REFEED TIPS 101 - KETO/OMAD - How to break your fast?

Oooh, this is very handy. Thanks for this! Will try your suggestion of :leafy_green:

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@Yasemin - I know Iā€™m repeating what a lot of others have already said, but thankyou so much for creating this forum and for all your YouTubes, many of which Iā€™ve watched and really enjoyed.

Your refeed looks delicious - it would hit the spot with me right now (Day 4)!

I may have to go find somewhere that sells kimchi when Iā€™m done fastingā€¦ mmmmmā€¦:yum::yum::yum:


Day 4 is AMAZING!!! And honestly thank you so much I really appreciate it and Iā€™m so happy you like this forum!!! Iā€™ll be building more tools and resources for our community soon!


Finished 4 day water fast last week!

I broke my fast with cold pressed juice and a protein barā€¦but I heard from my doctor that protein bars are stressful for your liver so it mightā€™ve been a bad choice.

It was also my friendā€™s birthday on the day of the fast breakā€¦so I had pizza and beer. I read that eating hard food may cause stomach pain, but it didnā€™t really affect me in such ways.