Melly's Daily Water Fast Journal

sorry I keep posting am excited but reflective- i wasted two years and half being isolated focusing my energy on people who didn’t want anything to do with me crying about it, i realize that I was infliciting the pain on myself because I wouldn’t accept what they did during covid, now i have changed my mindset, honestly am waaaaaaay too isolated. I must must reach out more. Hope your doing well x

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how are you feeling? I love we are doing this together. Will definitely help us get to the end : x

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Yessss, who?

Oh i went out to a social gathering through one of my other friends who is a hermit! :slight_smile:

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Yes, yes, and yes, Super proud of you!!! Ha! And, you had a good time. That is wonderful.

Today is a good day. I feel good.

Day 4- September 4th - Beyonce’s 40th Birthday!!! She definitely gave me inspiration to get up and dance… :honeybee:

I woke up feeling good. I ran to my Stretch and Zuumba classes. Both were very good for my body. I needed the stretch to loosen me up. I came home and sat in the car in the sun for a few minutes to get some of the energy Source.

I am drinking my Green Tea. Reading/Listening to my books. I REALLY enjoy being alone right now because I don’t need a lot of energies around me. Only certain people at specific times (i.e. only when necessary).

The theme of being a good friend, really listening, and love and appreciation keeps coming up over and over. I absolutely feel a shift in my personality, though. I am not my jubilant, screaming all over the place self. I am more mellow. I don’t need to talk at all. I just want to be still and listen. Maybe I just don’t have the energy. My pace is for sure slower. I like it though. I am not quick to respond. I am legit just slow and steady.

I am glad I decided not to travel this weekend or this month (well, we shall see…). I feel like I just want to lay in the bed under a lot of covers and relax.

God is my Source. A great work is definitely being done within me. I feel it, and I know it. This is my #GrowthSeason. I want to learn more. I want to be a better and more loving person. I want to give more generously.

I stay in gratitude. This journey means a great deal to me. That is why I don’t turn back or give up. I literally can’t. Like, I can’t. I have to go through the process, even if I have to crawl and cry through it. I need to learn more about myself. How much I can really withstand. I need to break some chains and strongholds in my life. I need to understand that my faith is sufficient…


Day 5 - FOCUS!
I’m okay…lol I can do this, I can do this…

I ran a few errands today: picked up uniforms for Pooh, went to the supermarket, and got my nails and toes done (RED), ahhhhhh, lol. At the nail salon I met a lady. We got to talking. She asked if I was going to a BBQ tomorrow. I said, no. I could see that she thought I wasn’t going because of social distancing. I mean, I did have a can of Lysol and was spraying down the chairs. I quickly let her know that my decision not to go had everything to do with my Fast. She became rather interested, and we had a really good discussion about Fasting and exercise. Another lady, a few chairs down, even joined in on the conversation. She asked if I would take her number to that I can give more information. This was a great highlight because I get to support another person along their path to health and wellness :grinning:

I exercised today. Like, not too long ago. I went back to an OLD secret-Walk Away The Pounds!! lololol. It was a good little workout. I only did 1 mile, 16 minutes. I mean I was sweating profusely. Sheesh! I am proud that I got my daily activity in even though I really didn’t want to do it. I am glad I did.

#LeadByExample #Winner #SteadFAST #WalkAwayThePounds #Rest

I am so sorry I did not do my post yesterday. I had an incredibly challenging day. It nearly wiped the life out of me but miraculously I managed to continue through some tears, gritting my teeth and laughter at the end of the day. Only god knows how I did it yesterday. It was a v v v tough day. Day 13 yesterday, Day 14 today. Oh wow ok let’s see. Thank you!! I know!

Wow you danced. Now that is amazing!

Well done on going to a fitness class, how you do it though I tell you, your doing very well. I can barely walk without feeling like I may collapse.

Tell me about the exhaustion part, I hear you on that one.

Yes I do too. I want to be more positive and aspire to be. For definite.

Yes the energy thing melly I am telling you I feel so drained I hear you!

Perhaps that could be a shift. yes your body will tell you to do that perhaps due to a lot of changes taking place.

Yes I feel more spirtual too. I think it does that to you. You begin to really feel the presence of god in your life. I love your feeling the presence of god. We are so lucky.

Gratitude journal is a fab idea! Like it helps to keep you going.

Love your stretch mat!

I like the quote, pray more, worry less. Prayer is so important.

That video is good! Great reminder. Like we are going to go all the way to the end! Yes!

Your day 5-
you definitely can. sounds good. Oh it is always good when you meet people and discuss the journey. It is life changing isn’t it!

You did really well. I tell you the most I can do is a walk so really good work.

