Starting a fast on 2/20. Join in!

Hi all. I’m hoping that others will join me for a 5 day fast 2/20. I’m really feeling like I need some support. It also helps me to support others. What do you say?


totally here for ya and with ya… going towards the 40 day water fast… gotten to 36 before…


I’m starting today too but I have no idea how long I’ll go. Longest I’ve done is 23


Holy cow! How inspiring! Rock on with your socks on!


That’s great! I’m hoping I can make it farther than five days, but I chose a small goal as I have been on a long hiatus from IF, keto, and water fasting. I’m glad to know that there are people on the same bus!
My longest was a mere six days. Lol!


that is still good tho…I gotta do a long one to jump start my fasted lifestyle… my lifestyle lately had no fasting anywhere in it… lol…

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I’m in, let’s do this.


Cool beans!

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Already in, Overcome and myself started a couple of days ago but yaaaay loads of people on here atm striving for better relationships with food :blush:


I’m in! Looking to improve health; still a beginner.

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Fantastic! It really helps to know others are on the same journey! I’m looking to lose approximately 35 more lbs, lower my out of control cholesterol, repair my gut, and burn up the fat on my liver. Geez that’s a lot! I guess I’m fasting to be reborn as a different person altogether!!LOL!


I’m in started 11pm 2/20 looking to lose 30/60 all together and get my mental back to normal


Be kind to yourself. You got this! :tada:


Haha, I’m not sure what “normal” Is! My goal is to lose 30 (maybe 40) pounds. I’ve already 20! Good luck! You’re gonna feel great!

Day two and I feel great. A little hunger, but nothing overwhelming. Last week, I did a 4 day fast then ate keto for two days which really helped me start this fast. I weighed 160 on feb 14th and today I hit 153! Wooo!!

Starting today and can’t wait!

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Awesome!! You rock! You’ll feel great!:muscle:

Technically, I started on the evening of the 19th so I’m in the middle of day 4. I forgot to post my 3rd day update. Yesterday, I weighed in at 151. Yippee!! I was low energy, but happy. The evening was a bit challenging. I kept day dreaming about food, yet I wasn’t hungry. Weird.
Today, day 4, I again feel low energy, but great! I’ll post my day 4 weight at the end of the day. I like to weigh myself in the evening as I get a number that is closer to reality. Everyone weighs less in the morning-especially after a good poo!

Anyway, how is everyone else doing?


that is funny stuff man… yep…me 2… I am in it to become someone else…lol… heeeheeeeeh eeee

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Okie dokie! 150.1 wooo!!
Good day today! Coloring really takes your mind off of fasting and I made my first candle. Crafts and hobbies really help!