Dina's Daily Journal

Day 43. Still counting my “No Sugar” days.
I did something today that I didn’t think I’d be doing. Last month, I decided to treat myself to some new workout clothes. Hoping to be able to wear them in the future. I’m so happy I did, because I tried them on today and guess what, they looked very nice on me.
Of course, I could go into a complaining mode and criticize every curve or bump, but I decided I wasn’t going to do that to myself.
My mindset was on the fact that I could fit in the outfit and I looked good. So I’m encouraging myself and thinking positive thoughts.
So, I finally got a chance to throw away my raggedy old workout outfit . It was raggedy because I wore it out. And the fact that I couldn’t fit into any other workout outfits. It was the only outfit I’d felt comfortable in and that I could fit.
But, I’m also thankful for those old workout clothes because it reminded me to start my journey and to keep going and also to look to the future.
My motto, “ONE DAY AT A TIME”.


Just doing a quick in. Day 44.
I just bought a new Bluetooth scale yesterday. But, I’m planning to check my weight, bmi and a few other things once a week or every other day. I haven’t decided yet. But I have to keep in mind that my weight can fluctuate because of exercise, water or just getting use to my new of eating.
I do like the idea of tracking my weight on my phone. Especially since I’m seeing progress.
But, my main goal is to go by how my cloths are fitting.
My non-scale victories :white_check_mark:.


Day 47 and “No Sugar”. Actually coming on the tracking journal helps to keep me focused. And helps me stay accountable.


Day 57 “No Sugar” :white_check_mark: :+1:
I’m still going!!
Keeping my journal going, even when it’s a small update :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Hi Dina!

I just found you. :grin:

This forum seems to get a bit strange with posting dates and I miss when different people show up.
Sounds like you are on track.

Your clothes much be much looser.

I imagine you will be in your goal zone by the end of the year.

So no sugar, and omad since you started?


Yes, thank you for committing on my post. My clothes are getting loser but the scale is moving slowly. But I’m sticking to my no sugar at this time and OMAD.

I got one of those Bluetooth scales as a new gift to myself. I’ve always used a plain digital scale, but I thought I would try something new and different. I usually get on my scale once every three days. I was extremely happy to be able to set it up on my first try.

So far I’ve loss 29.4 lbs. from my starting weight. As of today, I have 31 more lbs before I reach my goal. But that all depends on how I look in my clothes. I may just not concentrate solely on a goal weight, but instead see how comfortable I look and feel in my clothes. Each day I try to put on something that makes me feel good about myself and concentrate on where I’m at in my weight loss journey.

This is a trick I’m currently doing to discourage me from getting on the scale every day. Every night, I put a glass of water on my nightstand and when I wake up first thing in the morning, I drink it so I won’t be tempted to get on the scale. I certainly don’t want to weight myself after drinking a whole glass of water. Lol


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