Love the video!

Keep going! You got this. You will get there all the way to the end. I know you will! your doing v well!

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Day 13.
Exceptionally difficult and v tough day but the point is I carried on and that is what counts. Have no idea how. It was from god clearly.

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Day 14.
Wow I woke up shocked I am still doing it as was sure day 13 was the end!
I felt very tired when woke up. Had to just force myself.
Due to being tired when down on that coffee, tea and caffeine. Not ideal and wish I had sleep more.
Feel positive but absolutely drained to my core being. Proud I managed to carry on but my god my brain and body was screaming exhaustion all day long.
Walking I felt like I was going to faint. I am doing the salts when I feel dizzy. I think I forgot to drink water due to being so busy. No the best move as was going on the caffeine. But just when it got too much remembered the water.
1.I am grateful I am still doing it
2.I am so thankful for my friends
3.I feel lucky I am alive and breathing
4.I am grateful for water
5.I am grateful for drinks
6.I am grateful for god
7.I am grateful I pray when things get v tough.

Yes let us keep going!

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we got to see this to the end. Every challenge we can overcome. We do our best.

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am exhausted beyond reason. Tried going to sleep didn’t work out for me! The amount of caffeine I had today! on a positive note at least I lay down and closed my eyes. Would have done anything to have rested for an hour. I feel so irritable and moody haa haa. I mean god alone knows from heaven above how on earth am going to keep going. It is god who is holding me. I tell you i am shocked myself. I mean I don’t even know. I believe god looks after you. I really do. It fascinates me. Especially my day yesterday. I prayed so hard you have no idea that I wouldn’t quit. I pray every night that I keep going. I love how you say you feel god presence watching over you. so do I. Without god I wouldn’t be here :slight_smile:

i have noticed i am an emotional eater and to be fair the last few days and especially when a drained to my core now I really really want chocolate like desperately but ermmm I can’t! also another thing that has come from this is how complicated i make my life. I don’t seem to mke my life simple. I seem to do things the hardest way possible and that must change. It wastes time and I get nowhere. Both me and one of my friends realized how complicated I am. Duno if it is a woman thing but I just want to become someone who doesn’t make things complicated and choose the most difficult way of doing them. I would prefer to keep it simple. Like i was beating myself up about the coconut oil and I read from an expert doctor that’s fine. I forced myself to have self love. I think you should respect yourself and not beat yourself up. I feel like in certain parts of my life I sometimes want to give up when it get’s hard and I can’t find a way but I know I must try. If you try your more likely to get to where you want to be even if you are at snail pace. Better try and fail then never try at all. Let’s keep going. Ah day 15 hopefully tomorrow. Hope your doing well. We can do this.

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Like wow I think you learn through this! How about you?

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Yes, please hold on!!! It is super hard. Very hard but you are stronger than the pain, the hunger, and the voice in your head telling you to quit. NOPE, NOT TODAY YOU WON’T!!!

Remember, drink your water every hour on the hour even if it is little sips okay? Are you drinking 1-2 gallons daily? I don’t want you to be dehydrated. That worries me, okay?
I loved that you walked. Excellent job! Even if it is for 5 minutes.
I love all the things you are grateful for. I love that you are grateful!

Blessings :heart:

Day 6- Rough. Tired. Low Energy but…
I made it- Thank you, God!

New Moon in Virgo-Set your intentions for some new beginnings-I enjoyed thinking through all the fabulous new things that God is ushering into my life -BIG GRATEFUL!

I made my exercise, tonight, which to be honest I didn’t think I was going to make it. I even justified in my mind why it was okay to not make it-Boooooooo! I literally DRAGGED myself to my room and put on this video, and you know what? It made me happy as a lark lololololol. Why? Because I LOVE to dance!!! As the sweat literally poured down my face and back, I smiled with glee. One, because I was actually moving around and two because I enjoyed the dancehall music and the young ladies’ energy. I did ALL 23 MINUTES-WOOOOOOOHOOOOO. It took everything in me not to stop. Goal-ACCOMPLISHED!

I am up late so I am about to head to bed, but I am gonna try to get this liter of water in before I close these eyelids.

A Moment of Gratitude:
I am grateful for this video, lolololol
I am grateful for my health and strength
I am grateful for my Mom
I am grateful for my friend Tiff who took silly pictures with me today and we laughed together
I am grateful for the Moon that lights the sky at night
I am grateful that I had a wonderful Dad (RIP)
I am grateful for my sons :grinning:
I am grateful that I did not travel this weekend
I am grateful that my body is getting smaller :raised_hands:t5:
I am grateful that God uses me to be a blessing to others…