✨ March Fasting Accountability Challenge ✨

New month, new thread!!!


New month - New goals :fire::fire::fire:

What are some of your goals for March ?

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Day :one: :white_check_mark:
Day :two: in progress :construction:

You have been missed @Yasemin are you fasting this month?

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@Millie you are welcome to join here for the march challenge. hope you are doing well :pray:t4:

#1 goal for march is to stay consistent with my ADF schedule !


Yes going to be doing some fasting again!! February got hectic, stayed in vacay mindset a bit too long :joy::joy:


Amazing :fire::fire::fire:


It’s good to have you back, February is in the past. You will do excellent this month. :muscle:t5::dancer:t5::white_check_mark:

Currently on day 5 of water fasting, hoping to go to 35 days. Definitely getting easier, food cravings have reduced and I’m not yet getting bothered by a bad taste in my mouth. My major goal for March is to keep this fast going until the end of the month.


Fasting entire March, day 3 so far, details captured in the journal section of this forum

Wish everyone fortitude to get through, also take your electrolytes and salt!

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I didn’t even go on vacay and I’m with you there. I got a cold and “forgot” to diet.

So here we go. Starting my 36 hour fast. Water and electrolytes only. Gonna feel like poop big time. Already prepared for the headache I’m gonna have. :frowning: Maybe even doing a 48. But definitely 36.


Day :one: :white_check_mark:
Day :two: :white_check_mark:
Day :three: in progress :construction:

Getting healthy and loose weight. March 3rd. Starting a few days late, but better late than never. Trying to go as long as I can…really not feeling well, and my mind thinks if I eat ill feel better, but the opposite happens. I feel worse!


Day :one: :woman_cartwheeling:: in progress

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I got a weird stomach bug yesterday and stayed in bed ALL day which I never ever ever do, because I couldn’t stop throwing up (TMI) :joy: luckily hubby was able to take care of the baby and MIL came to help in the evening… so yesterday was an (accidental) fasting day since everything looked like it would make me sick (I’m not mad about it) :joy: Was extremely sick all of yesterday but it was a nice cleanse LOL :sweat_smile:

Feeling happy today, will eat very light today to avoid upsetting my stomach :grin:

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I really need this fast but how am I going to do it! How does support work around here?

Sorry to hear about your upset stomach yesterday, take it easy and drink lots of water.:pray:t4::pray:t4:

Day :one: :white_check_mark:
Day :two: :white_check_mark:
Day :three: :white_check_mark:
Day :four: in progress :construction:

Day :one: :white_check_mark:
Day :two: :white_check_mark:
Day :three: :white_check_mark:
Day :four: :white_check_mark:
Day :five: :white_check_mark:omad

Hi @Cheree_Cheree you are welcome to join this March fasting group. I can join you on monday. Have a restful weekend.:pray:t4: