Mini-Habit into Practice: 7-28 Days Water-Fast

I have done intermittent fasting for a while and can do 20-24h fasting relatively easily now. Am going to try to move on to 7 days full-water fast and slowly extend it, my actual aim is 28 days water fast.

Mini habits are a strategy for starting small and building momentum towards a larger goal. To apply mini habits to the practice of water fasting, you could start by setting a small goal for yourself, such as fasting for 12-20 hours each day for the first week. Once you have established that habit, you can gradually increase the duration of your fasts. Additionally, it’s important to establish a trigger for your fasting habit, such as drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning, which will remind you to begin your fast. It’s also important to have a plan for what to do during your fast, such as drinking water, tea, or other non-caloric beverages, so that you don’t become overly hungry.

My Fasting Milestone 1: 7 days.
At end of 7th day, I will extend if I feel like doing more. My max goal is 28 Days Water Fast.

Instructions for successfully doing extended water-fasting (For Self/Beginners):

  1. Establish a trigger: Identify a specific action that will remind you to start your fast, such as drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning.
  2. Plan for your fast: Decide what you will drink during your fast, such as water, tea, or other non-caloric beverages. This will help prevent feelings of hunger during your fast.
  3. Keep a log: Track your progress by keeping a log of the duration of your fasts and any challenges you encounter. This will help you stay motivated and make adjustments as needed.
  4. Gradually increase the duration of your fasts: Start with 24h target and slowly increase it. Use Zero/Fastic or similar app for tracking your fasting progress.
  5. Be consistent: Try to fast at the same time each day, drink Green Tea at regular/consistent intervals, this will make it easier to form a habit.
  6. Be flexible: Remember that it’s okay to miss a day or shorten a fast if you’re not feeling well or something unexpected comes up. The important thing is to get back on track as soon as possible.
  7. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is crucial during extended water fasting to prevent dehydration and ensure proper bodily function.
  8. Listen to your body: Pay attention to your body’s signals and stop the fast if you feel unwell or experience any negative symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, or low blood sugar.
  9. Have a plan for breaking the fast: Plan in advance for how you will break the fast and make sure to consume nutrient-dense foods and rehydrate properly.
  10. Get enough sleep: Adequate sleep is important for overall health and well-being. Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep during the fast.
  11. Be mindful of your activity level: You may feel weaker during fasting, so be mindful of your activity level and make adjustments as necessary.
  12. Consult a doctor: Before starting any kind of fasting, it is always best to consult a doctor to make sure it is suitable for you and you are healthy enough to do it.

By following these instructions, you will be able to do extended water fasting successfully, with the right preparation, mindset, and support. It’s important to keep in mind that everyone’s body responds differently and what works for one person may not work for another.


So I see Point 3 is to “keep a log.” I hope you’ll do some of that on this site, for my benefit. I feed off of success stories. It’s better than :pie: or :cupcake: or :birthday: or :pizza: or even :beers: !! All the best!!


GREAT PLAN!!! And having it all written down is key too!! :sparkling_heart::pray:

You got this!!!

Have you read Atomic Habits? :heart_eyes: Same concept of tiny habits leading to big changes!!

Love your plan and love that you took the time to write it out!


You’re awesome!!! :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

End of Day 1 (24 Hours):

Mood now: After a 24-hour water fast, I feel revitalised, bright, and energised.

Difficulty faced: :star:/5 ; I had no problems today; everything was simple. I’ve decided to avoid looking at any food items, even images, online or offline. My entire focus is on completing a solo water fast.

Water Consumption: I drank three litres of water: one litre for breakfast, one litre for lunch, and one litre for dinner. I sipped three cups of green tea (200ml each). I have therefore consumed 3.6L of water in total today, including the Green tea.

Supplementation: I supplemented with B-Complex vitamin tablet and a 550mg L-Tyrosine tablet. An amino acid called L-tyrosine is thought to enhance cognitive function, such as increased mental alertness and focus, especially under stressful circumstances.

Workout: I limited my exercise to a minimal; I walked briskly on the treadmill for 20 minutes at a speed of 6 KMPH, covering a distance of 2 KM and burning 140 kcal.

