Monday, April 20th starters

OMAD + Fasting + Workout Challenge!!!

Details coming soon!

Please check in below and bookmark this page and I will update with details!


When we will start really Thanks :pray: alot Yasmin :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:


Whoop-whoop :dancer:t4::dancer:t4:I’m already excited… thanks Yasemin.


Will start Monday!!! I’ll write down a copy of our workouts etc. And you guys can do daily check ins here!!


I can’t wait!! I’m super excited.

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Woo hoo! I’m excited!

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I’m ready!!

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Details coming soon!!! Basically I will post the workouts here for you guys to do on your own time! <3

I will also be nominating a Group Leader every couple days to assist with roll calls and check-ins to make sure everyone is staying on track.

I will also send you guys the calendar ASAP once it’s created! <3 Will be similar to the April Calendar but with a Monday start date and will go for 4 weeks


Happy to join!


Yay yay yay! Let’s get this!!! Woohoo!


Here is the calendar for the 4-Week Self-Isolation “Glow Up” Challenge

OMAD Details:

  • Strict OMAD - no snacking
  • Calculate your BMR for “sedentary” and subtract 400-500 calories to be in a deficit, this will be your “ballpark calorie range” (for most people this is around 1200-1500 calories, but it depends on your height and weight, watch this video for explanation:
  • We will aim to cut sugar out and stay low-carb/keto under 20-30g of carbs per day!

For Workouts:

  • On workout days, I’ll post our circuits, alternatively do 30 min of exercise on exercise days (in purple) and for the Ab Circuit and Booty Blaster, I’ll post them here!

Starting Monday!

I would like to nominate a roll call leader for the week of Monday, April 20th, to make sure everyone has done the check-ins and roll call to make sure everyone has completed their daily tasks (workout/OMAD/fasting). Anyone interested in being a week 1 roll call leader?


Super i will Start with u :muscle::muscle::muscle:thanks Yasmin :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts::kissing_heart:

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I’m really hyped for this bootcamp!! This is exactly what I need at this time. Thank you loads for this.

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Hello, I had already started with the April fasting calendar you made but on Wednesday during my fasting day I fell off the wagon and have been bienging the last 3 days eating over 3500 calories​:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: At one point I was at 68kg and this morning I’m at 72kg. Isolation with family is hard when they constantly snacking and I have access to eating a whole big bag of chips on my own. I feel like a failure. This challenge came in time for me to clean up from Monday. I hope the accountability will help. Weight loss sometimes feels like 1 step forward and 3 steps back. I’m not even at my maintenance weight how will I keep the weight off at the pace. I’m feeling down.


I will try! Never did water fast and new at OMAD too

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I know it’s hard, I’ve been struggling A LOT also so trying to wake up every day, keep my head up and do my best. We have all gained weight during this time, including myself and I’m upset about it but I know when the quarantine is lifted and our mind goes back to normal in a few months that we can just get motivated to lose weight and stick to extended fasting!

In the meantime, going back to basics!

Okay here is the deal: Many of us have been totally out of control with the quarantine snacking and stress. So I want us ALL to start easing into OMAD right now :blush: no more snacking throughout the day, try to start being good starting now!

This is the food journal I would like you guys to print or use online, so we can practice MINDFUL eating and we are totally aware of what we put in our mouth! (Don’t need to track calories THAT hardcore, but at least right down every bite you take so you have a good estimate this month)


Im in!!! Printed calendar thank you for lettting me join!!!


Super Yasmin we r ready

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Super excited to start!!! Count me in pls!!

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Hey… .i feel you!! But let’s start fresh on 20th this month and finally glow up… I’m 70 kgs and targeting for 52-53 kgs… We are all in this together!!!