Rebecca's journal :)

Lol @ shark week. This is a great list

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How are you doing these days? :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

I’ve been too busy. Just goin’, goin’ goin’. I do not reccomend! I never took my reset day to just collect myself, my thoughts, goals etc. Today I am making myself just stay home and organize and clean. I am feeling overwhelmed that I have so much to get done in life in general. So I am hoping taking a day off just to clean house will help that feeling dissipate.

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Welcome back! We’ve missed your cheerful presence around these parts.

Oh bless your heart!! I really missed you guys too! I kind of got a little overwhelmed with all my mini goals and wanting to document them here and had yadda where I kind of just chose to avoid the journaling because I felt was failing at it. I know stupid. I am just going to stick to the kind of journaling that works for me; expressing feelings and self reflection. I have still been trucking away the best I can with my goals and my new awesome, slightly kooky and certainly busy new life. I look forward to getting caught up with all you guys and see where you’re at etc. I gotta say Alipio, seeing you look so good in your pooka shell (that’s what I call it any, I may have misspelled it) necklace got me kind of emotional!! I am so impressed with your progress, I have such admiration for your strength to push through and tenacity. Gosh, you’re looking so healthy and glowy it’s awesome! I love that I got to be witness to a certain degree of your achievements. I am happy to be back!

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Left: 10/26/19 169 lbs middle: 1/21/20 164 lbs
Right: 3/11/20 161.8

Left: 10/26/19 169lbs Right: 3/11/20 161.8 lbs

Progress photo time! I am loving my progress!! Still slightly, just ever so slightly butthurt that I have not seen a 159 or 158 etc on the scale, still hanging out in the stinkin’ 160’s lol. But if I can literally be slightly thinner in the 160’s than I was before child #3 in the 150’s, I’LL TAKE IT! I am loving what fasting is doing for me! Since I have been on here last, I have just been doing 24 or 48 hour fasts when it felt right for February. I did stay true to some sort of exercise daily. Whether it was just 20 squats while in a public restroom or 5 pushups before bed, just SOMETHING. I kept Febr pretty keto clean, but I did have a handful of super indulge days the last 10 days of February. As of now I am completing a 7 day fast that I will end this Sunday. I did have a crutch meal at about 1000 calories today (I know, that’s about double the crutch meal allowable, but if felt right, it tasted glorious and it just supercharged nourished my body, loaded me with energy to where I have been working out all day). I may be getting closer to my healthy weight where I can’t sustain such long fasts. Anyway, I am feeling great about my progress. I am just getting super focused on getting super fit and in shape, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I have goals this summer and I am doing all I can to get there, even if it means just failing forward. I am so grateful to our little fasting family. Everyone’s love, encouragement and wisdom have been so encouraging and motivating to me that I have to credit some of my success to what we have going on here, Facebook and Yasmins YouTube vids. You guys are wonderful!! Love ya! Happy to be back!


Me 25 years old, I think around 225?


Danggg so inspiring!

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Woohoo! Down a pound despite my crutch meal; 160.8. One more pound and I can see the 150’s. I know I will put on a few pounds during my refeed, and that’s okay. Seeing the 150’s will be more of a mental boost that I need to keep going. I feel super good this morning! Getting ready for some self love appointments (hydrafacial and hopefully there will be time for a pedicure).


Had a lovely day yesterday! Super enjoyed my facial and seeing all the ladies at my dermatologist’s office. I live about an hour away now from my old world/life. The last time they saw me was in October, about a week before I started my first challenge with this group (i had done almost a year of water fasting/IF/OMAD leading up to the fast forward to health October challenge). I got so many compliments!!! They couldn’t get over “how much weight” I must have lost. Hahaha! If they only knew that it is has barely been ten pounds that I seem to keep regaining (almost) after each fast lol. However, my inches do not come back. I utterly marv at the fact that I can weigh what I weigh, but look how I look and wear the sizes that I am wearing! So yesterday was just awesome, total moral and mental boost hearing all the lovely comments. I did have another meal. While I was in Chico for my appointment, my hunny had a work order in the same area. After he works, he likes to reward him with a good meal out and a beer. We went to a restaurant called the Pour House…super great food and atmosphere. Anyway, I had a very keto friendly and nourishing meal. I told him I am fasting through Sunday SO LEAVE ME ALONE! :grimacing: I forgot to wear myself this morning, so I am unsure of the effects on my weight, but nonetheless, I feel great, and that is what is important to me. I was chuckling to myself yesterday because my guy was flipping out how hungry he was (he literally had gone maybe 3-4 hours since the last meal) and I was like… WHOA it’s been 28 hours since I ate last. Even though I had a crutch meal on Wednesday too, I was shocked how 24 hours blew past and I didn’t even feel it. So I know that if the world keeps going in the direction it is, it may not be food shortages, but food access that may be affected, I know I can go days without eating and I will mentally be okay.

I did want to share this: I actually was able to go across the monkey bars!!! I took my youngest forma walk to a newly discovered park in our neighborhood and my hunny encouraged me to try the monkey bars. I at first told him heck no, because I was NEVER able to do it, even as a kid. Anyway, thankfully he pushed me to at least give it a try, so I did. And to my utter amazement, I did it! I still am in shock. Having a lower body weight coupled with the simple daily exercising I have been doing is manifesting results!

Today I have nothing planned hallefreakinglujah! Well, except just organize my house a bit, you know, do the things that aren’t on the usual house cleaning list. Like organize my room, declutter the garage, etc…

So that wraps up my world for today. Just gonna keep fasting through Sunday. Organize a bit, mix in some push ups, do my walk, and make time this evening for more self love; probably a bath, nice lotion rub down afterwards, and a self pedicure lol (didn’t get that yesterday).

Tomorrow my daughter is having her 14 year old birthday party that her father and his girlfriend are throwing for her. She wants me to come. I said I would. I have a lot of mixed emotions. However, I’m a mother fucking bad ass and I am not going to let a pos weasel like my ex keep me from my daughter’s life. I highly doubt he’ll try anything. However, public crowds has never stopped him in the past. I will have my 6’3" 220 lbs man with me, so I don’t need to feel afraid. I am looking forward to looking and feeling fine af. I purchased a lovely top the other day and I can’t wait to wear it tomorrow! I’ll try and remember to share a picture or two tomorrow :slight_smile:

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Okay…I just weighed myself…my hunny told me to just do it and not care if it went up from eating. So I did it lol. And to my surprise…weight went down…160.2. So close guys to seeing that 1-5-anything. Will I see a 159.9 tomorrow? We’ll see! This marks weighing the least I have since baby #3. Actually, come to think of it, I weigh less than prepregnancy weight. I weighed 164 at conception. This is cool! Woohoo! To anyone who is reading this…please know I have my ups and downs. Just pushed through a down period, you know, this is life. And now I am on an up! I’m super enjoying this wave!


Wow! What a crazy ass five days!!! Freaking the world, or at least the portion of world I reside in has gone mad. Funny how infectious fear can be! I’m totally guilty if stress eating! Anyway, I didn’t finish my 7 day fast completely…I started thinking thoughts that if everything starts shutting down (which things are more and more where I live) then it would be better in enjoy good healthy food. But then within 24 hours it turned into alcohol which then opened up the sugar cravings. Aye. Anyway, I decided that I am not going to let the world’s fear and madness get to me any longer and to live to my best self regardless. I hoped on here today to reduce the amount of damage I started and to hault the flow any further. I just hoped on the scale was up about 9lbs…granted, I was fully dressed, finished about 24 ounces of water and just ate breakfast. So I am probably up around 5 lbs since last Friday. I am starting a 72 hour fast right now. I just want to cleanse out from the sugar and fear I have been consuming since being on here. I also have been in a sort of paralysis the last couple of days so I am getting my ass moving now too! Luckily for me, this health crisis/scare bullshit hasn’t effected my company negatively. My partner and I have had an onslaught of work orders (I own a property Preservation company that serves northern California and southern Oregon). Anyway, i amm heading out now to complete some work orders and will definitely be getting some exercise.

