False start! But 'in deep' now

As they say, the best laid plans of mice… :roll_eyes:.
Due to blood checks and shoulder treatment , my fast went ‘goolies up’…
So, as of a run of decent luck, I started anew Monday 13th.
Deep in ketosis and as of 1 full week later I’m now 8.9kg down so can’t complain.
I’m using the ACV with EV Olive oil first thing in the morning with a ‘liver cleanse/gall bladder stimulant-all natural’ and trust me… it is definitely activating … yowchy :rofl:.
That is a major comfort knowing’ fingers crossed ’ I should have no Gall issues afterwards as it gets a daily ‘spring clean’…Shame about the toilet pan.:joy:.
My energy is through the roof already, in fact it’s difficult maintaining the rest and recuperation recommended.
Vit tablets and electrolytes at the ready to see me through the hot n sunny months.
Abs here I come :grin:


Have ‘cheated’ this week.
I was having trouble with nerve pain levels and taking the various meds on an empty stomach was rough.
So, I tried going without, NOT good.
My solution was to nibble on small amounts of cheese. avocado and nuts an hour before dosage, which helped a lot.Plus, stayed in medium/medium high lvl ketosis.
Still managed to lose a further 3kg’s but it’s stuffed my schedule .boooo!!.
Back to water only again for as long as I can hold out.
If I can manage 7 W/F then 5 keto nibbles I can still make target 1 by
end of July which is -30kg…fingers crossed.
If I can then lose another 10kg whilst doing keto and starting exercise routine I may miss my 80kg final target weight but have a reasonable level of cardio and increased metabolism to get back into a regular healthy plan.

A 10wk 40kg loss is not going to leave me too disappointed.
Best o’ British to anyone that’s also whipping themselves into a healthier version. :+1: