I will successfully complete a 7 day water fast =)

I only lost .2 oz this morning BUT… I also got my highly anticipated “monthly bill”… ugh :tired_face: … all good though, I’m actually happy I’m doing this water fast now to alleviate some of my symptoms.

Hope day 6 is easy breezy for everyone!! :slight_smile:

I had to unfortunately break my fast a day early due to a fall I had yesterday :frowning:

BUUUUT, I’m very happy to report that with Yasmin’s guidance and support, I am STILL losing weight :grin: YAY. I’ve lost a total of 10.6 lbs since I started the water fast and couldn’t be happier :relaxed:

I’m currently following OMAD and hope to do another water fast in the near future. Until then, I’ll keep reporting my results and supporting others on this same journey!!!

Thank you to you guys and to Yasmin!!!

I got my appetite back yesterday :flushed: I made a little pepperoni pizza without bread… I have had A LOT of yard work and house work to catch up on so that may have been the reason. Still haven’t gained what I’ve lost Yay!!.. I’m at 228.4 :tada:… but again I’m sweating A LOT :hot_face:.

Today I’m “hungry” and I had to ask myself “am I hungry or do I just WANT to eat?” I think I am indeed hungry from all the physical work I’m doing, but I’m going to wait anyhow for my meal at 6p or just fast today and eat when my guest arrive tomorrow. My stomach is still upset as I’ve been taking ibuprofen for my body aches to get thru the chores. But other than that, I feel GREAT!!

Hope everyone else is doing the same :hugs:


Amazing!!! That’s a great question - Hunger or just WANT to eat?

Let’s go Adamiris!