Luz's Journal

SW on January 2 : I weight 332.8lbs
Goal weight : 150 lbs.

Let see how far I can go on this fast.


weight entry:
day 2 : 326.9
day 3: 324.0
day 4 : 320.6
day 5 : 320.1
day 6 : 317.6

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Nice. Daily logging of your progress will give you something to lean on during times of adversity.

Keep it up!

I have read yours and was inspired. Mine won’t be as detailed but I will try

Well I’m a former project manager so I’m used to filing detailed reports. LOL.

Create a format that works for you that’s the most important thing. Then all you need to do is copy, paste and then just change the variable data. It also reminds you what you previously posted.

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Day 7 : 315.9 lbs
Pound lost : 1.3 lbs
Total weight lost : 16.9 lbs

Notes: The hunger pain is gone but the mental perversion is still here. I am not hungry but I can’t help myself day dreaming of the feast I will have when I will stop fasting. I have already order in my mind $100 of fast food that I dream of seeing myself eating in 1 meal. Why is my mind toying with me ?


What you’re experiencing is “normal”. All of us have been through it.

Day 8 : 315.5 lbs
Pound lost : 0.4 lbs
Total weight lost : 17.3 lbs

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Way to stick with it. Are your hunger pangs fading now?

I drink coffee every day for the hunger pain. It is fool proof for me. Coffee equal no more hunger pain for the day. I would fail without the coffee.

What is great is that it give me some of the lost energy that I am missing and it is great for my bowl movement.

I was desapointed with my 0.4 lbs lost but hey at least it is going in the right direction. And when I look at the total lost compared to the number of days on the fast I am glad.


I’m glad you’ve found a little trick that works for your body!
The weight might go up and down even on a fast (yes even gain water weight, that the body let go of later) but try not to focus too much on it if you’re not losing as much each day. It’s impossible to not lose fat when fasting, even if the scale doesn’t show it! Like you said, the end result will be a big achievement in total!
Great job so far :muscle::muscle:

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Agree with Anna. You will have weight plateaus and temporary weight gains. The best way to look at weight loss is a weekly average.

When I was a CPT training clients that’s what I told them to focus on. It also saved me from frantic emails and texts on a daily basis. LOL


Day 9 : 314.7 lbs
Pound lost : 0.8 lbs
Total weight lost : 18.1 lbs

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January 11, 2020
weight : 316.7 lbs
weight gain : 2 lbs
Well I fell of the wagon. And I know why. I did not go to work today and therefore did not drink my daily coffee. Hunger temptation arrive and I succomb to it. I have ordered 3 pieces of KFC chicken and eat it.
Am I desapointed in myself ? yes.
But oh well. I am jumping back again in a water fast tomorrow. I am recalibrating my fast goal.
New goal : reach : 300 lbs by Januray 31st, 2020.
I think this should be more then doable.


Well done. I think we all have blips…its okay! :grinning:

All eating is habitual, I learned that in an interview with Penn Jillette who was being interviewed on how he lost 100lbs on his working with Dr Ray Croniss, a former NASA scientist.

Shouldn’t be too hard to arrange to have your coffee at home for the next time.

Celebrate the WIN! You completed a 9-day fast and you learned something that can make you more successful next time.

January 12, 2020
Day 1 weight : 315.5 lbs
Notes: Well here we go for another round.
I will learn from my past mistake. Buy some coffee and have a stock at home and have a plan for the weekend when I don’t work to not let boredom derailled me.
I want to reach 300 lbs by the end of January .


That’s the right mindset :muscle::muscle: you can do this!

Day 2 : 315.1 lbs
weight loss : 0.4 lbs


Day 3 : 313.8 lbs
Pound lost : 1.3 lbs
Total weight lost : 1.7 lbs

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