How are the rest of you doing?

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I’m handling the craziness my clients are going through better than I was Monday when I got buried under a bunch of calls because I have several restaurant clients.

Like you I gave into stress eating the last couple of days, which I haven’t done since early summer last year before I started my treatment protocol.

I’ve gotten back in control with a 1 mile walk and full body workout today. Also I’ll be starting my 2nd 21-day fast this Friday.

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Wow, almost 2 months! That is a long time to be away. Since my last time popping on I have been still working towards to my weightloss and fitness goals one day at a time. I have been battling HUGE feelings of frustration that I haven’t gotten to where I want to be weight or physique wise. I think I am at the pont where I HAVE TO increase my output. I know from experience that what we eat is the majority of the battle when it comes to lsing weight, but I have been at this annoying stall for years. I get uncomfortable when I am up over 170-172. only a handlful of times since the birth f Rachel (6/2016) have I blown past 172. And I feel only a handful of times have I gotten below that into the 160’s, usually hovering around 167-168. I feel good in my clothes, and not to sound stick up, but I do feel I look good in my clothes too. But I want to look great and feel COMFORTABLE naked, or at least in a swimsuit. My kids are always begging me to take the swimming or to the water parks etc when summer hits and I want to do that more, and not feel insecure or fat doing so. So I have got to get serious here! I am upping the intensity! I have been doing Yasemin’s “Glow Up” Bootcamp and I am loving the results. Shockingly I was 174.6 at the beginning of the challenge. Yes, I quarantined stress ate. But within 10 days I was down 10 pounds. I did do some fasting and when I ate again, I went back up to 167-168 and seem to be hanging out there. I want to ultimately be in the 140’s but would be so happy to be in the 150’s by this summer. So that is goal #1 for: Get out of the 1effing60’s. And never see the 170’s EVER AGAIN. I am so sick of it! Ugh. In addition to the weight number, I want to see muscle tone. This is something I have never really achieved before. I want to be a person that LOVES to exercise. I want people to see me as a super fit and healthy person. I will say, my family does see me as a healthy nut, which, I would agree with them. I am very picky about what I will eat and the quality of it. But I want to move on from the gooshy, fluffy soft body look. I want to move past expectations and lose the om belly (without plastic surgery) for good! To do this, I am coming up with my own 4 week kickstart plan. I plan to exercise everyday. I will workout 3-5 times a week intensely, and on the non workout days, I will walk. I love to stretch, so stretching will continue to be a daily thing. I think that stretching everyday has helped me at least maintain a somewhat slimmer shape have having three babies. In addition to the working out, I will drink no less than 80 ounces of water daily, and fast one day a week and also allow one cheat meal a week. What has been working best for me when I mess up and go off my eating plan and eat treats I shouldn’t, I just fast it off the following day or so. I usualy will go up two to three pounds after eating sugar, but then fast 24-48 hours and it is all back off again. So I plan to have my fast day after my cheat meal/day. I plan to workout intensely M/W/F (I am making it a minimum of 3 days, but I am open to working up to 5 days a week). And then cheat/treat day either Friday or Saturday with the fast day to follow either Friday or Saturday. I am keeping my treat day open to Friday or Saturday to allow for family functions, dinners, events to play a role in my treat time. Sometimes we like to “party” Friday, sometimes we like it to be Saturday. I won’t be following a very strict fasting regime the other days of the week. I am looking forward to going back to a more natural and organic way of eating. I have noticed during this nootcamp challenge my body really wants my one meal (OMAD) broken into two smaller meals about 4-6 hours apart. My day usually goes like this: Wake up, coffee (HWC and stevia), no breakfast, get hungry around 11 am-1230 pm, if I am not fasting, I will eat and then usually eat again at dinner time with the family, if I am not fasting or OMADing. I think I will still yeild really good physical results if I eat twice a day in a larger eating window. I also plan to expand my typical keto diet to a more paleo style diet. Whole, oraganic foods very little to no cheese, lots of fruits and veggies, etc. I really miss a lot of healthy foods that i don’t eat on keto. I see my 140 lb self eating a more balanced and varied healthy diet, not so restrictive like it has been. So yeah, there you have it. The rough draft of my 4 week plan. I plan to start this upcoming Monday. I am excited to see the results I yield!

Nice plan. The only thing I would recommend is you schedule in rest days.

For myself, I have 9 days left in this 30-day workout phase before starting my final 21-day fast. Here’s my rotating 3-day workout schedule:

Day 1: Lower Body:
Quad, Hamstring, Hip & Ankle Stretches
Dynamic Stretches: Squats & Side Squats
Upper Ab crunches, Oblique Twists & Leg Lifts
1 mile walk

Day 2: Upper Body
10 sets of 10 rep burpees (Gentle Burpees at this time)
10 sets of 10 rep Dumbbell Reverse Fly
Upper Ab crunches, Oblique Twists & Leg Lifts
1 mile walk

Day 3: Complete Rest

Workouts are to tear down the muscle fibers. Rest is required by the body to rebuild them to make them stronger. Also if you need to take an additional day of rest, TAKE IT! As older folks we need more body repair & rejuvenation time than the kids. LOL.

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I have made a plan with my sister that we have both agreed to commit 4 weeks to. Starting this upcoming Monday, we are doing group workouts M/W/F at 10 am. The other days of the week I am not working out I will be walking. I am not too old that I can’t walk everyday lol!

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So nearly 5 weeks later, my sister and I still workout 3 times a week. We both have goals to look and feel our best for our two big family reunions coming up Aug. 7th and Sept 5th.

Even though I havent achieved the weight I’d like to he yet, I am super proud of myself for continuing to workout! That’s over 2 months of consistent working out. Woohoo!

Now, to the fasting. Enough of the bullshit! No more! I am so sick of not hitting the fasting number of days I see out for. I want 21 days under my belt damn it! So here I am, finishing day one yet again. I am totally capable of completing a 21 day fast! I am doing this!

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Today is my last day that I am allowing myself little helps to get into my 21 day water fast. Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening I ended up breaking my fast at about 24 hours to eat a very strictly keto meal. Ugh. Today I haven’t “eaten” anything. Just put 1 TSBP of HWC and and a small pat of butter and a little more butter this evening (almost a tablespoon) melted to keep me from caving again. I can tell my body is already in deep ketosis. How? My breath! AHHH! That dreaded kind of metal taste and how I hardly have any energy but my brain is on fire.

I have a big court trial tomorrow for a child custody matter. Essentially my ex filed a bogus motion in a state that our daughter has never lived in. I countered with a motion to dismiss that has cost me $6500 :frowning: So frustrating!!! I loathe liars. The stress from this ordeal has really affected my eating plan. However, despite the court drama, I have not missed a workout with my sister and sister in law. I have been keeping up with my personal workouts too. Buutttt…I did allow myself to live it up last Wednesday and Thursday eating all kinds of tasty foods and treats. I still have about 4 lbs of the 8 I gained to shed off :confused: But I am doing it and that feels good!

Even though I consumed so liquid fat, I am still counting it towards my 21 day fast. Day one done.

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Day 2 done!

I did it! I made it another day without giving in to the 30+ temptations/promptings to eat, to taste or snack on something. I also won my trial today!!! Like super won! Big, fat epic win! My ex is facing potential criminal charges for lying to the court! Omg, I can hardly believe this! I was also awarded attorney fees. Praise God! He is so good. One of my prayers I prayed was that not ONE lie would be allowed to be spoken in court. And that actually happened. My ex was about 30 minutes late to the trial (we were both appearing via the computer, our attorneys appeared in person). When his face popped up on the teleconference screen, he was able to hear anything, only see what was on camera. Hr didn’t realize it, but we were able to see and hear him. Long story short, the judge said that due to the overwhelming amount of evidence i presented that proved that our daughter has always lived with me in California he was going to be handing over the entire case and transcripts to the sheriff’s department for investigation of false statements and fraud on the court front my ex. So he advised my ex that anything he said would be used against him. So my ex said nothing but that he didn’t object the motion to dismiss his bogus case. OMG!!! Talk about an answered prayer hallelujah! I am so high from being so overjoyed and relieved that the case in Montana is gone.

