this time I have knowledge and it will go differently.


You’re so right. And you’re so not alone.


My first big failure…

This hurts. If accountability does not work for me, I doubt that there is anything left. (Down day)

I will NOT reach a personal best by Friday. I allowed my curiosity about the new Marco’s cauliflower pizza crust to undermine my phenomenal success here to this point.

So, I’ve been messing with keto, paleo, primal, ancestral for many years. Everyone trying it knows you basically have to make your own food, which is so hard for a single guy to accept.
Occasionally I allow “promising new” low-carb food industry innovations to draw me in!!
This time, it was really bad. I KNEW I would betray my goal. I KNEW I’d have to ignore the voices, the angelic voices reminding me of good things.
I don’t want to get used to missing my goals. I don’t want to come here and be a sad sack.
Folks, fasting WORKS. Fasting is GOOD. Fasting is healthy. Fasting is NORMAL.
If anyone reads this, my sincere hope is that this misery is MOTIVATION to you. Have a wonderful, a BEAUTIFUL day enjoying your journey to the BEST you!!