January 1st NO BULLSHIT Accountability Group

Yes in crazy California :joy: started day 2 feeling good . 3.4lbs of water gone

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Nearing the end of day 5 but really struggling with motivation today (plus hunger hasn’t gone just yet!). How is everyone doing?


Heading into day 4 in 2 hours going good…just started feeling hungry but it’s barely there. Yay! Great job! Hang in there @Tabby :heart:


This group is so quiet…

Does anyone know if I can drink raspberry hibiscus tea or no?

Tell me about it! I was so close to eating something last night…I even opened the fridge door but in the last second changed my mind :speak_no_evil:

You’re on day 4 now? Yaaay!

I’ve stumbled my way into day 6 miraculously :joy:


Yay!!! That’s huge!! I know I was putting away crackers last night and all the groceries actually and it crossed my mind to eat a cracker not because it looked good but in defiance or something I’m not really sure…no one was around like how would they know :laughing: it was a pretty quick thought but self control was accomplished :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3: No cracker was harmed lol


Haha this made me laugh! Very good self control! You know I was thinking, ‘if I eat now, what am I gonna say on the group?’ :joy:

I have started dreaming about food though - does that happen to you? I saw lots of trifle and profiteroles last night but I don’t recall getting to eat them…damn even in my dreams I’m denied food

I’m nearly done with day 6 - one week down after tomorrow!

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I finally got through all the videos! Woot!

I have 12 fasting days to bang out and decided today I’m doing this 100 bottle challenge which may take 10 days or more.

Off to bed I’m floating tonight. :joy:

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Two more days !! Whew I can’t believe I just fasted for two weeks :laughing::laughing: I’m hungry as hell but I did it ! Yay.


@tabby lol it makes me laugh too we have to somehow enjoy this right it’s fun they said it would be easy said no one but man is it worth it to see the results I’m feeling really clear headed right now earlier was like euphoric for me and I was laughing because everything was a little spinny :crazy_face::grimacing: but I’m doing great after taking supplements.
@miramar glad to see a familiar face :heart_eyes: you go girl!
@Christina_Taylor :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3: So exciting!!


@tabby oh I did have a pretty weird dream about my stomach but no food dreams yet we will see
have a great night or day ladies whatever time it is :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: so happy to see others post I thought me and @Kristy were here alone :grin:


I’m new and I’m in!

Currently on day 4 on a 12 day fast.


Oh man, full disclosure…I ate some food on day 7 :tired_face::tired_face::tired_face: back to day 1 we go…


A 7 day fast is good.

Good luck on your next fast :+1:


Thank you, that’s made me feel less rubbish - onwards and upwards :slightly_smiling_face:

How are your fasts going?


Day 4, aiming for 12 :grin:
But I stopped during day 5 the last time and I refuse ro beat myself up about it. I play the long game :grin:


Day 6 :smiley: yay! Feeling really good. Cooked lasagna for my family last night…I normally taste everything so I hope it was good…they ate it and told me it was but I’m not 100% lol there was no craving God is good :heart: Drinking lemon ginger tea currently. I didn’t have so much tea last time but this time I’m drinking at least 2 mugs full. It’s helping. Have a great day everyone! Stay strong!


Day 7 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: feeling strong. How is everyone?


Day 13 of 40 and I’m feeling great overall. Excited with blood sugars decreasing. Able to cook without much difficulty. My stomach does grumble. Sometimes my moods get a bit over the top, like my fuse is shorter than normal.