All these amazing, good feelings I am experiencing has definitely left me feeling like I would like to celebrate eat. But I didn’t cave! I stayed the course and didn’t eat food. I motivated myself by saying how awesome it is going to be to see what I will look like at 10 or 14 days fasted. I am doing all I can to get to day 5 where I should be more in autopilot mode. There were about two times today where I felt hungry, but mostly it was all emotional/mental hunger. I feel good today. My energy started to crash about 3 pm, I remedied that with a nitro cold brew coffee. It helped. Now it’s almost midnight and I still am awake lol. I am tired, but wanted to hop on here and document my day.

I was also down another 2 pounds today :slight_smile:
I also did a twenty minute water aerobic workout in the pool tonight and made time to layout a bit (I am working on a tan right now and using the sun to further tighten my skin and it is working!). I am also pleased with mybwatwr intake and I did take my potassium and magnesium supplements along with my sea salt. I did finish my night with some smooth move laxative tea because I can tell there is still food in my digestive track and I am concerned that without food it might not pass in a timely manner. So I am giving some help to get those kinds of toxins out.

Alright, goodnight!

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Day 3/21

Finishing up day 3 here. Energy has been up and down. I get tired seeing all the mom work I have ahead of me. I have had to tell myself, it’s okay if the dishes take you 2 hours instead of 20 mins. Hunger is diminishing. I got a hair cut today! I could hardly breathe, that sucked. But my hair turned out so nice. 4 months of no trimming, so it was well needed. The salon I go to does scalp massages and special botanical treatments, etc so it is a very relaxing and therapeutic experience. My hairdresser was the first friend I met in Redding. I didn’t even think I was going to get her today because I told the receptionist I just wanted the soonest appointment. It was so nice to see a friendly face! At least half of it anyway.

Today’s weight: 163.4. I am still contemplating if I will continue to weigh myself. I am still undecided.

I am just feeling a little tired physically and bored :confused: That’s why I am here…for some entertainment lol.

I did lay out another 20 minutes and that did give me a boost of energy believe it or not. I also did my workout with my sister and sister in law today. I kept my input pretty light. Usually I really up the intensity, not today though. I decided to invite my sister and sister in law to workout with me via zoom M/W/F at 10 am my time. They live in Idaho and Utah and both have a gang of little children. So I am so proud of them for their commitment. They look at me as their coach and motivator, but they are really keeping me accountable. My sister weighs about 30 pounds more than me and is 7 inches shorter and my sister in low is about 75 pounds heavier and is 6 inches shorter. So they have some weight to lose, they are also 10 years younger than me. We started May 16th. My sister has lot 12 pounds. I would like to add, my sister JUST had a baby, like two months ago and is breastfeeding. My sister in law is one month pregnant. With them, they would think I am crazy for fasting 21 days. I have told them I do all sorts of fasting, but since I have always looked healthy, and never had to go to the hospital, they don’t give me any flack. I will tell them on day 21 that I have gone without food for 21 days. I think for them to see my transformation over the next three weeks AND not dying, they may be open to use fasting to not only lose excess fat, but get their insulin under control.

I have been using sodium, potassium and magnesium everyday, actually, a few days before I started going without food.

CORRECTION: Photo on left I weigh 164.5

I was not able to find a logged weight in myfitness pal or in my fasting app, so I guessed. I saw that I had another photo from that day in my journal and the weight I logged was 164.5.

I know the changes are small, but I feel super sexy today. I am loving my tan so far and to tautness in my skin from all my previous fasting fails. I say fails, because 9/10 I set out to do 2 days, 3 days, 14 days whatever and would 9/10 fail. But those fasting fails still add up!!! I have not had these ind of results with any other dieting fail. So be encouraged, if you only fasted for a day or two instead of 21, your body is still benefiting!