Bowel movements: I had normal bowel movement today.

What kept me going today: I used self-hypnosis and self-affirmation to strengthen my resolve to truly see this through to the end, I’m driven and determined to finish this 7-days quickly.

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Hi Yasemin! Thank you for your support :pray: Yes, Atomic Habits is on my read-list! :open_book:

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End of Day 2 (48 Hours):

Mood now: After a 48-hour water fast, I still feel fresh and energetic. It’s a wonderful feeling :slight_smile:

Difficulty faced: :star:/5 ; Day 2 went just as smoothly; I maintained my attention on my work, and today I realised that I had more energy and focus than yesterday.

Water Consumption: Same as yesterday, 3 Litres of Water and 3 cups of Green Tea (200ml each) so total of 3.6L of Water consumed today.

Supplementation : I supplemented with B-Complex vitamin tablet alone today.

Workout: I walked briskly on the treadmill for 20 minutes at a speed of 6 KMPH, covering a distance of 2 KM and burning 140 kcal. I felt lot more energy today even when doing the treadmill walking. I had the energy for walking more, but I restrained myself because my goal is to develop consistency rather than doing a lot at once.

Bowel movements: I felt like I emptied my bowel today. I experienced mild bloating and constipation, but that is typical with fasting. As long as I continued to drink water, though, I felt OK.

What kept me going today: I used self-hypnosis and self-affirmation to strengthen my resolve to truly see this through to the end, I’m driven and determined to finish this 7-days quickly. Also listening to rock-songs during treadmill walking kept the mental energy high.


End of Day 3 (72 Hours):

Mood now: Feels incredible to cross the 3rd day mark!

Difficulty faced: :star::star::/5 ; Day 3 was not easy as Day 2 but wasn’t that difficult either, I have preconceived notion that 3rd day are usually hard so perhaps that might have made me feel this way too. I felt tired on/off but evening when I was doing exercise I felt really good and exercise in turn increased my overall mood and energy. I feel really good now, my mood focus energy all are elevated. I am looking forward to tomorrow’s challenges with this renewed mental and physical energy.

Water Consumption: Same as other days: 3 Litres of Water and 3 cups of Green Tea (200ml each) so total of 3.6L of Water consumed today.

Supplementation : I supplemented with B-Complex vitamin, Sodium 1000mg Tablet, L-Tyrosine 550mg tablet today. I had diarrhoea maybe I will stop Vitamin tablet from tomorrow.

Workout: Same as other days: I walked briskly on the treadmill for 20 minutes at a speed of 6 KMPH, covering a distance of 2 KM and burning 140 kcal. I didn’t have mood to do workout today, I mentally felt tired as well but I still went and did and it felt amazing to workout during fasting and after exercise I felt heightened mood and energy as well.

Bowel movements: I had multiple episodes of mild diarrhoea, I also had mild stomach ache and constipation, I am taking it as sign that my gut is clearing and fat burning is happening. By end of the day with enough water intake I feel normal and good.

What kept me going today: I used self-hypnosis and self-affirmation to strengthen my resolve to truly see this through to the end, I’m driven and determined to finish this 7-days quickly. Also listening to Linkin Park during treadmill workout kept the mental energy high.

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Man, that self-hypnosis must really be powerful. I admire anyone who can figure out how to use it!


:fire::fire::fire::fire: Incredible post!!!

Your journal and details are on point :fire::fire::fire::fire:

That’s what success looks like!!! Amazing! Finishing up day 2 here :partying_face: moving onto day 3


End of Day 4 (96 Hours):

Mood now: Felt very tired today, but end of the day I did 20m Cardio and now I feel lot better and energetic. I realise that most of the battle is mental only, when you see food and yearn or when you think you have not eaten for so many hours and you are starving then you are setting up yourself for failure. Thinking I can do it, and remembering the strong reasons for doing this will give you conviction and the resolve needed.

Difficulty faced: :star::star::star:/5 ; Day 4 was harder for me than Day 3; I considered giving up twice today, but I know if I stick with it, it will ultimately get easier. And by the end of day four, I will feel energised and strong. Day five might be harder, but I am prepared to struggle and endure. Not only will fasting help you lose weight and get healthier, but it will also change your inner will and self-confidence. If you think you can’t continue then do it and disprove yourself, your inner strength will grow by bounds.

