Dee's Daily Journal

Binge eating is an issue for me as well. We always think it’s psychological, but it’s literally a chemical addiction driven by your gut bacteria. They are much more devious and manipulative than I ever thought and the latest science is painting a very interesting picture. Personally, my solution was to go full keto for a couple of weeks to kill the first stage of carb withdrawal and then start a very, very long fast. Because I can’t regulate. When an addict gets clean, no one would ever suggest self regulation as a successful strategy. “Come on, Bob, show some self control and stop at one beer”. They have to get that crap out of their system and reset the biochemistry, which is what I’m currently trying to do with a long fast. I need all the sugar lovin’ beasties to die or they’ll simply hijack my endocrine system to get what they want as soon as I’m eating again. I highly recommend The Mind-Gut Connection by Emeran Mayer.


7 Day Fasting Challenge - Day 6

CW - 137.8

Today is day 6 and I’m feeling really good actually! I ran 4 miles this morning and then logged in for work. 2.8 lbs closer to my goal weight!


7 Day Fasting Challenge - Day 7

CW - 136.8

Today is day 7, woo hoo! I made it! My fasting timeframe doesn’t officially close until tonight at 8:02pm so I will refeed tomorrow because I can’t eat and then go straight to bed. Really happy that I pushed myself to complete two fasts this month and that I beat my normal fasting timeframe of 5 days. Feeling very accomplished and 1.8 lbs away from goal weight!


@DeeTabor well done! Keep going, you’ve got this :muscle:t5:

I’m on day 9 myself, taking it day by day.

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Log in overnight hours! It’ll be closer to a 7.5 day fast!


9 days! That’s amazing!! Congratulations to you!

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Thank you I will! 7.5 days, I’m already in disbelief!! :muscle:t4:


Fasting Day 1

Hello Everyone!

After a few months of falling off the wagon, I’m happy to say that I’m back on track and today is Day 1 of a 14 day fast. I was almost at goal weight and felt a little too comfortable which led to some binging and not sticking to my intermittent fasting schedule. I tried to complete a few fasts on my own but realized it would be easier to hold myself accountable if I rejoined one of Yasmin’s challenges and felt the support of this amazing group!

Why I’m Doing This: I want to be healthy and happy for myself, my wife, and my children. I want to have self control over my urges to binge eat. I am an avid runner and try to get in around 4-6 miles per day. I also lift weights and enjoy HIIT training. Eating is my big problem and a major sweet tooth so I would like to regain control over those things.

Please pray for me!

Height: 5’2 1/2
Starting Weight in Dec 2019: 190lbs
Current Weight: 154lbs
Goal Weight: 130-135lbs

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Fasting Day 2

Hi Everyone!

Today is going well so far. I ran a few miles and did a weight lifting circuit. About to fix some black tea and play with the twins. They always keep me busy and not thinking of food! Ha! Chasing two year old toddlers is quite the distraction while fasting. :kissing_closed_eyes:

Height: 5’2 1/2
Starting Weight in Dec 2019: 190lbs
Current Weight: 153
Goal Weight: 130-135lbs

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Fasting Day 3

Hi Everyone!

Today is going well even though I’m oddly hungry which is typically not the case on Day 3. We’re taking the twins to the park today so having outdoor fun with them will be an awesome distraction from food!

Height: 5’2 1/2
Starting Weight in Dec 2019: 190lbs
Current Weight: 151
Goal Weight: 130-135lbs

Fasting Day 4

Hi Everyone!

Today is going well thus far and I’m pushing through. Work is keeping me distracted so that’s a good thing. Really happy that I’m back in the 140s as of this morning!

Height: 5’2 1/2
Starting Weight in Dec 2019: 190lbs
Current Weight: 148
Goal Weight: 130-135lbs


Fasting Day 5

Hi Everyone!

Today is going well thus far! I’m back to back at work today so that’s a welcoming distraction. :slight_smile: Height: 5’2 1/2
Starting Weight in Dec 2019: 190lbs
Current Weight: 146
Goal Weight: 130-135lbs

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Fasting Day 6

Hi Everyone!

Today has been hard! Ran 3 miles this morning and did some weight lifting but felt extremely dizzy afterwards. I sat down for a moment, hopped in the shower, and I feel better now. Thankfully tomorrow is day 7 and plan to due a small refeed, then fast another 7 days.

Height: 5’2 1/2
Starting Weight in Dec 2019: 190lbs
Current Weight: 145.2
Goal Weight: 130-135lbs


Good job Dee!!!

Wow, well done, Dee!