My vision is impaired by fasting

I have a problem, I have been fasting for several years!

  1. My vision is impaired by fasting. Once it was only in the vision of reading.
    Today, after 5 days of fasting, it is damage to the far vision.

  2. The damage to the sight during the last fast is already from the first day of the fast.

  3. I take vitamins A+K+D and most of the minerals while fasting

Why the visual impairment?
Through the back the vision damage does not return to normal function after fasting.

  1. Organic ketogenic diet + uses all supplements in daily life

  2. The lighter the fast, the faster the damage to the eyes.
    Doctors do not understand fasting and certainly not eye damage from fasting.

  3. Low blood pressure while fasting - can it cause damage?