November 1st - 14 Day Fast

Same here. I lasted 7 days. I was a bit disappointed in myself because I started so well. Hunger or tiredness was not an issue. It was nausea for me. Not once did I even think of food, I’d go as far as saying the thought of food repulsed me. It’s nausea that completely killed me. Everything was perfect until day 6. I could barely drink water.

I think drinking concentrated salt and baking soda undid me. I will not be making that mistake again.

But one thing for sure the healing powers of fasting are 100% true. I am looking forward to healing. Fat loss is a bonus. But I’m starting tomorrow. Screw putting it off till Monday,


Just keep going!! :heart_eyes: Anyone who broke, it’s not failing unless you give up, do everyone keep going even if it’s day 1 and post here for accountability and tell us what day you’re on now!


It’s day 9 for me. My goal is to do 27 days. Lets se how far I can take this.:muscle:

  • Girl from Norway :blush:

It’s day 13 and I broke my water fast today🤦🏻 This is my longest fast I have ever done. I’m definitely going back to water fasting again :blush::ok_hand: