Day 1: Monday, August 10th, 2020

I did 36hrs, but I’m out now. I’m doing ADF. But I plan on doing a 5-7 in the near future. Good luck everyone :+1:

Day 3 at work and determined to push through…alittle sleepy .hope my sleep gets better by taking magnesium

Thanks girl!! No more excuses! I’m just unhappy with myself now! Time to make changes!

I’m also on day 3. Seeing I loss three pounds since yesterday does make me feel like continuing on. It was probably just water weight but it was something to encourage me. Keep it up guys!!!


Checking in. I had a bad headache yesterday; I’m feeling a bit better today.


Day 4 and feeling mentally great but physically pathetic :joy: think electrolytes are needed today as really have no desire to eat which is amazing! Have a great day everyone I think after today should start to feel better?

Hope you are feeling better today

Checking in midway through day 3. I’m not feeling very enthusiastic, but I’m feeling pretty strong and healthy.

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Day 10 of 42! LET GO!!!

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Hey Girl,
Thank you for your unending inspiration and enthusiasm.
And special thanks for taking me on your journey.
Please send me your you tube link on how to break a fast.
I have a M-F 5-day fast on repeat for the last few weeks.
But I give myself stomach aches and headaches when breaking the fast.
Best to you & Yours

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Day 11 of 42!


Day 12 of at least 42!