New 14 days fast - start July 30 - Aug 13

Starting over AGAIN :woman_facepalming:t3: not being hard on myself but last time was so much easier for some reason. Sticking to it, praying, fasting and going one day at a time :grin:


Hanging in there, keeping busy is definitely where it’s at to try to help get through the first few days.


Don’t get down on yourself, just start over again! Any amount of fasting is beneficial, so it’s ok. We’ve got a birthday in our household this weekend, so I might be starting over Monday myself. I hope I don’t, but we’re only human after all.

I’m 42 and have 19 and 21 year old daughters, and I’m pretty sure that my weight issues are indicative of insulin resistance or some other hormonal imbalance. A lot of the time when someone eats a really clean diet and gets enough exercise but still struggles with weight gain, insulin resistance is to blame. So that’s my motivation that drives my desire to complete an extended fast- to help heal some of that dysfunctional mechanism that’s become a problem over the last few years. Of course I want to lose weight, but maybe if you can find another reason besides weight loss to help push you along that might work better. Lord knows as women we all struggle with finding a healthy relationship with our bodies and our weight! Just a friendly suggestion. :blush:


Definitely! The struggle is real but so is self control. My why has to be strong. You’re right. Last time started off as wanting to just be healthy. I think because my results were so rapid last time with weight loss I clouded up my vision with just focusing on weight loss. Definitely resetting my mind and just focusing on being healthy will help. Thanks for the support and advice :heart::heart:


Get the I Am App . It’s a daily affirmation app . I need something or someone to remind me of my why .


I’m doing good have a headache other than that I feel like falling asleep


I am as well new here taking on the challenge Day 1 for me today :slight_smile:


Me too but it will go away in couple of days

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How’s everyone doing? Day 2. It’s 8:06pm in California so I’m counting this as a complete day! No feel of hunger and just overall feeling pretty good. Hope everyone’s doing well!


Well done @Cassandra_G, keep going, you can do it. The fast is different every time but you will succeed, after the 3rd day, you are good.

I have completed day 11, I am now on day 12. Taking it day by day. Off to try and sleep.


Day 4 ! How’s everyone doing? Feeling a bit tired .

Wow! That’s amazing! So excited to hear about your progress since last time I wa son here! You definitely built that fasting muscle up!! :heart:

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Day 3. Feeling good. No complaints. Went to drive in church this morning which was definitely uplifting and I took communion but I’m not going to count it as me “breaking” the fast :flushed::laughing: Definitely thankful to be at home doing this fast :hugs: Going to do some laundry, maybe a swim in a couple hours. Nothing too exciting today but that’s a good thing sometimes. Hope everyone is hanging in there :heart:

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Well done! Hang in there :pray:t4:. You can do everything through Christ who strengthens you.:+1:t4:
Hanging in there myself and it is not easy with my health challenges. :pray:t4: but I refuse to eat because I am stubborn? Correction steadfast :rofl:

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Amen!!! Definitely was struggling tonight as my honey turned the oven on and I could smell warm food. But I am stronger and more “steadfast” than to just give in :laughing: This is absolutely self control at its finest. So proud of you! How long are you planning to go?


I can appreciate having someone cook nice food is hard. Keep busy to distract your self.
I would love to do 21 days, I am more than halfway now, so taking it easy and telling myself I can do it. The hardest thing is the funny taste in my mouth that doesn’t go away no matter what, it is awful and it starts after a few days of fasting. The lord is our strength.

We can do this :muscle:t5:


@Overcomer @Cassandra_G
Hello ladies. It’s day 5 for me. Feeling better. We got this. It’s a bit challenging when you’re family is asking you to constantly eat. But I refuse! Lol


Excellent! @Etsegenet_Aga,
You are doing great and have got through the worse. We have got this💪🏾

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@Cassandra_G @Overcomer
Are you guys on Fast Forward to Health FB Group?

No, I am not. I don’t have Facebook.

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