Dina's Daily Journal

Day 14. I’ve started OMAD, but I’m continuing to stay away from sugar.
I’m still a part of the 40 day No Sugar challenge, but I see any people posting.
But I intend to stick with it. Going for the prize :trophy:


Day 15 and still going strong with OMAD :+1:. Still No Sugar :white_check_mark:


Day 16 going and 3 more hours before Day 17 :hugs:.
It’s not so bad staying away from sugar. But my mind was so use to eating a certain way that I I do sometimes get the feeling that’s there’s something missing after my meal.
It’s like a nagging feeling, but I don’t give in to it because I truly don’t want those sugary foods anymore…
I love being in ketosis because I know without it, I’d be going totally in the other direction of cravings.
That’s why I’m not taking it for granted and just taking “ONE DAY AT A TIME”. :grin:


Day 17 :hugs:. 4 more hours before Day 18 :+1:. Keeping in mind the :trophy:

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Day 18 yesterday, And Day 19 TODAY :white_check_mark:

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My Day 19, going on Day 20. I explained what I went though today with my family in the 40 Day No Sugar challenge.
I’ve never gone this long without some type of sugary snack. Especially when I use to sneak and hide all my personal snacks. I wouldn’t eat those snacks in front of anyone. I use to have my very own world were me and my snacks could be alone together :flushed:.
So I have to pat myself on the back and tell and remind myself how proud I am for this day and what I’ve accomplished thus far :+1: :white_check_mark:


I’m officially Day 20 of my “No Sugar” challenge.
My plan for this week is to do OMAD. Since I’ve cut sugar from my eating plan, I’ve been able to maintain 18/6 and OMAD with no problems. I’m thankful for that :hugs:


I’m on Day 23 :hugs:. What an encouraging number :star_struck:
I’m extremely proud of myself because this is the longest I’ve ever gone without sneaking or even claiming any kind of sugary food :white_check_mark:

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I’m on Day 25 and still doing OMAD :+1:.
I prefer to do OMAD because I like that full feeling I get after eating 1 meal. It totally reminds me of the feeling of being full. But the only difference is that I know when I’ve reached the truly full feeling compared to being extra hungry throughout the day.
Like I use to feel in the past when I always felt like I needed more. But with OMAD, my body is used to eating 1 meal and it’s a very satisfying meal.
My weight loss is slow, but I am losing and seeing a difference in my clothes. My motto,“ONE DAY AT A TIME” :grin:


Day 27. Just checked in :white_check_mark:


omg you are firing :fire::fire::fire:

you must be so proud of yourself <3

it is such a honour to witness your progress, thnak you for sharing Dina!!!

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Hello Buse, Thank you so much for your words of encouragement :grin:.

I’m on Day 30.
At the moment, I not getting on the scale because I know that if I do and I don’t see the weight loss I want, I’m going to be so discouraged.
So I’m sticking to my OMAD and looking at how my clothes are fitting. And so far, I don’t look as puffy as I use to look and the great news is that my clothes are fitting me better meaning they are not as tight as they use to be since I started my journey 30 days ago.
I’m still a part of the “40 No Sugar challenge”. And I plan to continue to post so I can stay accountable.
Also, I’m reading “Atomic Habits” and keeping in mind all the steps needed to help me to take tiny/small steps. It’s a real keeper for me. Especially when I loss focus on any of my goals.
My motto, “ONE DAY AT A TIME”. :+1:

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Just making sure I check in before I turn in for the night.
Day 31 of my journey :star_struck:

Day 34 of “No sugar” :+1:

Day 38 of “No Sugar” :white_check_mark:
I’m so proud of myself for all the spring cleaning I’ve accomplished in the past few days.
I’ve gotten rid of a ton of unnecessary items, clothes, and all the things I thought I couldn’t live without.
What I did was not second guess myself when I started cleaning out closets, pantries and others areas of my home.
Mainly, I’ve also been focusing on the book “Atomic Habits” and incorporating these ideas in my life. Which have helped me focus on small habits. Basically to prioritize my habits whether good or bad.
I haven’t been perfect, but I’m not giving up. :star_struck: :+1:

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I just accomplished my “No Sugar” challenge :+1:. I’m extremely proud of myself :smiley:
My plan is to continue my personal journal of “No Sugar”.
Of course I will be continuing to take my journey incorporating small steps as I did in helping me accomplish my 40 challenge.
My motto, “ONE DAY AT A TIME”. :hugs:


:clap:t5: :clap:t5: :clap:t5: excellent! Well done! :muscle:t5:

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Day 41 of my personal “No Sugar” journey.
Looking to the future as I continue to count my personal “No Sugar” challenge for myself :white_check_mark:

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Day 42. Still counting my “No sugar” days.
It helps me stay and be accountable every day to post my success.
It’s my personal online journey :+1:

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