Preventing Dehydration During Water Fasting


I dont know if any one else has a problem drinking enough water. I am a person that can become clinically dehydrated even when I’m not water fasting. I can easily go a day without water during a fast which then turns into dry fasting and that is not my goal. Water just isn’t desirable to me anymore. The “drink when thirsty signal” is not sufficient in my case. I am able to compensate when I’m not fasting by indulging in lots of fruits and veggies and watering down my drinks. But I have learned a couple of things from my last fast that I will incorporate during this fast.

  1. I will infusion water with lemon, cucumber, peppers, cayenne etc. to jazz up the flavor
  2. I challenge myself to finish a bottle of water during car rides
  3. This is a hard one… drink a glass first thing in the morning
  4. From my Dr… Drink everytime after I use the restroom.
  5. Use an app…although I often ignore notifications during work hours
  6. Keep water close at all time.
  7. Challenge a coworker or friend to see who can finish a bottle of water first.
  8. Check your skin for dryness… a sign of dehydration. A reminder to grab water asap
  9. Keep track of how much you are drinking daily.
  10. Read. I have stashed some medical articles detailing the benefits of proper hydration to read on repeat to stay on task.
  11. Drink water out of fancy wine glasses. Weird, but helps me pretend its something else.

Does anyone else have this problem? If so, how do you ensure proper hydration? Or, is it just me?



I don’t have this issue. However, I do insure I drink enough water driven by my daily exercise routine.

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No. 1 seems like the most practical for me. I find that drinking plain water does not get me hydrated, it only increases trips to the bathroom. Thanks @Elle for sharing your tips,

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I think having a glass of water next to your bed is the most important thing. I wake up with headaches and light headedness during fasting and the only cure is to hydrate immediately.

Throughout the day, I have a full bottle of water with me always -even if it means constant trips to the bathroom it helps me forget my hunger and hydrates me.

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