Water Consumption: Same as other days: 3 Litres of Water and 3 cups of Green Tea (200ml each) so total of 3.6L of Water consumed today.

Supplementation : I supplemented with Sodium 1000mg Tablet x 3 taking one at morning, one at afternoon and one at night.

Workout: Same as other days: I walked briskly on the treadmill for 20 minutes at a speed of 6 KMPH, covering a distance of 2 KM and burning 140 kcal. I was about to abandon today’s workout when I remembered I didn’t want to mark it as a failure in my fast log. My fast log here is helpful to me since it helps me feel accountable on this community, I tell myself that if I fail, I would be failing not only myself but everyone here on this forum. Moreover, I felt much better after completing the cardio, so perhaps I should keep doing my cardio workouts in the morning sessions going forward.

Bowel movements: I only had one bowel movement today. I initially felt constipated, but as I drank more water, I felt better. There was some slight discomfort in my abdomen, but I ignored it because I knew it was a sign that I was burning fat, and eventually it went away. It’s also possible that I simply grew accustomed to it because it feels normal now.

What kept me going today: I continued reading a lot of success stories in this thread, and Yasemin’s youtube videos were incredibly useful because she provided a detailed schedule of what to expect each day. Fasting is not easy, it is worth it. You are capable and worthy of accomplishing the most challenging things in your life, so go ahead and do it! Using encouraging self-talk, keep yourself inspired!

Today, I greatly benefited from your videos; you are truly excellent! :pray:

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Even if it’s hard to do it every day, it works when you do. I picked it up from Robbins Blair’s Instant Self Hypnosis book.


I’ll be back to posting on YouTube soon enough for March 2023 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes::muscle:t2: Just reaching those first huge milestones first!!!

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End of Day 5 (120 Hours):

Mood now: Another tiring day, but it’s mental game, if I think I feel strong I will feel strong!

Difficulty faced: :star::star::star:/5 ; Same as yesterday, wasn’t easy. Felt abdomen pain and bloating, kept drinking water to counter it.

Water Consumption: 3.2 Litres of Water and 2 cups of Green Tea (200ml each) so total of 3.6L of Water consumed today.

Supplementation : I supplemented with Sodium 1000mg Tablet x 2; T.Magnesium 200mg x 1.

Workout: Same as other days: I walked briskly on the treadmill for 20 minutes at a speed of 6 KMPH, covering a distance of 2 KM and burning 140 kcal.

Bowel movements: No bowel movements today, felt constipated.

What kept me going today: I continued thinking and visualising different scenarios to help with self-belief and resolve because I knew that the struggle was largely in my head.

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End of Day 6 (144 Hours):

Mood now: Felt very very tiring today, my mood right now is anticipating completing Day 7.

Difficulty faced: :star::star::star::star:/5 ; Actually of all days today was hardest. Felt intense abdomen discomfort and tiredness.

Water Consumption: 3.2 Litres of Water and 2 cups of Green Tea (200ml each) so total of 3.6L of Water consumed today.

Supplementation : I supplemented with Sodium 1000mg Tablet x 2.

Workout: Not done any workout today.

Bowel movements: No bowel movements today, felt constipated throughout.

What kept me going today: Waiting to get done with this 7 days.

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Wow. Your fast will end at 10pm. Like a Ramadan schedule. Hope you have someone to share your success with. I know fasting is it’s own reward, but I’m sure many people are watching you in real life and admiring your success today!


Thank you for your kind words!

Day 7:

As opposed to the intended seven days, I finished my fast early—6 days, 8 hours, and 30 minutes. I had to stop early since I was so uneasy and queasy. The ketone breath was another thing that prevented me from falling asleep.

I began my refeed with a dish of cucumber, cabbage soup, and boiled cabbage.

I shed 7.2kgs in the last extended fasting. My current target is 95 kg, and once I hit that weight, I’ll raise it to 75 kg, which will be my ideal weight for my height.

Starting on Monday, I’ll alternate days of fasting for one to two weeks before beginning extended fasting once more.