Failed day one :(

Hi there, today i said i would start a water fast and on day 1 i failed, i caved in and ate after 14 hours. I dunno why i do this to myself, i need to start again the next day i feel its just going to be hard but its something i want to really do i think it be good for me , i feel what is hard when i don’t have doctors support.


Hello, it is ok. Don’t be so hard on yourself, try it again.
I also tried to start with water fasting, have done it earlier too.
This time somehow I am lacked that will, so I started with the intermittent fasting, starting with 14 hours and increasing 2 hours every day.
Should be able to go on the water fast by end of this week.

Hi @briannajade1981,

Have you done a lot of fasting In the past? If you haven’t it’s best to set shorter goals, like a 3 day fast, once you have achieved that and you feel ok to carry on extend to 5 days, then 7, then 10.
Setting yourself up to do 100days or 40days is too long if you haven’t done it before.
Setting small goals will encourage you to reach every goal and you will have lots of :trophy: wins that way.

All the best :+1:


I would suggest occupying your mind with some sort of activity while your doing your fasting like home projects, crafts or light exercise. I use my rowing machine and watch a movie or tv while rowing and now I’m doing a floor project while fasting.

While doing these activities focus on the goals for these projects then you will spend less time thinking about eating.

I usually take some pink salt on day one and two. You will know you are low when start getting headaches and get instant energy after consuming salt.

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